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Author Topic: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links  (Read 483996 times)

Offline SharkD

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #255 on: April 12, 2009, 04:45:59 am »
Yeah, I was capping around those speeds aswell.
Heh, even for someone like me, who has no idea what thier doing, could probably compile faster than it downloads
You can save some hills in West Virginia by downloading it instead of compiling it. Compiling uses a lot more electricity.

Offline geever

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #256 on: April 12, 2009, 10:08:47 am »
You can save some hills in West Virginia by downloading it instead of compiling it. Compiling uses a lot more electricity.
heh, That's just silly.


Offline Muton

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #257 on: April 12, 2009, 08:56:21 pm »
ufoai_2.3-dev_24018_diff_win32.exe 32.3MB 2009.04.12
incl w2k support
excl src and mapeditingtools
release build i686 optimized

You can patch any UfoAI version after ufoai_2.3 dev 23710 (made by odie, Destructavator,....)
only the last differential (diff) patch is needed to be up2date (install over an existing installation)
If you dont have an appropriate UfoAI install download from here 5 different hosting services are available
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 03:25:19 pm by Muton »


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Nakido Issues
« Reply #258 on: April 13, 2009, 05:25:04 am »
Elo all again!

Sorry haven checked back this link for a while, cos i update my links in a separate thread now. This looks a bit cluttered. :P

PS: I do not see an issue with nakido so far..... initially yes, but now not anymore.

Reason being:
1) U need a nakido flag which can be easily downloaded (and uber small - 198kb) here.
Nakido Flag
I checked out the flag, its safe, just a memory resident program that keep tracks of downloads and uploads, so that in the event u get dc-ed, pc-hung, or any other issues that requires u to restart, u do not have to well, restart. PS: Quite a nos of websites i tried do not allow resume downloads (or uploads, which really pissed me off), whilst nakido allows. :) Cool.

Plus: Yes i do know u have a certain cap issues, but compared to rebuilding maps, and compilation hassle, i rather download package. lol.:P

2) Of course, Muton's differential updates (once u figured out how to use em) is just as useful for the more tech-savy.... though i myself always do a full uninstall and full reinstall each day i compile my new SVN and port it home. :P

And pertaining to:
You can save some hills in West Virginia by downloading it instead of compiling it. Compiling uses a lot more electricity.

Hahahhahaa...... unfortunately, this is true partially for me. My Duo core and Quad core processors are underutilised anyway, but i had a good laf on this comment....... :P

Just goes to show we all could have a good laf once a while here! Lol.
*My best uplifter for the week so far. lol*

Well maps for me compile ~4h, sometimes more if I decide to do something CPU consuming while is runs in the background.

If you download then you can take up any amount of CPU and it wont slow the progress down so it is better to download it.

Eloz Valis, wondering how come the compilation takes ~4hrs for u everytime? Do u always, like me, delete all the bsp files once a while and recompile everything??

I do that once a while, if i am bored or overnight, but usually for morning compilations, i trust the new /contrib/scripts/compile_maps.bat to do the job of updating all updated maps. :) Try that, perhaps it would speed up your compilations. Usually only when major maps updates will you experience a slightly longer update.

And also, if u have duo core capability or quad core (or more insane processors), u would benefit from em as the map compilers DO utilise the cores..... as a disadvantage though, u usually cant do much left on the system as it would lag like mad. lol.

The best thing would be a map-pack with only the maps. The game it self compiles in one-two minutes tops, so you could checkout your self the code, update it at will and recompile only the game files [the make mechanism of this projects already supports it!] while the maps would be updated once few weeks.
This would make things faster, though i dun recommend it. Since at this stage, alot of pathfinding issues are being worked on, hence, u might want to seriously consider the recompilation of maps from time to time, as often as u can. :)


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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #259 on: April 13, 2009, 05:28:16 am »
Yeah, I was capping around those speeds aswell.
Heh, even for someone like me, who has no idea what thier doing, could probably compile faster than it downloads
Oh, just wondering, vedrit, is your connection at T1s or in 100s Mbps??

