I'm just curious if anyone has any strategies for completing missions when the last alien is upstairs and on the current version the marines are unable to go up. Or does everyone just use the cheat at the end to finish it off? I read that it exists but I can't tell from the dev help which code it is (I found the one that reveals all the alien positions). Thanks
Actually, i dun cheat at all, though there are many developers' codes.
I find this esp fun and challenging for Harvesters, where silly aliens MUST stay upstairs. And simply walks around when they are out of ammo - UPSTAIRS! Grrr....
Here's what i usually do:
1) Plant a few deadly snipers around that would be spot.
2) Aliens always walk around too to find out where we are, that is where we can also see them (and shoot them).
3) Be darn patient.
4) At some point in small buildings (maybe 5 to 10 turns), they get bored and actually do climb the stairs down.
5) If the aliens do not see u waiting at stairways or open spot, (which means u can see them too), they will somehow climb the stairs...... (which means u will have to ambush them at bottlenecks way away from the stairs.... a bit of risk there.....