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Author Topic: rev. 24458 disappearing Aliens  (Read 2790 times)

Offline Muton

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rev. 24458 disappearing Aliens
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:49:33 pm »
I was unable to see this alien until i moved to the alien coordinate.
After that i was unable to shoot it

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Re: rev. 24458 disappearing Aliens
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 06:39:13 am »
I was unable to see this alien until i moved to the alien coordinate.
After that i was unable to shoot it

Hi Muton!

I have been getting into maps and i have noticed similar issues with u....
Maybe u may wan to check out if it happens to u too.

Issues are of such:
1) When u r approaching the back of a harvester, say at the back entrance, u cannot see the aliens until u r side by side with em.

2) When u r at the front or the side of the alien ship (like the position where u r), u cannot see ani aliens who are in between 'structures' (presumbly the photon cannons [ok ok, plasma canons])..... in fact, whenever u notice one hiding there, u will have to approach dangerously from a far distance, (sending a scout) and be prepared to have 4 person on reaction shots......

3) When u r turning round the corner of the alien ship, say from the back of the alien ship to the left hand side (common on many scenarios), u cannot see the alien who is say, just behind the 'wings' of the craft....... only when u make tat one dangerous step out will u see.... often being gunned by reaction fire.....