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Author Topic: NSIS Compilation Errors  (Read 15092 times)


  • Guest
NSIS Compilation Errors
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:41:41 am »
Thanks all of you so far who helped me at:

Namely, DuKe2112, BTAxis, Destructavator and Kildor.

Okie, so far i managed to compile the SVN. I thnk i will try to take time to write for us a revised guide to the windows compilation...... cos some of the steps were sorta found from wiki searching..... Haha.

Okie, here's what has been done but still with error.
1) I have downloaded TortiseSVN and installed it, configured it.
2) I have downloaded the latest SVN this morning (R21800).
3) I have downloaded from this page:
4) Followed the instructions there down to processors part.
5) compiled the maps by executing compile_maps.bat in contrib\scripts.
6) Realised that i did not have this done though - compile the .po-files (language support) with compile_po.bat (Was wondering where.....)
7) Downloaded 7zip command edition and dumped to \base. (Realised this step needs to be added into the guide).
8) Ran the \base\archives.bat and compiled the pk3s.
9) Finally ran the NSIS compiler by activating \src\ports\windows\installer.nsi

This is the error msg:
<See next Msg>

Anyone able to enlighten me on this pls? Thanks.


  • Guest
Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 09:43:15 am »
Code for previous...

Code: [Select]
MakeNSIS v2.42 - Copyright 1995-2008 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config:
Processing plugin dlls: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
 - AdvSplash::show
 - Banner::destroy
 - Banner::getWindow
 - Banner::show
 - BgImage::AddImage
 - BgImage::AddText
 - BgImage::Clear
 - BgImage::Destroy
 - BgImage::Redraw
 - BgImage::SetBg
 - BgImage::SetReturn
 - BgImage::Sound
 - Dialer::AttemptConnect
 - Dialer::AutodialHangup
 - Dialer::AutodialOnline
 - Dialer::AutodialUnattended
 - Dialer::GetConnectedState
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - Math::Script
 - NSISdl::download
 - NSISdl::download_quiet
 - Splash::show
 - StartMenu::Init
 - StartMenu::Select
 - StartMenu::Show
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - UserInfo::GetAccountType
 - UserInfo::GetName
 - UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
 - VPatch::GetFileCRC32
 - VPatch::GetFileMD5
 - VPatch::vpatchfile
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::CreateTimer
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::KillTimer
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show
 - nsExec::Exec
 - nsExec::ExecToLog
 - nsExec::ExecToStack


To be continued


  • Guest
Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 09:44:19 am »
Code: [Select]
Changing directory to: "C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows"

