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Author Topic: Links for 2.3 Development Binaries - Full Builts & Incremental Builts Only  (Read 91031 times)

Offline vedrit

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Just on a note, I think no one downloads the changes for that reason above, and that they cant unzip it. I cant.

Offline roman_sharp

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Just on a note, I think no one downloads the changes for that reason above, and that they cant unzip it. I cant.

Errrr... don't you have 7-zip? Take it from

It is excellent free archiver, can handle many types of archives and utilizes good compression algorithms (LZMA, ppMd, bzip2). I rate it as "must-have". LZMA beats popular zip compression, so it's useful for saving traffic. Can make sfx archives as well with overhead about 100k.

Р.S. Also it can uncompress WinRar archives.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 10:49:12 pm by roman_sharp »

Offline MXcom

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Sorry for my ignorance, but how do I use the maps you've put into an extra download, odie?

Extract it into the base folder, is that correct?
edit: I think it worked, but I experienced so many bugs in this revision :(
First, in your map folder there's no maps/ufocrash/uc_craft_drop_firebird.bsp, the game moaned about that when I tried to go on my first mission. I looked into it and found it's most likely a naming issue because there's a uc_craft_craft_drop_firebird.bsp & .map (yes, two times "craft"). Renaming them to uc_craft_drop_firebird seems to fix the issue. Since it might be a problem with your build, rather than with trunk, I'm posting this here for you.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 03:06:36 am by MXcom »


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25321
« Reply #93 on: July 22, 2009, 05:08:20 am »
Ahem gentlemen,

This thread is NOT meant for discussions pls. If need to, pls start new threads / PM.

I am putting the conversation on hold to this new topic.

Back to today's built.

A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25321 (Nice nos) is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of version R25206.)

It is being uploaded to nakido now and estimate will take another 1-2 hrs. (Now = 4.40pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25321 Developer's Built

There is another NON-DEBUG VERSION here for someone to test too.
UFOAI 2.3 R25321 NON DEBUG Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (As of 15 July 2009)

I will have an acknowledgment once this is done. =)
(Both are currently 100% Done) (5.30pm +8GMT)

PS: Just a lil forecast that unless something major change tomorrow, i should be doing a full map recompilation by Friday. :D No promises though. Toodles!

PS2: Kindly PM (Private msg) me or open a new topic and let me know if u find some issues with the builds ok? :D Toodles!

Revision notes from 25298 to 25321 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* use "textlist" node for ufopedia requirement ** "mousefx" property is not need
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:17 AM
bayo-fr * r25321 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/ufopedia.ufo src/client/campaign/cp_ufopedia.c):
* use "textlist" node for ufopedia requirement
** "mousefx" property is not need

* fix fontHeight computation
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:08 AM
bayo-fr * r25320 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/ (m_node_text.c m_node_textlist.c): * fix fontHeight computation

* fix "click/rclick" callback
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:50 AM
bayo-fr * r25319 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_textlist.c: * fix "click/rclick" callback

* add textlist node ** linkedlist of text only ** "pretty" chopped lines ** line...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:40 AM
bayo-fr * r25318 /ufoai/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
* add textlist node
** linkedlist of text only
** "pretty" chopped lines
** line selection with mouse

* fix uninitialized currentY
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:24 AM
bayo-fr * r25317 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_optiontree.c: * fix uninitialized currentY

* cleanup * converted #define to static const int
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:07 AM
tlh2000 * r25316 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_optiontree.c:
* cleanup
* converted #define to static const int

* remove ammo from storage on equipping aircraft
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:58 AM
geever * r25315 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_mapfightequip.c: * remove ammo from storage on equipping aircraft

* applied the new LEGROOMHEIGHT to routing
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:57 AM
aduke1 * r25314 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/routing.c: * applied the new LEGROOMHEIGHT to routing

* added raptor tiles * added them to maps.ufo and ump files
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:55 AM
tlh2000 * r25313 /ufoai/trunk/base/ (9 files in 6 dirs):
* added raptor tiles
* added them to maps.ufo and ump files

* MIN_STEPUP is now different from LEGROOMHEIGHT
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:48 AM
aduke1 * r25312 /ufoai/trunk/src/shared/defines.h: * MIN_STEPUP is now different from LEGROOMHEIGHT

* fixed dropship tiles
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:44 AM
tlh2000 * r25311 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/oriental.ump: * fixed dropship tiles

* added raptor dropship to V_AIRCRAFTTYPE
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:37 AM
tlh2000 * r25310 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/ (scripts.c scripts.h): * added raptor dropship to V_AIRCRAFTTYPE

* fix: don't dump virtual ammo to storage on removal
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:35 AM
geever * r25309 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_mapfightequip.c: * fix: don't dump virtual ammo to storage on removal

* added dragon and herakles to oriental rma
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:34 AM
tlh2000 * r25308 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/maps.ufo: * added dragon and herakles to oriental rma

* added raptor dropship to ump file
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:33 AM
tlh2000 * r25307 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (oriental/ oriental.ump): * added raptor dropship to ump file

* added raptor tile
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:31 AM
tlh2000 * r25306 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/oriental/ * added raptor tile

* updated prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:29 AM
tlh2000 * r25305 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ * updated prefab

* separated landing gear
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25304 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_raptor/ (drop_raptor_gear.md2 drop_raptor_landed.md2): * separated landing gear

