23937 fails to run properly.
Starting up, it displays 0.0 frames per second while going through the main menu.
Starting a skirmish, it loads the map, and after loading Africa, shows 4 levels on the left (vertical) button bar, and zero actors across the top. It eventually crashed and dropped a report log.
Trying to start a campaign game, with developer turned on, resulted in just sitting there. The final output on the screen looked like this:
CL_ParseResearchableCampaignStates: unknown token "rs_skill_assault" ignored (tech rslist_phalanx)
CL_ParseResearchableCampaignStates: unknown token "rs_skill_sniper" ignored (tech rslist_phalanx)
CL_ParseResearchableCampaignStates: unknown token "rs_skill_explosive" ignored (tech rslist_phalanx)
..don't use 'rslist_alien' as researchable list
Second stage parsing started...
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_fighter
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_fighter
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_harvester
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_corrupter
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_corrupter
use weapon rs_craft_weapon_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_bomber
use ammo rs_craft_ammo_sparrowhawk for aircraft craft_ufo_bomber
RS_GetTechByProvided: building_aliencontainment2
Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'
Shutdown server: Game exit
Set server state to 0
E_ResetEmployees: Delete all employees
Wrote keys.cfg
[1]+ Stopped ./ufo +set developer 1
Attached files:
Console log (incomplete) from campaign run
Forced crash dump from campaign run
Normal crash dump from skirmish run
[attachment deleted by admin]