Processing script file: "C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi"
!define: "PRODUCT_NAME"="UFO:Alien Invasion"
!define: "PRODUCT_NAME_DEDICATED"="UFO:Alien Invasion Dedicated Server"
!define: "PRODUCT_VERSION"="2.3-dev"
!define: "PRODUCT_WEB_SITE"=""
!define: "PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY"="Software\UFOAI\ufo.exe"
!define: "PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY"="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\UFO:Alien Invasion"
SetCompressor: lzma
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
NSIS Modern User Interface version 1.8 - © 2002-2008 Joost Verburg (C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh:8)
!define: "MUI_INCLUDED"=""
!define: "MUI_SYSVERSION"="1.8"
!define: "MUI_VERBOSE"="3"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
ShowInstDetails: nevershow
ShowUninstDetails: nevershow
!define: "MUI_ABORTWARNING"=""
!define: "MUI_ICON"="..\..\..\build\projects\ufo.ico"
!define: "MUI_UNICON"="..\..\..\build\projects\ufo.ico"
!define: "MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY"="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\UFO:Alien Invasion"
!define: "MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP"="..\..\..\build\installer.bmp"
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
Name: "UFO:AI 2.3-dev"
OutFile: "ufoai-2.3-dev-win32.exe"
InstallDir: "$PROGRAMFILES\UFOAI-2.3-dev"
InstallRegKey: "HKLM\Software\UFOAI\ufo.exe\"
ShowInstDetails: show
ShowUnInstDetails: show
Function: ".onInit"
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
Function: ".onInstSuccess"
MessageBox: 0: "If you want to play multiplayer games, open the TCP port 27910 in your firewall."
SectionGroup Game ->(SECGROUP01)
Section: "Game Files" ->(SEC01)
SetOverwrite: ifnewer
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
warning: File: "..\..\..\src\docs\tex\*.pdf" -> no files found. (C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi:88)
File: "SDL.dll" [compress] 124814/320512 bytes
File: "SDL_mixer.dll" [compress] 92347/312320 bytes
File: "SDL_ttf.dll" [compress] 157693/331776 bytes
File: "iconv.dll" [compress] 469668/892928 bytes
File: "intl.dll" [compress] 16656/45056 bytes
File: "jpeg62.dll" [compress] 62034/153966 bytes
File: "libcurl-4.dll" [compress] 93365/182272 bytes
File: "libogg-0.dll" [compress] 7610/15872 bytes
File: "libpng13.dll" [compress] 80281/203264 bytes
File: "libvorbis-0.dll" [compress] 76817/157696 bytes
File: "libvorbisfile-3.dll" [compress] 13983/28672 bytes
File: "smpeg.dll" [compress] 69969/235520 bytes
File: "zlib1.dll" [compress] 30599/59904 bytes
File: "ufo.exe" [compress] 475863/1179136 bytes
File: "ufo2map.exe" [compress] 65810/208384 bytes
File: "ufo_ded.exe" [compress] 95770/298496 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base"
File: "game.dll" [compress] 109641/332800 bytes
File: "0base.pk3" [compress] 2410/2662 bytes
File: "0maps.pk3" [compress] 107838415/109445809 bytes
File: "0media.pk3" [compress] 9985885/9986575 bytes
File: "0models.pk3" [compress] 73831059/79308186 bytes
File: "0music.pk3" [compress] 179668630 bytes
File: "0pics.pk3" [compress] 144803017/148042218 bytes
File: "0snd.pk3" [compress] 15308644/15366975 bytes
File: "0ufos.pk3" [compress] 155662/161697 bytes
File: "0vids.pk3" [compress] 21/22 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n"
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\cs\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 160986/569278 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\da\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 131509/471473 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\de\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 165515/642575 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\el\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 163340/795161 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\en\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 136962/581810 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\es\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 101705/380338 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\es_ES\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 135840/499589 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\et\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 76400/276388 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\fi\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 7303/21586 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\fr\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 167650/674419 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\hu\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 140323/521836 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\it\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 145267/534578 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\ja\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 111385/437671 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\pl\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 128717/484754 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\pt\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 110970/427939 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\pt_BR\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 150709/556747 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\ru\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 178352/826631 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\sv\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 142584/535286 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\sl\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 9089/26505 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\i18n\th\LC_MESSAGES"
File: "" [compress] 130979/712357 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
Section: "Game Shortcuts" ->(SEC01B)
CreateDirectory: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion"
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\UFO:Alien Invasion.lnk"->"$INSTDIR\ufo.exe" +set vid_fullscreen 1 +set snd_init 1 icon:$INSTDIR\ufo.exe,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\UFO:Alien Invasion (safe-mode).lnk"->"$INSTDIR\ufo.exe" +set vid_fullscreen 1 +set vid_mode 6 +set snd_init 0 icon:$INSTDIR\ufo.exe,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\UFO:Alien Invasion (safe-mode windowed).lnk"->"$INSTDIR\ufo.exe" +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_mode 6 +set snd_init 0 icon:$INSTDIR\ufo.exe,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\UFO:Alien Invasion Dedicated Server.lnk"->"$INSTDIR\ufo_ded.exe"  icon:$INSTDIR\ufo.exe_ded,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$DESKTOP\UFO:Alien Invasion.lnk"->"$INSTDIR\ufo.exe"  icon:,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\Website.lnk"->"$INSTDIR\UFO:Alien Invasion.url"  icon:,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
CreateShortCut: "$SMPROGRAMS\UFO:Alien Invasion\Uninstall.lnk"->"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"  icon:,0, showmode=0x0, hotkey=0x0, comment=
SectionGroup Mapping ->(SECGROUP02)
Section: "Mapping Tools" ->(SEC02)
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps"
File: "" [compress] 65783/1014298 bytes
File: "" [compress] 44076/676043 bytes