* dragon interceptor prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:13 AM
tlh2000 * r25303 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/interceptors/ (inter_dragon.jpg * dragon interceptor prefab

* raptor dropship prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:43 AM
tlh2000 * r25302 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ (drop_raptor.jpg * raptor dropship prefab

* fixed prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:16 AM
tlh2000 * r25301 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ * fixed prefab

* fixed firebird dropship filename
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:12 AM
tlh2000 * r25300 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ufocrash/ ( * fixed firebird dropship filename

* add tile, make map assembly and definition. *...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:07 PM
Kildor * r25299 /ufoai/trunk/base/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
* add tile, make map assembly and definition.
* little tweaks of village assemblies

* new prefab
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:56 AM
tlh2000 * r25298 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (handlift.jpg * new prefab
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 11:28:05 am by odie »


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UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25358 (With Complete Maps Rebuilt)
« Reply #94 on: July 23, 2009, 09:59:51 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25358 has been compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of this version R25358.)

It is being uploaded to nakido now and estimate will take another 2-3 hrs. (Now = 4.15pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25358 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (As of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (6.20pm +8GMT)

I will also include my recompilation of the maps, as of this revision, R25358 here later.
It includes the SVN files as well as the bsp (compiled files).

From now, I will be using 7zip technology to archive it (for common process synchronisation).

UFOAI R25358 Maps - File size is ~83MB but requires 786,013,429 bytes (or 749.601 MB) for full decompression.

(Currently 100% Done) (4.59pm +8GMT)

See summary of archive in the attached pic below.

Revision notes from 25321 to 25358 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* call building_ondestroy if we destory an aliencontainment (otherwise we have...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25358 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/basemanagement.ufo: * call building_ondestroy if we destory an aliencontainment (otherwise we have aliens in our base but no containment)

* show aliens in basesummary
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:16 AM
tlh2000 * r25357 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_base_callbacks.c: * show aliens in basesummary

* fix window name
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:11 AM
bayo-fr * r25356 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/cl_hud.c: * fix window name

* better overflow computation
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:06 AM
bayo-fr * r25355 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_textlist.c: * better overflow computation

* alienbase map pics
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:03 AM
tlh2000 * r25354 /ufoai/trunk/base/pics/maps/ (4 files in 2 dirs): * alienbase map pics

* fix draw overflow
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:02 AM
bayo-fr * r25353 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_textlist.c: * fix draw overflow

* the default value for a rank is -1, not 0
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:48 AM
tlh2000 * r25352 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/cl_team.c: * the default value for a rank is -1, not 0

* implemented CL_GetRankByIdx which is doing a range check
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:41 AM
tlh2000 * r25351 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (8 files in 2 dirs): * implemented CL_GetRankByIdx which is doing a range check

* added E_GetRankShortName
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:31 AM
tlh2000 * r25350 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/ (cp_employee.c cp_employee.h cp_rank.c cp_transfer.c): * added E_GetRankShortName

* ERR_DROP if shortname or name are missing in the scripts
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:18 AM
tlh2000 * r25349 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_rank.c: * ERR_DROP if shortname or name are missing in the scripts

* use some textlist
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:05 AM
bayo-fr * r25348 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/ (buildings.ufo hire.ufo transfer.ufo): * use some textlist

* add todo about LIST_Delete
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:02 AM
bayo-fr * r25347 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (campaign/cp_popup.c cl_hud.c): * add todo about LIST_Delete

* passing place_t* from to RT_FindOpening()
Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:36 AM
aduke1 * r25346 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/routing.c: * passing place_t* from to RT_FindOpening()

* fix scroll and hilight bug
Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:32 AM
bayo-fr * r25345 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_textlist.c: * fix scroll and hilight bug

* rework notice ** display notice per window, and relative to window ** request...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:18 AM
bayo-fr * r25344 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
* rework notice
** display notice per window, and relative to window
** request notice with window name

* removed return
Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:26 AM
tlh2000 * r25343 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_draw.c: * removed return

* merge window extradata into MN_DrawNotice
Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:22 AM
bayo-fr * r25342 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_draw.c: * merge window extradata into MN_DrawNotice

* add todo about MN_DrawNotice
Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:01 AM
bayo-fr * r25341 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_draw.c: * add todo about MN_DrawNotice

* details
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:33 AM
tlh2000 * r25340 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/africa/ * details

* moved starting positions to the dropships * tweaked civilian and alien...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:22 AM
tlh2000 * r25339 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/africa/ (4 files):
* moved starting positions to the dropships
* tweaked civilian and alien starting positions, too

* display battlescape notifications
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:13 AM
geever * r25338 /ufoai/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): * display battlescape notifications

* added some more details
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:11 AM
tlh2000 * r25337 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/africa/ ( * added some more details

* show notice only if it was asked in this menu * @note: not perfect but better...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:00 AM
geever * r25336 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_draw.c:
* show notice only if it was asked in this menu
* @note: not perfect but better than before

* removed alpha channel
Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:59 AM
tlh2000 * r25335 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_herakles/ (ammobox.png extinguiser.png seats.png wallbox.png): * removed alpha channel

* removed alpha channel
Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:59 AM
tlh2000 * r25334 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_herakles/ (herakles_int.png herakles_int_top.png): * removed alpha channel

* damn, why am I always mixing dragon and raptor?
Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:24 AM
tlh2000 * r25333 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ufocrash.ump: * damn, why am I always mixing dragon and raptor?

