... ok finally i compiled everything with devC++ with no problems
but when i tried to start a game windows error appeared
i think its connected with this bug in ref_gl which i fixed:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `Q_strncpyz'
more undefined references to `Q_strncpyz' follow
ld returned 1 exit status
C:\Documents and Settings\Joe\My Documents\space\src\ref_gl\Makefile.win [Build Error] [../../ref_gl.dll] Error 1
what i did:
i added in every .c file in ref_gl.dev which said about "underfined reference" this:
#define Q_strncpyz(string1,string2,length)
and all compiled without problems, but game doesnt start normaly and fall down

what i did wrong?