  • Guest
Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 09:45:53 am »
Code: [Select]
File: "" [compress] 60428/952482 bytes
File: "" [compress] 36999/634795 bytes
File: "" [compress] 52562/739174 bytes
File: "" [compress] 52453/722671 bytes
File: "" [compress] 42801/617434 bytes
File: "" [compress] 52653/842501 bytes
File: "" [compress] 20641/292815 bytes
File: "" [compress] 62333/1049987 bytes
File: "" [compress] 24485/351092 bytes
File: "" [compress] 29544/458095 bytes
File: "" [compress] 51448/800814 bytes
File: "" [compress] 60212/928772 bytes
File: "" [compress] 81235/1134407 bytes
File: "" [compress] 75640/1283463 bytes
File: "" [compress] 45725/757326 bytes
File: "" [compress] 99554/1895396 bytes
File: "" [compress] 65712/1255528 bytes
File: "" [compress] 30010/424775 bytes
File: "" [compress] 68957/1344562 bytes
File: "" [compress] 85893/1376571 bytes
File: "" [compress] 69075/1177993 bytes
File: "" [compress] 47704/492862 bytes
File: "" [compress] 460/832 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1223/2825 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1174/3147 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\alienb"
File: "" [compress] 9287/137623 bytes
File: "" [compress] 18164/248736 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5538/83175 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1419/12954 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1425/12976 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1423/17351 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4018/56436 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\b"
File: "" [compress] 28513/481302 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9984/130531 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1330/18304 bytes
File: "" [compress] 6478/91336 bytes
File: "" [compress] 23582/387387 bytes
File: "" [compress] 312/1682 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7158/94119 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9769/155148 bytes
File: "" [compress] 13950/204179 bytes
File: "" [compress] 20791/349929 bytes
File: "" [compress] 11471/168916 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10222/157700 bytes
File: "" [compress] 26809/426012 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9520/141145 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5982/92726 bytes
File: "" [compress] 12384/183903 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10885/140026 bytes
File: "" [compress] 13917/216405 bytes
File: "" [compress] 17291/277112 bytes
File: "" [compress] 20385/294172 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\bomber_city"
File: "" [compress] 2346/25328 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1053/8144 bytes
File: "" [compress] 96818/1795596 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\bridge"
File: "" [compress] 2233/23691 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1001/7327 bytes
File: "" [compress] 59994/1047478 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\cemetery"
File: "" [compress] 264/737 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5592/74478 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1904/17448 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1808/15658 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1188/10100 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1191/10080 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1161/12646 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1375/12797 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1085/9754 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1080/9754 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1384/12844 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1582/15445 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1390/12264 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1072/9241 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1366/12112 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1420/13074 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1424/13049 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\city_disco"
File: "" [compress] 3803/45046 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3110/39675 bytes
File: "" [compress] 41697/657578 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\community_centre"
File: "" [compress] 2099/22651 bytes
File: "" [compress] 889/6397 bytes
File: "" [compress] 31242/491470 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\construction"
File: "" [compress] 2389/24485 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1105/8045 bytes
File: "" [compress] 47966/781467 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\country"
File: "" [compress] 7647/94010 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2979/30564 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2186/25139 bytes
File: "" [compress] 12503/210769 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1054/8671 bytes
File: "" [compress] 532/2513 bytes