* added dragon and herakles dropships to ufocrash theme * fixed levelflags for...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:23 AM
tlh2000 * r25332 /ufoai/trunk/base/ (14 files in 12 dirs):
* added dragon and herakles dropships to ufocrash theme
* fixed levelflags for herakles

* fixed the logic in Check_ExtraBrushesForWorldspawn
Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:15 AM
tlh2000 * r25331 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/ufo2map/ (check/checkentities.c map.c): * fixed the logic in Check_ExtraBrushesForWorldspawn

* add some details to the map.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:47 PM
Kildor * r25330 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ * add some details to the map.

* fixed levelflag
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:24 PM
tlh2000 * r25329 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ * fixed levelflag

* reduced vertices a lot (it's now less than our md2 limit 2048)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:23 PM
tlh2000 * r25328 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_herakles/ (seats.md2 seats_2.md2): * reduced vertices a lot (it's now less than our md2 limit 2048)

* updated herakles tiles
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:13 PM
tlh2000 * r25327 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (9 files in 9 dirs): * updated herakles tiles

* starcaser interceptor prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:03 PM
tlh2000 * r25326 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/interceptors/ (inter_starcaser.jpg * starcaser interceptor prefab

* separated gear
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:53 PM
tlh2000 * r25325 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/inter_starchaser/ (starchaser_folded.md2 starchaser_gear.md2): * separated gear

* changed herakles prefab * added herakles pod prefab
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:49 PM
tlh2000 * r25324 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ (4 files):
* changed herakles prefab
* added herakles pod prefab

* rescaled, recentered and changed some vertices * removed single side top model...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:40 PM
tlh2000 * r25323 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_herakles/ (7 files):
* rescaled, recentered and changed some vertices
* removed single side top model
* changed interior top model

* rescaled models
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:18 PM
tlh2000 * r25322 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/inter_starchaser/ (starchaser.md2 starchaser_folded.md2): * rescaled models

* use "textlist" node for ufopedia requirement ** "mousefx" property is not need
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:17 AM
bayo-fr * r25321 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/ufopedia.ufo src/client/campaign/cp_ufopedia.c):
* use "textlist" node for ufopedia requirement
** "mousefx" property is not need
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 05:07:32 am by odie »


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25372
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2009, 05:26:54 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25372 has been compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of earlier version R25358.)

Take note that this contains the shaders now
(that the /base/archives.bat has been updated to include those.)

It is being uploaded to nakido now and estimate will take another 2-3 hrs. (Now = 11.26am +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25372 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (As of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (1.36pm +8GMT)

Revision notes from 25358 to 25372 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* m_intensity (light ent) is an integer now
Friday, July 24, 2009 4:52 AM
tlh2000 * r25372 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/plugins/entity/light.cpp: * m_intensity (light ent) is an integer now

* moved the QUANT-macros to routing.h
Friday, July 24, 2009 4:44 AM
aduke1 * r25371 /ufoai/trunk/src/ (common/routing.h shared/mathlib.h): * moved the QUANT-macros to routing.h

* cleanup in radiant code ** removed unused light entity observers ** removed...
Friday, July 24, 2009 4:41 AM
tlh2000 * r25370 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
* cleanup in radiant code
** removed unused light entity observers
** removed some built in shaders
** moved light radius code from xy window code to camera window code and added it to the preferences page
* changed the way the lightradius is rendered (we still have to find a good approximation to get closer with the ufo2map results)
* removed some members of the light entity
* only render two light spheres, not three

* light radius toggle in menu, export to preferences (like "show names")
Friday, July 24, 2009 3:36 AM
RudolfoWood * r25369 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/ (4 files in 3 dirs): * light radius toggle in menu, export to preferences (like "show names")

Friday, July 24, 2009 3:25 AM
tlh2000 * r25368 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/plugins/entity/light.cpp: * removed USE_TRIANGLE_FAN

* secure that a) no key is set which is not applicable and b) choose color...
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:52 AM
RudolfoWood * r25367 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/ (libs/entitylib.h radiant/entity.cpp): * secure that a) no key is set which is not applicable and b) choose color dialog is not shown if color is not applicable for selected entity

* don't search for classname, we know it
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:38 AM
RudolfoWood * r25366 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/entity.cpp: * don't search for classname, we know it

* ups that was the wrong direction
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:34 AM
tlh2000 * r25365 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/entity.cpp: * ups that was the wrong direction

* fixed color key for entities
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:31 AM
tlh2000 * r25364 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/entity.cpp: * fixed color key for entities

* fixed entity color dialog
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:26 AM
tlh2000 * r25363 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/entity.cpp: * fixed entity color dialog

* gettext marker
Friday, July 24, 2009 2:20 AM
tlh2000 * r25362 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/gtkmisc.cpp: * gettext marker

* fix usage of gtk_entry_get_text_length (available with gtk version >=2.14)
Friday, July 24, 2009 1:50 AM
RudolfoWood * r25361 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/prefabs.cpp: * fix usage of gtk_entry_get_text_length (available with gtk version >=2.14)

* updated codeblocks and binutils
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:51 PM
tlh2000 * r25360 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * updated codeblocks and binutils

* fixed pk3 file creation with the bat file - i will soon remove this mess and...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:26 PM
tlh2000 * r25359 /ufoai/trunk/base/archives.bat: * fixed pk3 file creation with the bat file - i will soon remove this mess and the windows users have to use the makefiles, too

* call building_ondestroy if we destory an aliencontainment (otherwise we have...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25358 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/basemanagement.ufo: * call building_ondestroy if we destory an aliencontainment (otherwise we have aliens in our base but no containment)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 05:02:08 am by odie »

Offline Thyranim

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Broken Link? Empty URL ?

