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Author Topic: 2 Feature Requests  (Read 2563 times)


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2 Feature Requests
« on: January 15, 2009, 12:02:34 am »
first of all i just want to say this is a great game with a tons of potential, now i got 2 suggestions to make it (in my eye) even batter.

1) buildable bases both above and below ground, below you got less chance of being discovered but cant use some airplanes that need a runway and a little more expensive and above ground you get a cheaper base to build  that can use all the airplanes but cant build antimatter storage (for security reasons) that is a lot more likely to get attacked.

2) maybe not all the nation support you at the start and some of them got there own equivalent organization doing the same thing as you and tries to fight the aliens with possible diplomacy\espionage with one another until some time later in the game it gets disbanded and depending on how good you are the nations sponsoring it either joins you or not.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: 2 Feature Requests
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 01:01:38 am »
1) Bases will always remain underground.

2) There has been a lot of talk about this in the past. Suffice to say it isn't going to happen (unless you make a mod that does it).


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Re: 2 Feature Requests
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 04:24:09 am »
first of all i just want to say this is a great game with a tons of potential, now i got 2 suggestions to make it (in my eye) even batter.

1) buildable bases both above and below ground, below you got less chance of being discovered but cant use some airplanes that need a runway and a little more expensive and above ground you get a cheaper base to build  that can use all the airplanes but cant build antimatter storage (for security reasons) that is a lot more likely to get attacked.

Hi cyfer,

Dunnoe if u read the wiki / help / history....

1) Bases are always underground for secrecy and protection purposes.
2) Planes of ours.... they are vertically taking off.... like Harrier Jets of the US Navy. So dun need runway.

2) maybe not all the nation support you at the start and some of them got there own equivalent organization doing the same thing as you and tries to fight the aliens with possible diplomacy\espionage with one another until some time later in the game it gets disbanded and depending on how good you are the nations sponsoring it either joins you or not.

1) Well, EVERY nation should be supporting you with the best of their best.... its part of the story. Phalanx is ALL they have left. lol. :P Read the background a bit and u understand why this is so.....

Perhaps they begin to lose support after you fail to defeat UFOs in the country's region, but thats already implemented as part of the game. Yupz. And yes, you DO lose the game if u played it badly enough, which i thnk is far and hard to get, if u were to be actively engaging every mission. Yupz.