File: "" [compress] 569/3965 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1166/7688 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1129/13243 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2946/36199 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1213/11036 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7202/111138 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1040/7603 bytes
File: "" [compress] 801/5752 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1770/19309 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2541/32057 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2523/33398 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3361/43353 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7932/86223 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4209/64398 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9121/138377 bytes
File: "" [compress] 709/5570 bytes
File: "" [compress] 711/5671 bytes
File: "" [compress] 751/5645 bytes
File: "" [compress] 762/5761 bytes
File: "" [compress] 869/6415 bytes
File: "" [compress] 894/6653 bytes
File: "" [compress] 793/7104 bytes
File: "" [compress] 769/7123 bytes
File: "" [compress] 547/4038 bytes
File: "" [compress] 554/4209 bytes
File: "" [compress] 707/4491 bytes
File: "" [compress] 701/4631 bytes
File: "" [compress] 554/2589 bytes
File: "" [compress] 557/2672 bytes
File: "" [compress] 613/2947 bytes
File: "" [compress] 605/3022 bytes
File: "" [compress] 482/2456 bytes
File: "" [compress] 530/2926 bytes
File: "" [compress] 611/3542 bytes
File: "" [compress] 654/3705 bytes
File: "" [compress] 467/2569 bytes
File: "" [compress] 450/2311 bytes
File: "" [compress] 345/2157 bytes
File: "" [compress] 364/2185 bytes
File: "" [compress] 570/5682 bytes
File: "" [compress] 467/3728 bytes
File: "" [compress] 513/3923 bytes
File: "" [compress] 495/3919 bytes
File: "" [compress] 529/3882 bytes
File: "" [compress] 519/3925 bytes
File: "" [compress] 515/3454 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1043/9554 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1084/10137 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\druglord"
File: "" [compress] 2601/29179 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1418/12964 bytes
File: "" [compress] 42724/705804 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\eaglenest"
File: "" [compress] 5617/64609 bytes
File: "" [compress] 34654/483879 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\farm"
File: "" [compress] 4969/63672 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5201/64182 bytes
File: "" [compress] 42154/947685 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5555/87820 bytes
File: "" [compress] 12857/215581 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5202/82486 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2300/28040 bytes
File: "" [compress] 19411/291085 bytes
File: "" [compress] 19602/292254 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2955/47898 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3552/52536 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4937/73140 bytes
File: "" [compress] 232/670 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4133/44043 bytes
File: "" [compress] 238/684 bytes
File: "" [compress] 692/4798 bytes
File: "" [compress] 179/592 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1635/17587 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4927/78536 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4819/77960 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\forest"
File: "" [compress] 1865/16941 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5098/62673 bytes
File: "" [compress] 6155/66823 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4482/46261 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7363/80060 bytes
File: "" [compress] 14385/231686 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4353/51965 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2449/24092 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1758/17043 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5169/59695 bytes
File: "" [compress] 828/6373 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3563/36694 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5934/75229 bytes
File: "" [compress] 6739/92337 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5454/53891 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1784/16035 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2841/30948 bytes
File: "" [compress] 6127/71304 bytes
File: "" [compress] 8339/115332 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1320/9326 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1045/7485 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1004/7462 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1329/9096 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2978/25679 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3373/30730 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4233/44192 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3083/26920 bytes