Ok, but found your file odie, so for all: here is the correct link for odie's built package:

UFOAI 2.3 R25372 Developer's Built


  • Guest
Re: UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25372
« Reply #97 on: July 25, 2009, 05:04:24 am »
Broken Link? Empty URL ?

Ok, but found your file odie, so for all: here is the correct link for odie's built package:

UFOAI 2.3 R25372 Developer's Built

I dunnoe. I thnk something's not right with the url copy and paste .... i am using 3.5 Firefox.....

Aniwae, thanks, i fixed the link above. :D


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25390
« Reply #98 on: July 25, 2009, 06:53:00 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25390 has been compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of earlier version R25358.)

It is being uploaded to nakido now and estimate will take another 2-3 hrs. (Now = 12.53pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25390 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (As of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (3pm +8GMT)

PS: This will also be my last upload for this week! Blessed weekend! :D
PS2: I know some ufo2map components, and i need recompile my maps soon again! Nx week ok? :D

Revision notes from 25372 to 25390 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* Fixed not falling error in Grid_MoveMark.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:21 AM
wilminator * r25390 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/cmodel.c: * Fixed not falling error in Grid_MoveMark.

* readability bmin/bmax
Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:49 AM
aduke1 * r25389 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/routing.c: * readability bmin/bmax

* ufo2map -fix (levelflags, phongs unset for nodraw faces)
Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:16 AM
richlv * r25388 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ * ufo2map -fix (levelflags, phongs unset for nodraw faces)

* update alien tranfer with textlist+linkedlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:25 AM
bayo-fr * r25387 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/geoscape.ufo src/client/campaign/cp_transfer.c): * update alien tranfer with textlist+linkedlist

* update irc users with textlist+linkedlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:22 AM
bayo-fr * r25386 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): * update irc users with textlist+linkedlist

* update market with textlist+linkedlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:22 AM
bayo-fr * r25385 /ufoai/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): * update market with textlist+linkedlist

* selection changed listener for updating menu item sensitivity for entity menu...
Saturday, July 25, 2009 3:41 AM
RudolfoWood * r25384 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/entity.cpp:
* selection changed listener for updating menu item sensitivity for entity menu
mattn: please check condition for group/ungroup

* update uforecovery with textlist+linkedlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 3:24 AM
bayo-fr * r25383 /ufoai/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): * update uforecovery with textlist+linkedlist

* console message when we autoclose the window
Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:42 AM
bayo-fr * r25382 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/node/m_node_material_editor.c: * console message when we autoclose the window

* update text->textlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:04 AM
bayo-fr * r25381 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/aircraft_equip.ufo: * update text->textlist

* update aircraftlist with textlist+linkedlist
Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:59 AM
bayo-fr * r25380 /ufoai/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): * update aircraftlist with textlist+linkedlist

* update text->textlist * remove a mousefx * add comment about tabbed text
Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:43 AM
bayo-fr * r25379 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/basedefence.ufo:
* update text->textlist
* remove a mousefx
* add comment about tabbed text

* remove mousefx
Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:36 AM
bayo-fr * r25378 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ui/buildings.ufo: * remove mousefx

* update material editor list with textlist+linkedlist * tag some tabbed text...
Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:06 AM
bayo-fr * r25377 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
* update material editor list with textlist+linkedlist
* tag some tabbed text into GUI scripts

* update tutorial list with textlist+linkedlist
Friday, July 24, 2009 11:52 PM
bayo-fr * r25376 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/tutorials.ufo src/client/cl_tutorials.c): * update tutorial list with textlist+linkedlist

* update campaign list with textlist+linkedlist
Friday, July 24, 2009 11:45 PM
bayo-fr * r25375 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/campaign.ufo src/client/cl_game_campaign.c): * update campaign list with textlist+linkedlist

* update production GUI data with linkedlist * update production GUI with...
Friday, July 24, 2009 11:34 PM
bayo-fr * r25374 /ufoai/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
* update production GUI data with linkedlist
* update production GUI with textlist

* support textalign per cells (textlist node) ** default value is middle-left *...
Friday, July 24, 2009 11:20 PM
bayo-fr * r25373 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/ (8 files in 2 dirs):
* support textalign per cells (textlist node)
** default value is middle-left
* remove node from MN_DrawStringInBox

* m_intensity (light ent) is an integer now
Friday, July 24, 2009 4:52 AM
tlh2000 * r25372 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/plugins/entity/light.cpp: * m_intensity (light ent) is an integer now
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 03:41:01 pm by odie »


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25447 (With Complete Maps Rebuilt)
« Reply #99 on: July 27, 2009, 04:20:30 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25447 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of this version R25447.)

It is being uploaded to nakido and estimate will take another ~2-3 hrs. (Now = 3.23pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25447 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (Current version as of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (3.59pm +8GMT)

I am also including my recompilation of the maps, as of this revision, R25447 here.
It includes the SVN files as well as the bsp (compiled files).

From now, I will be using 7zip technology to archive it (for common process synchronization).

