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Author Topic: Installing both versions?  (Read 8749 times)

Offline SharkD

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Installing both versions?
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:53:35 am »
Do the development and stable version cohabit well on the same system? Can I install them both and not expect errors?



Offline BTAxis

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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 10:34:03 am »
Yes. As long as you install in separate directories, all should be well.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 04:20:27 am »
I have both in the same system and as the friend as long as we do it in a seperate direction, its definitely not a problem and i never had any problem.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2009, 11:22:18 pm »
Awesome! I just DL'd Odie's 24322 build. (At least that's what the filename says...)

Gonna install this one on a separate directory.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 08:11:02 am »
Awesome! I just DL'd Odie's 24322 build. (At least that's what the filename says...)

Gonna install this one on a separate directory.
Oh yar, Ildamos,

In case u r one of those, like me, who installed and keep 2 or 3 (2.3 dev) revisions of UFOAI on the same system, u might want to know that the save games are in the same directory, and u might want to keep a manual copy and paste and note the revisions. :D

What i meant are: (C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Application Data\UFOAI\2.3-dev\base)

:D (Because, so long as they are same revision, they all are saved in the 2.3-dev directory, 2.2.1 its own, 2.1 its own, etc etc....)


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2009, 05:34:30 pm »
So I probably go to that directory path and save the "base" folder before I uninstall any v2.3 dev build?

The question is important as I've uninstalled a 2.3 dev build and learned belatedly that my 2.2.1 won't work anymore and that all my saved games vanished.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2009, 04:14:18 am »
So I probably go to that directory path and save the "base" folder before I uninstall any v2.3 dev build?

The question is important as I've uninstalled a 2.3 dev build and learned belatedly that my 2.2.1 won't work anymore and that all my saved games vanished.

Yar, something like tat was wat i did..... until i decide to simply truncate older versions which dun work animore.

U lost ur built savegames? During uninstallation of UFOAI, they have 2 prompts:
1) Uninstall, yes, no.
2) Remove all configurations and savegames, yes, no.

Did u select yes to both? If so, byebye to old data.
If u selected no to 2nd, u will still retain all savegames....


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2009, 07:11:09 am »
Ah. I checked that yes, thinking it only removed 2.3's data.  :P

Thanks for the heads up!


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2009, 10:30:59 am »
Ah. I checked that yes, thinking it only removed 2.3's data.  :P

Thanks for the heads up!


I guessed tat would meant ur good o' savegame is GG (Good game aka Byebye)......

Just be careful and read the uninstallation instructions nx time. :P

Okie, weekend's coming up and no updates i guess..... will wait for monday le!


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2009, 11:11:25 am »
Will prolly play a bit w ur latest compilation but if time allows, I'll be painting my XVI Census. Mayhap the team can salvage some XCF layers from it.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2009, 11:22:16 am »
Will prolly play a bit w ur latest compilation but if time allows, I'll be painting my XVI Census. Mayhap the team can salvage some XCF layers from it.

Oh? Whats XVI Census btw? I am not really a graphics person. The only few graphics programs i use are microsoft stupid photoeditor (for screenshots capturing) and GIMP 2.0. Lol.

What are XCF?? I am really nuts at graphics rendering (just not my forte and not my interest much). lol.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2009, 11:27:58 am »
I'm doing concept art for this game. The XVI Census is:

XCF is the file extension of the photo editing program The Gimp.  ;D


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2009, 09:46:39 am »
XCF is the file extension of the photo editing program The Gimp.  ;D

Hahaha, this is embarrassing..... i din even realised XCF is for GIMP 2 haha. I usually set it to default in JPG tats why. Haha. :P

Like i say, i am nuts with graphics; to me, most arts are nice when i thnk they are nice, wont be able to comment further on this. lol.


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2009, 05:42:28 pm »
Odie I had my wife DL your latest compilation and now I'm ready to uninstall the previous build. (Yes, her name is Lilah, she's also a gamer and I'm Ethan. I have a best friend named Lucas.) However, I want to clean my registry clean of UFO: AI traces AND save my games.

So what I'm going to do is make a copy of these files:

paste it somewhere safe like MyDOcs > My Porn (kidding. ;D), uninstall the games, install your newest compilation.

Copy-pasting the above folders to that same directory should reinstate my games right? And if I decide to install again 2.2.1, I could simply c-paste the 2.2.1 folder in the same directory and continue where I left off right?

Thanks for any helpful reply.  ;D


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Re: Installing both versions?
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2009, 11:28:22 am »
Odie I had my wife DL your latest compilation and now I'm ready to uninstall the previous build. (Yes, her name is Lilah, she's also a gamer and I'm Ethan. I have a best friend named Lucas.) However, I want to clean my registry clean of UFO: AI traces AND save my games.

So what I'm going to do is make a copy of these files:

paste it somewhere safe like MyDOcs > My Porn (kidding. ;D), uninstall the games, install your newest compilation.

Copy-pasting the above folders to that same directory should reinstate my games right? And if I decide to install again 2.2.1, I could simply c-paste the 2.2.1 folder in the same directory and continue where I left off right?

Thanks for any helpful reply.  ;D

Hi Ildamos,

Wow! Interesting ring of relationships with all-familar names u have! Lol.

Back to topic: :P
Those 2 directories are the correct ones to backup. :)

Just save em somewhere if u intend to remove all settings during the uninstallation procedure.
The regedit is usually not necessarily, cos i seen the uninstaller doing a good job. But if u wish, all instances of "ufo" will be good enuf. :P Unless u have some other ufo-like games. :D

Actually, when u uninstall 2.3, and keep your 2.2.1 or other earlier versions, the save games will only be removed for that particular version. But regarding the reinstatement procedures u gave, it is definately the case. Copying your particular versions' savegames will bring back and reinstate your old savegames alrite. :D

A note on this, if its 2.3 - dev u are talking about, some earlier versions' (revisions) savegames do break. So take note of that.

Have fun both u and wife. :D