  • Guest
Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 09:46:55 am »
Code: [Select]
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\frozen"
File: "" [compress] 2241/24494 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2541/25283 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7345/87615 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2396/28131 bytes
File: "" [compress] 6522/89688 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5327/64647 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1955/14161 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3552/46352 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2456/28366 bytes
File: "" [compress] 17182/256191 bytes
File: "" [compress] 8068/126527 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5759/81125 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7894/109042 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2367/29919 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2807/32662 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10962/168257 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2087/15249 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1136/12118 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1892/21533 bytes
File: "" [compress] 544/4014 bytes
File: "" [compress] 443/2743 bytes
File: "" [compress] 285/1927 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\gasstation"
File: "" [compress] 3576/44392 bytes
File: "" [compress] 38684/606332 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\ice"
File: "" [compress] 1683/18807 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4912/73431 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5423/80602 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4796/73766 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\industrial"
File: "" [compress] 4278/42858 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2957/28486 bytes
File: "" [compress] 8276/95430 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2320/23712 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1245/12428 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2568/28249 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1014/5752 bytes
File: "" [compress] 655/2713 bytes
File: "" [compress] 777/4073 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4638/73760 bytes
File: "" [compress] 21159/333227 bytes
File: "" [compress] 838/8987 bytes
File: "" [compress] 990/7764 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1256/16841 bytes
File: "" [compress] 184/615 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5372/83454 bytes
File: "" [compress] 30158/482906 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1532/10122 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7801/110635 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1755/15462 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10568/136947 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1685/14920 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1371/10585 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\italy"
File: "" [compress] 3662/37205 bytes
File: "" [compress] 43334/672858 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\japan"
File: "" [compress] 1815/16613 bytes
File: "" [compress] 35888/549393 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\laboratory"
File: "" [compress] 2183/23058 bytes
File: "" [compress] 61366/878492 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\mart"
File: "" [compress] 2277/24953 bytes
File: "" [compress] 46951/739682 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\military_convoy"
File: "" [compress] 2440/24716 bytes
File: "" [compress] 41628/567768 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\oriental"
File: "" [compress] 8914/84677 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4492/47652 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3722/40956 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4651/61416 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7803/114873 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 1782/19260 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1186/12828 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\shelter"
File: "" [compress] 3219/48051 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3286/49238 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4660/69789 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9557/155895 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10060/162506 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 10334/185935 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10355/185890 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10572/206348 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10626/211826 bytes
File: "" [compress] 526/4637 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\spedition"
File: "" [compress] 2814/29419 bytes
File: "" [compress] 36387/497311 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\stadium"
File: "" [compress] 1284/12329 bytes
File: "" [compress] 31513/635167 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\transport"
File: "" [compress] 2900/28901 bytes
File: "" [compress] 36671/576737 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\tropic"
File: "" [compress] 5622/46052 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4769/32794 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 4081/57725 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9998/156264 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9615/128550 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2485/31069 bytes
File: "" [compress] 477/3593 bytes
File: "" [compress] 945/7650 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3411/38730 bytes
File: "" [compress] 881/7868 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1457/13061 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2632/32723 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1564/18330 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\ufocrash"
File: "" [compress] 41169/664141 bytes
File: "" [compress] 4217/44831 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 18322/270181 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base\maps\village"
File: "" [compress] 17213/264780 bytes
File: "" [compress] 10393/153008 bytes
File: "" [compress] 11421/168461 bytes
File: "" [compress] 13837/196137 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1927/22745 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 1630/17183 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 1595/17841 bytes
File: "" [compress] 911/5710 bytes
File: "" [compress] 648/3248 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5419/68669 bytes
File: "" [compress] 17985/309263 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 7727/107207 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2441/25851 bytes
File: "" [compress] 9332/134275 bytes
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File: "" [compress] 909/8074 bytes
File: "" [compress] 2501/28950 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1637/13421 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1059/9278 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\tools"
File: "" [compress] 2843/10001 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7678/28021 bytes
File: "" [compress] 5118/26720 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1855/4174 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3526/11468 bytes
File: "" [compress] 3591/12317 bytes
File: "" [compress] 1411/3954 bytes
File: "" [compress] 7498/32455 bytes
File: "q3radiant_eula.doc" [compress] 6159/30208 bytes
File: "q3radiant.exe" [compress] 982513/2850872 bytes
File: "ufo2map.exe" [compress] 0/208384 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\radiant"
File: "..\..\..\radiant\*.dll" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
   /oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi" on line 237 -- aborting creation process