UFOAI R25447 Maps - File size is ~75MB but requires 785,080,963 bytes (or 748.712 MB) for full decompression.

(Currently 100% Done) (3.58pm +8GMT)

See summary of archive in the attached pic below.

Revision notes from 25390 to 25447 (See notes below).
(In a nutshell, highly recommended to download as new prefabs, stairs and quite a bit of maps related stuff, including lighting are updated. Also seen some reworks of the music and intro. Seemed better! Tons of firebirds and crafts related updates too.)

Code: [Select]
* fixed skin path
Monday, July 27, 2009 6:12 AM
tlh2000 * r25447 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/vegi/tree_dead/tree_dead.md2: * fixed skin path

* fixed skin path
Monday, July 27, 2009 6:11 AM
tlh2000 * r25446 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/vegi/plants/ (plant.md2 plant1.md2): * fixed skin path

* converted bmp to png * moved ugv_wheel into seperate directory
Monday, July 27, 2009 6:10 AM
tlh2000 * r25445 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
* converted bmp to png
* moved ugv_wheel into seperate directory

* moved models from data_source into trunk
Monday, July 27, 2009 6:07 AM
tlh2000 * r25444 /ufoai/ (32 files in 13 dirs): * moved models from data_source into trunk

* here popupListData is never registred into dataid
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:35 AM
bayo-fr * r25443 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/campaign/cp_popup.c: * here popupListData is never registred into dataid

* new prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:30 AM
tlh2000 * r25442 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (pipes2.jpg * new prefab

* move popupListText from global to local var
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:30 AM
bayo-fr * r25441 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/cl_hud.c: * move popupListText from global to local var

* two new prefabs
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:26 AM
tlh2000 * r25440 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (garbagecan.jpg hovercraft.jpg * two new prefabs

* new prefabs
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:14 AM
tlh2000 * r25439 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ (8 files in 2 dirs): * new prefabs

* new prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:45 AM
tlh2000 * r25438 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (console.jpg * new prefab

* two new barrel prefabs
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:37 AM
tlh2000 * r25437 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (barrel3.jpg barrel4.jpg * two new barrel prefabs

* rescaled models
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:26 AM
tlh2000 * r25436 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/industrial/ (cond.md2 console/cabels.md2 console/console.md2 fan/fan.md2): * rescaled models

* new car prefabs
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:25 AM
tlh2000 * r25435 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/cars/ (car2.jpg puma.jpg * new car prefabs

* removed car5 (duplicate)
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:24 AM
tlh2000 * r25434 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/cars/car5/: * removed car5 (duplicate)

* reexported to md2
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:14 AM
tlh2000 * r25433 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/cars/car5/ (car5.md2 car5.obj): * reexported to md2

* fixed skinpath
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:06 AM
tlh2000 * r25432 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/cars/jeep/jeep.md2: * fixed skinpath

* reexported jeep model (reduced vertex count from over 3000 to round 500) *...
Monday, July 27, 2009 4:05 AM
tlh2000 * r25431 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/cars/ (jeep/jeep.md2 puma/puma.md2 puma/puma.obj):
* reexported jeep model (reduced vertex count from over 3000 to round 500)
* converted puma from obj to md2 and rescaled

* streetlight prefab * updated stair prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 3:52 AM
tlh2000 * r25430 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/misc/ (stair.jpg streetlight2.jpg
* streetlight prefab
* updated stair prefab

* changed skinpath
Monday, July 27, 2009 3:45 AM
tlh2000 * r25429 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/city/light/ (light.md2 light1.md2 light2.md2): * changed skinpath

* removed unused images * split streetlight model
Monday, July 27, 2009 3:44 AM
tlh2000 * r25428 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/city/light/ (9 files):
* removed unused images
* split streetlight model

* moved model from data_source into trunk and copied normalmap of a model from...
Monday, July 27, 2009 3:08 AM
tlh2000 * r25427 /ufoai/ (3 files in 3 dirs): * moved model from data_source into trunk and copied normalmap of a model from data_source into trunk

* moved some models from data_source into trunk
Monday, July 27, 2009 3:02 AM
tlh2000 * r25426 /ufoai/ (23 files in 8 dirs): * moved some models from data_source into trunk

* fixed ufo_figher rotation and position in some maps
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:38 AM
tlh2000 * r25425 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (4 files in 4 dirs): * fixed ufo_figher rotation and position in some maps

* ufo_fighter prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:32 AM
tlh2000 * r25424 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (farm/ forest/ * ufo_fighter prefab

* added lights to prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:30 AM
tlh2000 * r25423 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ufos/ * added lights to prefab

* ufo_fighter prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25422 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/tropic/ * ufo_fighter prefab

* fixed prefabs
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:24 AM
tlh2000 * r25421 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/vegetation/ ( * fixed prefabs

* use new ufo_fighter prefab and fixed some alien starting positions inside of...
Monday, July 27, 2009 2:18 AM
tlh2000 * r25420 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ ( laboratory/ * use new ufo_fighter prefab and fixed some alien starting positions inside of actorclips

* updated with new fighter model
Monday, July 27, 2009 1:59 AM
tlh2000 * r25419 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ * updated with new fighter model

* updated prefab
Monday, July 27, 2009 1:55 AM
tlh2000 * r25418 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ufos/ * updated prefab

* rotated the ufo_fighter models (maps and prefabs are still missing)
Monday, July 27, 2009 1:42 AM
tlh2000 * r25417 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/ufo_fighter/ (6 files): * rotated the ufo_fighter models (maps and prefabs are still missing)

