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Author Topic: tactics for druglord map  (Read 16653 times)


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tactics for druglord map
« on: December 18, 2008, 12:18:20 am »
How do you work the druglord mission with that river in the middle and those two tiny bridges?   

Took me 4 or 5 retries to get it done properly but I am still not satisfied with my tactics here.  I tried sending most of my team over the middle bridge but they kept getting slaughtered there so now I only put my sniper there in the middle and send everybody else (except one assault dude to clear the building at the bottom) to the right and go across to catch the aliens from the side with the protection of the buildings. 

It's still slow going having to go all the way over there, there has got to be a better way to get this done.  How do you do that mission? 

Offline Duke

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2008, 06:09:04 pm »
Patiently ;)
I only played it once with 2.2.1 and pretty much the way you described. But I have 3 snipers in my team and they did most of the job from behind the rocks.

Offline shevegen

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 03:06:33 am »
I guess this is a typical sniper map. I tried to rush in via the other bridge but its too dangerous.

At times I wish that there be soldiers who are faster :-)


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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2009, 09:51:35 pm »
I use a similar tactic to above but mix in mostly heavy weapons ... a small group of team members go around the house to the bridge on the edge while the snipers and heavy weapons use hide-n-shoot and reaction fire.


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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2009, 08:27:23 am »
How do you work the druglord mission with that river in the middle and those two tiny bridges?   

Took me 4 or 5 retries to get it done properly but I am still not satisfied with my tactics here.  I tried sending most of my team over the middle bridge but they kept getting slaughtered there so now I only put my sniper there in the middle and send everybody else (except one assault dude to clear the building at the bottom) to the right and go across to catch the aliens from the side with the protection of the buildings. 

It's still slow going having to go all the way over there, there has got to be a better way to get this done.  How do you do that mission? 

Ah, the druglord! I snipe snipe snipe some more. 6 of my teams are snipers on this map for this purpose. 2 are assaults for building below. Then its a waiting game...... No one escapes 6 snipers. lol (Just load with 3 clips extra each).

Offline MITSGS John

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2009, 05:06:10 pm »
I snipe too. With machine guns. I put one team of two snipers (w/laser rifles if I've tech-ed them) and two really beefy guys with MGs in the rocks towards the center. One of the snipers is also loaded up with medkits. The other team of three riflemen and a grenadier will be going over the bridge on the right edge. One machine-gunners (Call him Mongo) will set up to shoot in the open a half move out of the rocks to draw fire while the other Mongo and the two snipers set up in the rocks engage targets of opportunity. Mongo1 and Mongo2 will switch off as necessary (hence the medic/sniper). Ideally, the Mongo in the open should be the only target visible to the bad guys until the second team is over the bridge and kicking doors from right to left. If the second team draws a lot of bad guys onto them and it looks really good, Team Mongo can force the bridge in the center, but I usually just light up the bad guys from long range while they move from left to right. When smoke works in a stable Mac release I'll refine this.

"Mongo only pawn... in game of life".
Blazing Saddles


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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2009, 06:24:00 am »
I snipe too. With machine guns. I put one team of two snipers (w/laser rifles if I've tech-ed them) and two really beefy guys with MGs in the rocks towards the center.

Eh..... u snipe with machine guns???  :o

I snipe with bolter / sniper rifle or at least a laser rifle (Usually 6 of em all using sniper rifle w extra clips or bolter - which is my first researched and manufactured wpn) ......on aimed mode.

But for the bridge, i have no problem taking it in no less than 4 turns. This way, i cover every angle, negating every possible element of surprise from enemies, and more imptly, get the whole team on standby shooting any aliens coming out of that small room near the end, usually eliminating 1/2 of the require-to-kill 8 aliens (usually i get 8 ) .
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 06:26:41 am by odie »

Offline Chriswriter90

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2009, 03:42:29 am »
Eh..... u snipe with machine guns???  :o

He must live in the future :o

That mission is quite annoying, I don't have any pre planned strategies for it, but I do try to snipe as best as I can.

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2009, 04:57:25 am »
4 MGs 2 sniipers 2 assault rifles...

and yes a GOOD MG can snipe across the map...

thats about my only advice.. also expect to lose 1 or 2 men.. especially if you send them over the bridge.


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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2009, 09:47:41 am »
And oh, if u do get this map with coil guns already in hand, it will be such a breeze. with its 0.9 spread, its killer at 250range lol.

Somehow, i got this maps after i have 4 coil guns (3 made, 1 bought), and dun i love this map!