Most of us, including here at singapore, my download speed's only at some 512kbps, or maybe up to some uber-expensive plans which boost it up to some 7Mbps.

Then again, for me its just 512kbps upload and 1.5bmps download. Hmmmmmmm.......

And wondering x 2, ur processor onboard? 2.8GHz, duo core? Mine's just Duo core, E4600 2.4, 1.2G Ram on this workplace pc. Hmmmmm.....

Offline vedrit

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #260 on: April 13, 2009, 05:52:03 am »
ive got a 2.9 duo, 2 gb ram, i think.
Most of the time, i get around 700 kbps


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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #261 on: April 13, 2009, 07:56:35 am »
ive got a 2.9 duo, 2 gb ram, i think.
Most of the time, i get around 700 kbps
Oooooo.... 700kbps. Haha.

My dear, be patient. And u have 2.9 duo ? E5800s series?
2GB ram 800Mhz?? Ah....... once again, patience my dear.

For patience is a virtus. :P

Offline Muton

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #262 on: April 13, 2009, 09:06:32 am »
> I do that once a while, if i am bored or overnight, but usually for morning compilations, i trust the new /contrib/scripts/compile_maps.bat to do the job of updating all updated maps. :)
why ? ->

The best thing would be a map-pack with only the maps. The game it self compiles in one-two minutes tops, so you could checkout your self the code, update it at will and recompile only the game files [the make mechanism of this projects already supports it!] while the maps would be updated once few weeks.
This would make things faster, though i dun recommend it. Since at this stage, alot of pathfinding issues are being worked on, hence, u might want to seriously consider the recompilation of maps from time to time, as often as u can.

map-pack is a fine thing (looked into the code) but requires phyton (ver. 2 or 3?)
I personly disslike the snake (the syntax, you know)
and i had troubles at work with version conflicts (toolset for 2.5 not working on 2.6)

> Since at this stage, alot of pathfinding issues are
Am i wrong?
pathfinding isnt a map problem its part of ufo.exe
If they change something on ufo2map.exe we will see it on the version number
then we have to recompile all maps.
But as long as the maps and ufo2map are the same a rebuild of bsp wont to anything different

> Most of us, including here at singapore, my download speed's only at some 512kbps
In that case i don't understand why you uplaoding >500MB every day
I got only ~10 downloads of my differntial patch
In your case i say thats not worth the effort
and those >500MB are obsolete on the next day!

> Nakido Flag
I have problems to belief that they do all those things for nothing


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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #263 on: April 13, 2009, 09:16:41 am »
> Most of us, including here at singapore, my download speed's only at some 512kbps
In that case i don't understand why you uplaoding >500MB every day
I got only ~10 downloads of my differntial patch
In your case i say thats not worth the effort
and those >500MB are obsolete on the next day!
Haha, for me, not much problem with uploading >500MB. Cos i just upload and let it load up over time. :P I do this as a service to get more ppl to help beta testing the UFOAI. :)

And efforts obselete? Haha. Cos i obselete myself, and i dun mind. So its ok. :) Plus my work time is ok with this for now. Come late may late june, the folks here might not enjoy that much privilege since i will be busy with coordinating my stocktake @ work. :P

All these are for the work progress for UFOAI! :D

> Nakido Flag
I have problems to belief that they do all those things for nothing
Oh? Why? Its safe and ok. It actually amounts to very efficient stuff - for 198KB, u get a lil resident memory program tat tracks all ur uploads and downloads, AND RESUME THEM, should u dc-ed.