* updated firebirds
Monday, July 27, 2009 1:15 AM
tlh2000 * r25416 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (10 files in 8 dirs): * updated firebirds

* updated firebirds
Monday, July 27, 2009 12:57 AM
tlh2000 * r25415 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ ( * updated firebirds

* updated firebirds
Monday, July 27, 2009 12:41 AM
tlh2000 * r25414 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (14 files in 10 dirs): * updated firebirds

* updated firebirds
Monday, July 27, 2009 12:17 AM
tlh2000 * r25413 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (17 files in 14 dirs): * updated firebirds

* update mail message with a floating window
Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:47 PM
bayo-fr * r25412 /ufoai/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): * update mail message with a floating window

* updated prefabs
Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:19 PM
tlh2000 * r25411 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ (dropships/ interceptors/ * updated prefabs

* removed glass models (which are now merged with the craft model) * NOTE: The...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:48 PM
tlh2000 * r25410 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ (44 files in 31 dirs):
* removed glass models (which are now merged with the craft model)
* NOTE: The rotation is not yet fixed

* reexported
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:41 PM
tlh2000 * r25409 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/inter_stiletto/stiletto.md2: * reexported

* removed glass model from stiletto interceptor
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:38 PM
tlh2000 * r25408 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/models.ufo: * removed glass model from stiletto interceptor

* merged glass model and texture with basic model and texture of the interceptor
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:38 PM
tlh2000 * r25407 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/inter_stiletto/ (4 files): * merged glass model and texture with basic model and texture of the interceptor

* changed skin path
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:31 PM
tlh2000 * r25406 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/inter_stiletto/ (stiletto_engines.jpg stiletto_engines.md2): * changed skin path

* readded ufo to credits sequence * removed glass model from menu_model...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:26 PM
tlh2000 * r25405 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/ (models.ufo seq_credits.ufo):
* readded ufo to credits sequence
* removed glass model from menu_model definition for dropship

* updated prefab to reflect changes on the dropship model
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:23 PM
tlh2000 * r25404 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/dropships/ (drop_firebird.jpg * updated prefab to reflect changes on the dropship model

* merged glass model and texture with basic model and texture of the dropship
Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:15 PM
tlh2000 * r25403 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/aircraft/drop_firebird/ (5 files): * merged glass model and texture with basic model and texture of the dropship

* remove mn_push_copy ** only one use for the ufopedia (and IMO not need) **...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:33 PM
bayo-fr * r25402 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (campaign/cp_ufopedia.c menu/m_menus.c):
* remove mn_push_copy
** only one use for the ufopedia (and IMO not need)
** can't work

* seperated sequence binding from geoscape bindings
Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:43 PM
tlh2000 * r25401 /ufoai/trunk/base/keys.cfg: * seperated sequence binding from geoscape bindings

* only esc stops cinematic and cutscene * mouseclick now only ends the wait of a...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:38 PM
tlh2000 * r25400 /ufoai/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
* only esc stops cinematic and cutscene
* mouseclick now only ends the wait of a sequence, not the whole sequence
* changed menu keybindings (update your keys.cfg to make this work)
* doxygen

* new intro animation version by Vio (see...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:58 PM
tlh2000 * r25399 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/seq_intro.ufo: * new intro animation version by Vio (see )

* add textlist for selected transferable element
Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:36 AM
bayo-fr * r25398 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): * add textlist for selected transferable element

* const + reduced scope
Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:57 AM
tlh2000 * r25397 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/cl_sequence.c: * const + reduced scope

* patch from the forum (...
Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:49 AM
tlh2000 * r25396 /ufoai/trunk/base/ufos/seq_intro.ufo: * patch from the forum (;topicseen ) which modifies the intro sequence

* split transfer list into 2 * @todo we should add another column for the main...
Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:49 PM
bayo-fr * r25395 /ufoai/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
* split transfer list into 2
* @todo we should add another column for the main list

* fix missing classnames
Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:06 PM
RudolfoWood * r25394 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/farm/ ( * fix missing classnames

* classname attribute may be set even if there is no definition
Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:27 PM
RudolfoWood * r25393 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/libs/entitylib.h: * classname attribute may be set even if there is no definition

* fix "flying soldier" * fix
Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:51 PM
Kildor * r25392 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/village/ (
* fix "flying soldier"
* fix

* some fixes by duke (feedback is welcome duke)
Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:02 PM
tlh2000 * r25391 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/farm/ ( * some fixes by duke (feedback is welcome duke)

* Fixed not falling error in Grid_MoveMark.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:21 AM
wilminator * r25390 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/cmodel.c: * Fixed not falling error in Grid_MoveMark.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 03:37:37 am by odie »


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25464
« Reply #100 on: July 28, 2009, 04:58:02 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25464 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of version R25447.)