Error from line 237 -
Code: [Select]
    file "..\..\..\radiant\*.dll"
I am sorry to do this, but somehow, i checked with Word and though it says 19835 characters w spaces, i still exceeded 20000 characters' post.... so have to split over a couple of entries - the codes.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 01:10:22 pm »
Read this.


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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2009, 04:55:40 am »
Read this.

Hi BTAxis!

Thanks for the link! It helped to bring me from line 237 past to 244.

I have this error now:
Code: [Select]
File: "..\..\..\radiant\i18n\en\LC_MESSAGES\*.mo" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
   /oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi" on line 244 -- aborting creation process

What i have done is went to:
1) contrib/dlls/
2) Unzipped the into a folder default (called radiant_runtime). Then i moved the whole folder to \radiant\radiant_runtime.
Did not worked initially, and i copy to BOTH \radiant\radiant_runtime and \radiant. There is where i got error at line 244.

Many thanks for your patience BTAxis! :)

Offline geever

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2009, 09:58:01 am »
language files need to be compiled. use compile_po.bat (contrib/scripts).


Offline Kildor

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2009, 10:01:34 am »
I don`t sure that he compiled radiant at all, it has different target.

Script should run automaticaly after radiant`s compiling end.

And he needs to use compile_po.bat /radiant (or /uforadiand, reed its output)


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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2009, 05:50:29 am »
language files need to be compiled. use compile_po.bat (contrib/scripts).


hi geever,

I confirmed the compile_po.bat issue.
I ran the file manually under dos and ensured it work. Somehow it did not worked properly in windows mode and the screen closed with the error.... nvm dat. Got it to work....for the PO part.

But still same error at 244:
Code: [Select]
   /oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "C:\SVN Update\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi" on line 244 -- aborting creation process

I am still curious if my radiant is really like as kildor said, not compiled properly. Would really appreciate some clarifications on that pls.

Ah, i traced the issue to msgfmt.exe being missing. I tried searching in forum here, and on google and it does not help much.

Not familar with this file, was wondering if this is another dependent dll missing.....
Thanks for help again!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 06:48:28 am by odie »

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2009, 07:35:16 am »
this should be included in your codeblocks package that you downloaded.

Offline Kildor

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2009, 08:35:04 am »
> I confirmed the compile_po.bat issue.
I ran the file manually under dos and ensured it work. Somehow it did not worked properly in windows mode and the screen closed with the error.... nvm dat. Got it to work....for the PO part.
What`s error? Give full text of error to us.
And, what`s system do you use?

Offline Destructavator

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2009, 07:25:36 pm »
Odie, this might be somewhat of a long shot, but when you compiled in codeblocks did you choose "(re)build project" or "(re)build workspace"?

I've found when I put together the game for the installers I upload that choosing "project" with "ufo" activated doesn't build everything, so I select "rebuild workspace" in the codeblocks menu, which builds all the components including the language files, radiant, and ufo2map as well as the main game.

I just checked the wiki and saw it doesn't clarify this - the wiki might need an update if this is indeed the issue.


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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2009, 04:09:35 am »
> I confirmed the compile_po.bat issue.
I ran the file manually under dos and ensured it work. Somehow it did not worked properly in windows mode and the screen closed with the error.... nvm dat. Got it to work....for the PO part.
What`s error? Give full text of error to us.
And, what`s system do you use?

Hi, I use a self-built system here @ work (OEM - Odie's Essentrically Manufactured.... haha, jk):
(Not My Home, i use a quad at home....)
1) Core 2 E4600 (2 CPU at 2.4GHz)
2) 2GB (800MHz Ram)
3) 256 MB GeForce Graphics Card
4) Win XP SP 3 (fully patched as of well..... Jan 09 Update).
The rest are i guess redundant info.....

My compiler is Codeblocks SVN 5177 - which i thnk should be the same one as the one i should d/l. :P

Odie, this might be somewhat of a long shot, but when you compiled in codeblocks did you choose "(re)build project" or "(re)build workspace"?

For the compilation, I tried a few methods.
1) Activate Codeblocks initially, File, Open, \build\projects\ufo.workspace
Then Build, Build Workspace - did not work.

2) Right cliking on \build\projects\ufo.workspace
Selecting Build - did not work.

3) Right cliking on \build\projects\ufo.workspace
Selecting ReBuild (clean) - also did not work.

I've found when I put together the game for the installers I upload that choosing "project" with "ufo" activated doesn't build everything, so I select "rebuild workspace" in the codeblocks menu, which builds all the components including the language files, radiant, and ufo2map as well as the main game.

I just checked the wiki and saw it doesn't clarify this - the wiki might need an update if this is indeed the issue.

Okie, i tried this today, and i have a log for us here:
<See Compile_Log.txt>

Hope this help us.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: NSIS Compilation Errors
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2009, 04:12:31 am »
You're using an outdated version of gettext. Download the latest C::B package or update gettext manually. Kildor has it up for download here.