You're using an outdated version of gettext. Download the latest C::B package or update gettext manually. Kildor has it up for download here.
Thanks BTAxis! You are the best!
Okie, downloaded it, wondering which directory should this go pls?
Many thanks!
Ah, it says in the batch file something abt being in path. Let me trying pathing it in OS. 
Hi BTAxis and staff team again,
Okie, tried pathing (in the system variables) and recompiling in the Codeblocks. Still the same Error.
See The Error:
Okie, Yay! I have progressed much.
Odie, this might be somewhat of a long shot, but when you compiled in codeblocks did you choose "(re)build project" or "(re)build workspace"?
I've found when I put together the game for the installers I upload that choosing "project" with "ufo" activated doesn't build everything, so I select "rebuild workspace" in the codeblocks menu, which builds all the components including the language files, radiant, and ufo2map as well as the main game.
I just checked the wiki and saw it doesn't clarify this - the wiki might need an update if this is indeed the issue.
Destructavator, u were right. I simply cleanup and rebuilt everything from scratch and i was surprised i have progressed much.
Here's the new error log.....
See Compile_Error3.txt
Something abt the final product output cannot be done.
In case u r wondering, the system has full rights to those directory - i.e. i am the administrator on the system alrite. Logged in as a full-admin-rights.

And in case u r wondering, my project's drive has well over 80G of disk space in that partition.

*Edit (again)*
Hey BTAxis and Destructavator,
Thanks alot alot!
I managed to compile! Yayness!
The final 'warning and error' log is in Compile_Error4.txt
I have a feedback on how i got it to work, remember previous post about how i failed with Compile_Error3.txt ?
All i did was simply to build again (not clean but right click and compile using nsis)...... and it works... very strange rite? Hmmm.
Oh, oh, how can i contribute by helping the folks here to compile DEV versions? I dun have a webby that's big enough to upload the compiled installer (which is 527MB at moment)....
Is there a similar SVN way i can commit a file? Or the such?
Many thanks. I thnk from now, i can help to do the compilation, cos its really not even an hr to do for all steps on my computer here. So that will really help Destructavator.....

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