It is being uploaded to nakido and estimate will take another ~2-3 hrs. (Now = 10.53am +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25464 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (Current version as of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (1.30pm +8GMT)

Checksum as follows:

Code: [Select]
CRC32 - 7ABA2D4E
MD5 - 370DE1063DA806D5BB2B6AFE1FCECD5C
SHA1 - B8CBED3E263B5C42674A06A8D1616831E32B5343

Revision notes from 25447 to 25464 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* moved clean targets into to have them for tab completion, too
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25464 /ufoai/trunk/ ( build/ build/ * moved clean targets into to have them for tab completion, too

* fixed routing test for now
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:26 AM
tlh2000 * r25463 /ufoai/trunk/src/tests/test_routing.c: * fixed routing test for now

* basic code for unittests
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:59 AM
tlh2000 * r25462 /ufoai/trunk/ (8 files in 3 dirs): * basic code for unittests

* switch to shortname for sorting, reinit sort after fill
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:38 AM
RudolfoWood * r25461 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/prefabs.cpp: * switch to shortname for sorting, reinit sort after fill

* added misc_model
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25460 /ufoai/trunk/base/maps/ * added misc_model

* removed per le event time delay (produced more problems as it solved) * we are...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25459 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (cl_le.c cl_le.h events/e_time.c):
* removed per le event time delay (produced more problems as it solved)
* we are now only able to move one soldier at a time again

* extracted prefabs
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:19 AM
tlh2000 * r25458 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ (15 files in 2 dirs): * extracted prefabs

* codeblocks nightly update
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:21 AM
nairan * r25457 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * codeblocks nightly update

* extracted prefabs
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:03 AM
tlh2000 * r25456 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ (9 files in 2 dirs): * extracted prefabs

* prevent segfault from empty data insertion
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:54 AM
RudolfoWood * r25455 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/entityinspector.cpp: * prevent segfault from empty data insertion

* reintroduced sorting for prefabs (was broken with filtering)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:52 AM
RudolfoWood * r25454 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/sidebar/prefabs.cpp: * reintroduced sorting for prefabs (was broken with filtering)

* updated palm prefabs
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:51 AM
tlh2000 * r25453 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ * updated palm prefabs

* new prefab
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:46 AM
tlh2000 * r25452 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/vegetation/ (tree_dead.jpg * new prefab

* ups - revert the renaming
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:44 AM
tlh2000 * r25451 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/vegi/tree_dead/ (tree_dead.png tree_dead1.png): * ups - revert the renaming

* separated into three models
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:32 AM
tlh2000 * r25450 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/vegi/tree_dead/ (6 files): * separated into three models

* new prefabs
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:16 AM
tlh2000 * r25449 /ufoai/trunk/radiant/prefabs/ (10 files in 2 dirs): * new prefabs

* converted to md2 and rescaled
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:02 AM
tlh2000 * r25448 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/cars/trailer/ (boxtrailer.md2 boxtrailer.obj): * converted to md2 and rescaled

* fixed skin path
Monday, July 27, 2009 6:12 AM
tlh2000 * r25447 /ufoai/trunk/base/models/objects/vegi/tree_dead/tree_dead.md2: * fixed skin path
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 07:00:51 am by odie »


  • Guest
No Links Today
« Reply #101 on: July 29, 2009, 09:58:55 am »
Dear UFOAI-ans,

Just to let us know that there is not much updates today, hence i am not uploading a new binary.

This is also partially due to the fact that i am trying to 'upgrade' the codeblocks to a newer version that mattn has uploaded, but has not since worked for me.

Waiting for this to be resolved.....

If worst come to worst, by friday, i will use the old CB version to compile the last update for the wk. :D

*paws crossed*


  • Guest
UFOAI Developer's Built 2.3 R25493
« Reply #102 on: July 30, 2009, 10:40:44 am »
A new DEBUG version, complete clean rebuilt in codeblocks, R25493 is compiled and is being uploaded to nakido now. (Last Complete Rebuilt of Maps will be as of version R25447.)

It is being uploaded to nakido and estimate will take another ~1-2 hrs. (Now = 2.50pm +8GMT).

The file, when ready, will be at this:
UFOAI 2.3 R25493 Developer's Built

*Please note that you will have to download the latest NAKIDO flag file and install to get uninterrupted / resume download functions. (Current version as of Mondays ago - 29 June 2009)

I will have an acknowledgement once this is done. =)
(Currently 100% Done) (4.20pm +8GMT)

Checksum as follows:

Code: [Select]
CRC32 - 7ABA2D4E
MD5 - 370DE1063DA806D5BB2B6AFE1FCECD5C
SHA1 - B8CBED3E263B5C42674A06A8D1616831E32B5343

Revision notes from 25464 to 25493 (See notes below).

Code: [Select]
* support methods
Thursday, July 30, 2009 5:21 AM
bayo-fr * r25493 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ui/ * support methods

* add "toggle" function for checkbox * example with popup_tipoftheday
Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:51 AM
bayo-fr * r25492 /ufoai/trunk/ (base/ufos/ui/main.ufo src/client/menu/node/m_node_checkbox.c):
* add "toggle" function for checkbox
* example with popup_tipoftheday

* changed the order to reflect the order in the interface
Thursday, July 30, 2009 2:21 AM
tlh2000 * r25491 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/plugins/entity/entity.cpp: * changed the order to reflect the order in the interface

* applied Rudolfo's light radius patch
Thursday, July 30, 2009 2:12 AM
tlh2000 * r25490 /ufoai/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs): * applied Rudolfo's light radius patch

* extended Actor is still moving error message
Thursday, July 30, 2009 2:01 AM
tlh2000 * r25489 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/events/event/actor/e_event_actormove.c: * extended Actor is still moving error message

* removed unused variable
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:52 AM
tlh2000 * r25488 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/menu/m_parse.c: * removed unused variable

