Upgraded to Destructavator's latest Windows build (rev. 21433) and the maps are working much better now. I haven't run into any blocked areas yet. Of course, the aliens are free to move around now as well, so it takes more work to hunt them down and kill them. Now, if only stairs worked again...

Still have run into a few bugs, however:
1. When I start a new game, as soon as I click on the second message in the Maillist (Proposal:Electromagnetic Rifle), the game crashes to the desktop with an assertion error:
File: F:\UFOai\src\renderer\r_state.c
Line 58
Expression: texnum > 0
Happens every time if I run in full screen mode. If I run the game in windowed mode, the error doesn't occur.
2. If I run in full-screen mode, the first terror mission will not load. The screen goes black, the hard drive churns for a while and then stops, and nothing happens after that (stuck on blank screen). If I run in windowed mode, the terror mission (a farm mission, btw) loads fine. Seems like full-screen mode has problems that the windowed mode does not.
3. When I killed my first alien, when I went over to pick up the kerrblade it dropped, as soon as I transferred it from floor to left hand, the game crashed to the desktop with an assert error.