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Author Topic: equipment bug  (Read 9156 times)


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2009, 08:13:59 pm »
Lets just say, i would stick to the same reason for not recommending this..... programming nightmare. New features can wait. We should fix the current features, work on the TODO in wiki. :)
Absolutely! I just write this to express my opinion and, if some idea looks good enought, to advertise it so that it might be once upon a time included in the todo list for some future release in a decade or two ))

Here, we are simply suggesting that AUTOSELL be turn off by default for new, unresearched items. This is to prevent 'accidental selling'. We are not asking that selling be RESTRICTED TO NONE for unresearched items. Hope u got that point rite. :D

No problem with this whatsoever ))) Particularly if the price difference between researched / unresearched items is implemented, that would make sense.

On this, the point might be understandable, and might even be good. Eg, having 5 such weapons available for taking apart, might speed up the process by say 10-20% (of course, whats the use of having 1 scientist with 5 wpns? It would be efficient to still have 5 or 50 scientists on the 5 wpns rather than 1.... as i doubt it make no MUCH diff to the researcher whether he has 5 or 1.....)
Perhaps the developers can consider this point (when u input more alien artifacts for research, it speed up the research by a factor, though we must all understand that ALL such parts will be deemed CONSUMED in the process) :D

Just what I said, right, and you've also taken the idea further. Perhaps having some formula to determine research speed multiplier from number of researched items AND scientists assigned would be best.

Nah, this is not good. The synergy of research will be impeded by distance. Lets just stick to the research must be contained within the same base...... Unless we are ready to go dwell deeper into the programming. I already can see the programming nightmare in this suggestion.  :'(

I disagree. Lots of research is done today by teams scattered across the globe. E.g. some people work on theory, others conduct empirical studies and mail in results which either prove or disprove the theories made by others. Perhaps, it might be made so that having 10 scientists in Base A and 10 in Base B research the same thing would equate to, say, having 15 scientists in one base research same thing. That is, still better than no multiple-location research, but worse than same number of researchers working in one place. Which falls in line with what you're saying in the above quote.

Unless......sp300pmu1 would like to work on this part? :P

I'd love to, but I am employed and the most time I can afford to spend on my non-core activities is testing the game once or twice a week, reporting bugs, and offering ideas.
Had you caught me a decade back, that might be an option.

PS: Though i still love the X-Force concept on this VERY VERY much!

It appears reasonable enough.

Eh, excuse me..... have u read the storyline? PHALNX IS the last line of defence.

A long time ago. BTW, if a storyline is not realistic, it should be changed, IMHO. If the governments can cooperatively establish a unit such as PHLANX, they surely can have something done in their own countries. Do you really think that thousands if not millions of scientists who really exist today wil suddenly vanish somewhere? Don't you think they'd want to research some UFO stuff on their own? Finally, why the heck would govts buy alien stuff otherwise?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 08:16:57 pm by s300pmu1 »


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2009, 11:21:08 pm »
I like Odie's take better - sorry, man. :)

(Not that my opinion has anything to do with what actually happens - but since I have this active forum login and all... :) )


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2009, 03:20:10 am »
I like Odie's take better - sorry, man. :)

(Not that my opinion has anything to do with what actually happens - but since I have this active forum login and all... :) )

Awwww.... thanks Canuck77! Lol.

Well, these are opinions, and i guess folks up there in dev team have intelligence to look and choose whats best for the community thru these feedbacks. :P