* forgot to commit the config.h template
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:45 AM
tlh2000 * r25487 /ufoai/trunk/ * forgot to commit the config.h template

* added cunit test if configure was called with --enable-tests
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:43 AM
tlh2000 * r25486 /ufoai/trunk/ (configure * added cunit test if configure was called with --enable-tests

* removed libjpeg from some radiant targets
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:33 AM
tlh2000 * r25485 /ufoai/trunk/build/projects/ (5 files): * removed libjpeg from some radiant targets

* clean and fixed linker and cflags for linux and mac target
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:29 AM
tlh2000 * r25484 /ufoai/trunk/build/projects/ (8 files): * clean and fixed linker and cflags for linux and mac target

* added sdl framework to mac target
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:12 AM
tlh2000 * r25483 /ufoai/trunk/build/projects/ufo_ded.cbp: * added sdl framework to mac target

* added vorbis, theora and xvid to linux and mac targets
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:11 AM
tlh2000 * r25482 /ufoai/trunk/build/projects/ufo.cbp: * added vorbis, theora and xvid to linux and mac targets

* added sdl-config to ufo_ded project
Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:10 AM
tlh2000 * r25481 /ufoai/trunk/build/projects/ufo_ded.cbp: * added sdl-config to ufo_ded project

* added libintl and gettext packages
Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:55 AM
tlh2000 * r25480 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * added libintl and gettext packages

* updated gettext to 0.17 * changed the autoconf and automake versions * added...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:45 PM
tlh2000 * r25479 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/
* updated gettext to 0.17
* changed the autoconf and automake versions
* added libtool

* unified strings
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:07 PM
tlh2000 * r25478 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/ (dialogs/findtextures.cpp mainframe.cpp): * unified strings

* move replace texture menu item into the tool menu
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:05 PM
tlh2000 * r25477 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/ (mainframe.cpp texwindow.cpp): * move replace texture menu item into the tool menu

* reduced scope, static, cleanup
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:57 PM
tlh2000 * r25476 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/ (5 files): * reduced scope, static, cleanup

* static + cleanup
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:38 PM
tlh2000 * r25475 /ufoai/trunk/src/tools/radiant/radiant/selection.cpp: * static + cleanup

* fixed typo
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:19 PM
tlh2000 * r25474 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * fixed typo

* added cunit and fixed return value checking
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:17 PM
tlh2000 * r25473 /ufoai/trunk/contrib/scripts/ * added cunit and fixed return value checking

* doxygen
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:23 PM
tlh2000 * r25472 /ufoai/trunk/src/common/cmodel.c: * doxygen

* fixed routing test initialization
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:21 PM
tlh2000 * r25471 /ufoai/trunk/src/tests/test_routing.c: * fixed routing test initialization

* extended inventory tests
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:12 PM
tlh2000 * r25470 /ufoai/trunk/src/ (game/inv_shared.c tests/test_inventory.c): * extended inventory tests

* move var from global to local (fix SF #2827628)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:53 AM
bayo-fr * r25469 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/cl_hud.c: * move var from global to local (fix SF #2827628)

* allow to create callable function per node behaviour * add "zoomin"/"zoomout"...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:29 AM
bayo-fr * r25468 /ufoai/trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
* allow to create callable function per node behaviour
* add "zoomin"/"zoomout" for map node
* update geoscape UI script

* INVSH_GetInventoryDefinitionByID implemented * start to implement a real test...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 2:14 AM
tlh2000 * r25467 /ufoai/trunk/src/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
* INVSH_GetInventoryDefinitionByID implemented
* start to implement a real test for inventory management

* changed Com_ParseScripts to accept a boolean and not rely on the cvar...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:50 PM
tlh2000 * r25466 /ufoai/trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): * changed Com_ParseScripts to accept a boolean and not rely on the cvar sv_dedicated to be set already

* added basic code for inventory tests
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:18 PM
tlh2000 * r25465 /ufoai/trunk/ (10 files in 3 dirs): * added basic code for inventory tests

* moved clean targets into to have them for tab completion, too
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:27 AM
tlh2000 * r25464 /ufoai/trunk/ ( build/ build/ * moved clean targets into to have them for tab completion, too
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 07:01:48 am by odie »


  • Guest
getting "Corrupted Installer" when "0Materials.pk3" reach 63%, even after the installer really corrupted or what?

« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 05:21:25 pm by Digin_BR »


  • Guest
getting "Corrupted Installer" when "Materials.pk0" reach 63%, even after the installer really corrupted or what?


Hi Digin_BR,

I have went back to check the file. Here's the checksum of the file after unzipping (aka the 0materials.pk3 archive):
CRC32 - 53B0DE7F
MD5 - 89CA63E1AF433B8E0F8486B979409EC1
SHA1 - B101C4CB0034D4BE6F084CAFB072FA132EF09CA5

And the binary revision nos 25493 should be:

Code: [Select]
CRC32 - 7ABA2D4E
MD5 - 370DE1063DA806D5BB2B6AFE1FCECD5C
SHA1 - B8CBED3E263B5C42674A06A8D1616831E32B5343

Could u pls verify if u have managed to download the whole archive correctly? (I understand u downloaded it twice.)

U can download a freeware checksum tool at:
Express Checksum Calculator

Let me know if this still fails. I am in the midst of compiling another revision btw. If still fail, maybe i see if anione else has the issue. I tried unpacking at home yesterday, and it seemed ok to me.