Okie, i believe this deserve a whole new section though.
I am hoping to recommend a new section (like that of modding's) for recommendations for amendments to current weapons' stats - balancing the game.
I would start off with this:
Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Sub-Machine and Sniper Rifle gun's range should differ.
I supposed from wiki, the 'improved' Assault Rifle use the 4.7 caseless, Machine guns generally employs 4.7mm caseless, submachine usually 5.7 (probably 7.62??) (probably cased?), whilst sniper rifles operate in 20mm. Real Machine guns usually has effective range of 2km (Range 250), sub should be less, whilst snipers operate in abt 2km range with deadly accuracy (hence, spread is much much smaller).
In UFOAI, Machine Guns have same range as Sniper rifles. I recommend that if 250 is max range, then Sniper Rifles be fixed at 250, machine guns can should be less at perhaps 200 but bigger spread (much bigger). Then Sub machine guns should be less since they use a cased shell, and is meant for closed combat, though it be possible to be just as deadly......(why 250? See below assault rifles)
Assault rifles has a pathetic range, though using the same 4.7 caseless. So, either we upped the range to that of the of the machine gun (since same ammo), and keep its spread to be better than machine gun at single aimed / snap / 3 rounds burst (increasing order of spread); OR, we keep the range CLOSER to that of proposed machine gun's (like 150-180 range) with good spread (much lower than machine gun but not as low as sniper rifle's).
In addition, notice tis quote from wiki of sniper rifle:
Originally an anti-materiel rifle, the Canada-built Forrester LRWS (Long Range Weapon System) has since been adopted by many countries as their principal sniper rifle. It is one of the bare handful of sniper rifles developed after 2040 that do not feature a bullpup configuration ('bullpup' meaning the magazine and action of the weapon are located behind the grip to reduce overall weapon length). It fires the massive 20mm HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) cartridge, fed by 5-round magazines which can weigh as much as one kilogramme apiece. The piston-retarded floating breech is equipped with an intricate gas dispersal system which decreases felt recoil to the level of an ordinary hunting rifle. This allows quick repeated shots on semi-automatic without any loss of accuracy.
Notice my highlights - is something not right here? Yes.
1) Our current sniper rifle does not have modes outside Aimed (for player's turn only) and Snap (either reaction fire or player's turn).
2) In fact, there is no auto fire / 2 rounds rapid shots.....
Perhaps some wiki amendments can be done OR an additional mode can be added to the Sniper Rifle.
Last regarding the Machine Gun and Assault Rifle, if they use the same 4.7 caseless, should they not be interchangeable? This is disputable, but since we are trying to get flexibility in our arms, perhaps this should be so.....
Afterall, we all know M16 rite? Heard of SAW? (
Section Automatic Weapon) They can use the SAME magazine in emergency, except that one is an assault rifle, the other functions like a machine gun. We could consider this too?