Elo all again!
Sorry haven checked back this link for a while, cos i update my links in a separate thread now. This looks a bit cluttered.

PS: I do not see an issue with nakido so far..... initially yes, but now not anymore.
Reason being:
1) U need a nakido flag which can be easily downloaded (and uber small - 198kb) here.
Nakido FlagI checked out the flag, its safe, just a memory resident program that keep tracks of downloads and uploads, so that in the event u get dc-ed, pc-hung, or any other issues that requires u to restart, u do not have to well, restart. PS: Quite a nos of websites i tried do not allow resume downloads (or uploads, which really pissed me off), whilst nakido allows.

Plus: Yes i do know u have a certain cap issues, but compared to rebuilding maps, and compilation hassle, i rather download package. lol.

2) Of course, Muton's differential updates (once u figured out how to use em) is just as useful for the more tech-savy.... though i myself always do a full uninstall and full reinstall each day i compile my new SVN and port it home.

And pertaining to:
You can save some hills in West Virginia by downloading it instead of compiling it. Compiling uses a lot more electricity.
Hahahhahaa...... unfortunately, this is true partially for me. My Duo core and Quad core processors are underutilised anyway, but i had a good laf on this comment.......

Just goes to show we all could have a good laf once a while here! Lol.
*My best uplifter for the week so far. lol*
Well maps for me compile ~4h, sometimes more if I decide to do something CPU consuming while is runs in the background.
If you download then you can take up any amount of CPU and it wont slow the progress down so it is better to download it.
Eloz Valis, wondering how come the compilation takes ~4hrs for u everytime? Do u always, like me, delete all the bsp files once a while and recompile everything??
I do that once a while, if i am bored or overnight, but usually for morning compilations, i trust the new /contrib/scripts/compile_maps.bat to do the job of updating all updated maps.

Try that, perhaps it would speed up your compilations. Usually only when major maps updates will you experience a slightly longer update.
And also, if u have duo core capability or quad core (or more insane processors), u would benefit from em as the map compilers DO utilise the cores..... as a disadvantage though, u usually cant do much left on the system as it would lag like mad. lol.
The best thing would be a map-pack with only the maps. The game it self compiles in one-two minutes tops, so you could checkout your self the code, update it at will and recompile only the game files [the make mechanism of this projects already supports it!] while the maps would be updated once few weeks.
This would make things faster, though i dun recommend it. Since at this stage, alot of pathfinding issues are being worked on, hence, u might want to seriously consider the recompilation of maps from time to time, as often as u can.