Offline Troberg

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2009, 03:28:19 pm »
Barricade yourself in the compound by one of the bridges, then just step out in the door/wall breach, fire a volley of grenades or MG fire if there is an alien, then step away. If you have several men there, you'll be able to fire many times. Let them come to you, and gun them down with concentrated fire as they approach.

Have all troops on snap fire as well, just in case an alien sneaks up unnoticed, they should be able to cut the alien to shreds before it has time to fire.

The aliens are really weak at coordinating attacks, so this is a very effective tactic, although it might cost you a couple of civilians. There should be some logic that makes the aliens team up in groups if they don't see any enemies, that would make them much tougher if you are defensive or slow.

Offline homunculus

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2009, 05:58:00 am »
after i have cleared my side of the river, i want at least 2 guys that stay in the open at the far end of my side of the map where they don't get hit so easily because of the distance.
i use snipers, but i guess weapon is not of critical importance, because the aliens just seem to avoid line of sight.
so, when i place the 2 snipers apart so that the aliens cannot hide behind the rocks, they will go hiding in the houses.
then i cross the longer squeaky bridge that does not have the rock in the middle, without ending my turn in the open, and clear the buildings, while my two scarecrows are watching over the open part of the map.

on most maps i generally use snipers that are far from aliens, but restrict aliens into houses with their line of sight.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 06:43:28 am by homunculus »

Offline Coconut Jonlan

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2009, 05:12:11 am »

I've tried a few tactics on this map - but eventually gave up trying to use the bridge on the left - even with plenty of smoke for cover I still lose too many soldiers trying to cross it (smoke only seems to be effective at longer ranges - it's great for crossing the bridges in Rom(e) tho ).

So - euipment wise I tend to stick to longer range weapons - laser rifles for preference as they are the best all round weapon in the game - but assorted machine guns, assault rifles and sniper rifles if its earlier in the game.

2 -3 guys take out the 1 or 2 aliens that are normally in the building on the left - oncew that building is cleared I leave them near the hole in the wall under cover during the aliens turn - taking turns to step out during their turn and snipe at any targets of opportunity on the opposite side during my turn - that also prevents the aliens from making any attempt at crossing to my side - although I'd love to mine the bridge with proximity grenades and watch them try  ;D (we're getting those soon right?)

The rest of the squad move slowly towards the building on the right near the other bridge making sure they stay in cover during aliens turn - if that isn't quite possible I improve my odds with a few smoke grenades.

After taking out the alien that's often in the right building I gradually assemble my squad on the right hand side with reaction fire set - and take the time to sort out any medical attention and reloads - this normally gives me the opportunity to take out a few on the aliens in the buildings on the right hand side of the opposite side of the river.

Then, taking advantage of the natural cover (rocks) on both sides of the bridge - and a little more smoke, I make my move across the river.
At this point I then move the 2-3 guys I have left behind in the left side building onto the roof with reaction fire set - that way they can keep the aliens in the buildings on the left pinned down while the other half of the squad clear the buildings on the right - to do that I normally split the squad with half going behind the buildings and the other half coming in from the front - pincering the remaining aliens in there.

After that it's a simple mop up if my snipers on the roof havent already done that for me

Offline vedrit

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2009, 05:49:16 am »
if this is the map im thinking of, then I do what I usually do. Split my team into two squds of four. Each has a medic, sniper, heavy weapons(Grenade launcher) and heavy-close range (Flame, Machinegun). Each to a different bridge, first the sniper, the medic within running distance, and the other two a ways behind so nades dont wipe em out.
Take it slow, make sure to be able to see all directions, check under the bridges (Found that to be a favorite hidey hole).
Top squad goes along the top of the map, then camps the top of the ramp with the sniper till the other squad clears the bottom buildings and can drop infront of the shops.

I dont recall any civs on this map, so time was on my side, and I rarely lost any units. Lotsa ammo spent, but job well done.

Offline Coconut Jonlan

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Re: tactics for druglord map
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2009, 06:07:11 am »
if this is the map im thinking of, then I do what I usually do. Split my team into two squds of four. Each has a medic, sniper, heavy weapons(Grenade launcher) and heavy-close range (Flame, Machinegun). Each to a different bridge, first the sniper, the medic within running distance, and the other two a ways behind so nades dont wipe em out.
Take it slow, make sure to be able to see all directions, check under the bridges (Found that to be a favorite hidey hole).
Top squad goes along the top of the map, then camps the top of the ramp with the sniper till the other squad clears the bottom buildings and can drop infront of the shops.

I dont recall any civs on this map, so time was on my side, and I rarely lost any units. Lotsa ammo spent, but job well done.

You're thinking of the Rom(e?) map - the druglord map is the one in jungle type terrain with a very small river running left to right and 2 very small wooden bridges at opposite ends