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Author Topic: Tactical missions bugs  (Read 3537 times)


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Tactical missions bugs
« on: December 10, 2008, 02:28:06 pm »
UFO:AI version 2.3(20717)
GPU GeForce 9600, 175.19
CPU E7200

  • Some walls are "transparent" - soldiers and aliens could see through them, aliens even tried to shoot through them
  • Could not move trougth stairs and some doorways - they act like not passable. Units refusing to go through them
  • Some glitches with aliens visibility on farm's fields. Probably, soldiers could not see through fences
  • Glitches in GUI - some thin black/grey lines
  • Sometimes parts of map totally black(even in day missions)
  • Button "cycle through visible enemies" don't work
  • if abort mission, then load game - it crashes. Log says "RS_InitTree: aircraft already has a tech attached"
Screens could be found there


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Re: Tactical missions bugs
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 02:00:14 am »
revision 20863, new bunch of bugs
1. some maps not loading. there is 2 different causes: first - "ERROR: R_CreateSurfaceLightMap: Consecutive calls to R_AllocLightmapBloc(-4062,34) failed (lightmap_scale: 16).". Happens with +frozen map
2. Second cause sounds like "tile craft_ufo_fighter missing in base/maps/ufocrash.ump". I've copied blocks craft_crash_fighter and others in thap .ump file and changed their names. then do same with .bsp files in maps/ufocrash folder. map loaded, but looked really weird.
3. when map generated from different tiles it sometimes impossible to cross border of tile. But crouched soldier can pass through this borders.
4. totally black areas almost gone. they happen only in some rare ocassions
5. Aerial laser cannon could be produced in the beginning, without any researches. But it lacks ammo.
6. soldiers often miss aliens even when they stand in 2 tiles and aim says 100% to hit. almost never happens when shooting in ailien's face or back.
7. IRGoggles is invisible in inventory. By the way - they are working now or no?
8. if two SAM sites shoot one UFO, and it crashes, one of SAMs continues to shoot nowere. It was only once, since then I haven't ordered two SAMs to attack same UFO

Anybody else experiences such bugs?


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Re: Tactical missions bugs
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 07:25:23 pm »
Yes, I did notice the invisible IR goggles and some black areas too. And there is a black line near my topleft corner. Alas I cannot say which revision do I have :(, but I downloaded and compiled it exactly two days ago. I'm using the Linux version on an OpenSUSE 11.1, XFX NVidia 9600GT, CPU E7200.
In addition, I have found some others:

* There are places on maps that my soldiers can't reach without any visible cause. On a farm map my soldiers were standing on the borders of an area of this kind, waiting the alien (behind a fence) coming to the line of fire :)
* On tactical mission I can't change anything in the inventory of the soldiers. I mean, they cannot drop the weapon and take a grip on a grenade, they have to fight with what are in their arms.
* After assigning a tank to my dropship, it didn't appear on the battlefield. This is OK, not yet implemented I guess, but I can't "deassign" it: although it seems so, after that I never can assign more than 7 soldiers to the dropship. Nor can I sell it even with soldiers deassigned, because "a team is assigned".
* Assigning bug #2 (sorry, this is not tactical, but I just started talking about assigning...): I had got two tanks in storage; after clicking the tank icon on the assigning screen, I didn't get a new list with the two tanks, but instead of it the tanks' names appeared at the top of my soldier list.

Ender, are you training for another genocide? :)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 07:31:48 pm by canahari »