Well, there's your alien base missions, which will involve neutralizing a special piece of machinery. We're also planning an offworld mission, which will likely be about reaching a particular spot on the map. Then base defence missions will not only be about killing all the baddies, you also have to prevent said baddies from destroying vital equipment in your base.
Managed to finally follow up on some of these earlier discussions..... ooooo, this sure sound exciting!

*rubs paws gleefully too....*
Our game is not. It's about building multiple squads that do many missions.
Hi BTAxis,
On this point, i was wondering if u play with multiple squads?? (of 8s). Cos, i usually stick with my 'Usual 8s' with maybe 2-4 to spare (in view of bigger dropships in future?)
Also on same point, why do we keep even > 8 soldiers (other than replacement's sake)? I know in UFO (Xcom series), u need to have a certain number of soldiers before a certain soldier gets promoted (as in the soldier's promotion depended on nos of kills, missions + total of soldiers currently). I saw our specs (as in medals.ufo) and it does not seemed to be so.
If i did not interpret the codes wrongly, it seemed to point to promotion criteria: (Currently not balanced, so others looking at this just refrain from judging on these criterias)
[Lets take Warrant for example]
rank warrant
name "_Warrant Officer"
shortname "_WO"
image "ranks/rank_05"
mind 65
killed_enemies 18
killed_others 7
factor 0.5
1) Requires min 65 mind.
2) Requires 18 kills of aliens.
3) No more than 7 other kills (civis and maybe fellow mates)
4) Must be a soldier of course
5) With an unexplained 'factor' criteria of 0.5
I trust we are not adding more conditions in near future?