Offline Muton

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #264 on: April 13, 2009, 04:40:34 pm »
Its obvious, we both arn't married ;)

ufoai_2.3-dev_24031_diff_win32.exe 32.3MB 2009.04.13
incl w2k support
excl src and mapeditingtools
release build i686 optimized

You can patch any UfoAI version after ufoai_2.3 dev 23710 (made by odie, Destructavator,....)
only the last differential (diff) patch is needed to be up2date (install over an existing installation)
If you dont have an appropriate UfoAI install download from here 5 different hosting services are available


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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #265 on: April 14, 2009, 03:48:10 am »
Its obvious, we both arn't married ;)


U r deadon.

But i am a guardian though, to a daughter sorta. :P

How old are u btw? I know some of the profiles here do not accurately reflect the age. Mine's correct. :P


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Moving Incremental Updates Links Out of Here?
« Reply #266 on: April 15, 2009, 04:07:22 am »
Its obvious, we both arn't married ;)
*Yada yada yada*

Can we agree to shift out all your incremental updates off this topic to here instead?
Links for 2.3 Development Binaries - Full Builts & Incremental Builts Only

Leave that link also to simply updating links, whilst using this perhaps to continue discussions of stuff pertaining to the links. :)

Wad do u thnk?

At least tat thread would be an incremental links, in order of time, and also, keeps all revisions as close to each other w/o irrelevant / discussions. :)

Offline Valis

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Re: Nakido Issues
« Reply #267 on: April 15, 2009, 12:47:25 pm »
Eloz Valis, wondering how come the compilation takes ~4hrs for u everytime? Do u always, like me, delete all the bsp files once a while and recompile everything??

I do that once a while, if i am bored or overnight, but usually for morning compilations, i trust the new /contrib/scripts/compile_maps.bat to do the job of updating all updated maps. :) Try that, perhaps it would speed up your compilations. Usually only when major maps updates will you experience a slightly longer update.

And also, if u have duo core capability or quad core (or more insane processors), u would benefit from em as the map compilers DO utilise the cores..... as a disadvantage though, u usually cant do much left on the system as it would lag like mad. lol.
This would make things faster, though i dun recommend it. Since at this stage, alot of pathfinding issues are being worked on, hence, u might want to seriously consider the recompilation of maps from time to time, as often as u can. :)

It takes ~4h or so to do the whole thing but I do it rarely and if I can I leave it for the night. The problem is I compile it under Linux and my wife is Linux-illiterate[and due to my tv card not running on linux] so she has to switch to win. Because of it I usually am up for the night compiling in the background and doing other stuff [surfing the net, etc.] No Core Duo either, my computer is this old that yesterday I had to replace its CMOS battery for a new one cause the system clock was not stored correctly.

Keep up the god work! :)

Offline Muton

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Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« Reply #268 on: April 15, 2009, 09:13:59 pm »
I like Spock's logic
Topic is called: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links

ufoai_2.3-dev_24055_diff_win32.exe 32.3MB 2009.04.15
incl w2k support
excl src and mapeditingtools
release build i686 optimized

negative TimeUnits fixed

You can patch any UfoAI version after ufoai_2.3 dev 23710 (made by odie, Destructavator,....)
only the last differential (diff) patch is needed to be up2date (install over an existing installation)
If you dont have an appropriate UfoAI install download from here 5 different hosting services are available


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Re: Nakido Issues
« Reply #269 on: April 16, 2009, 05:54:21 am »
It takes ~4h or so to do the whole thing but I do it rarely and if I can I leave it for the night. The problem is I compile it under Linux and my wife is Linux-illiterate[and due to my tv card not running on linux] so she has to switch to win. Because of it I usually am up for the night compiling in the background and doing other stuff [surfing the net, etc.] No Core Duo either, my computer is this old that yesterday I had to replace its CMOS battery for a new one cause the system clock was not stored correctly.

Keep up the god work! :)

Wow! CMOS batt..... it takes on average of 5-7 years before a CMOS batt runs flat. -.-"

Wow, ur com is old, just like my lappy. lol.

Ah, i heard that debian has nightly updates.... though i thnk last update was over 2 wks ago....

Maybe u could help the linux developers on that part by some sorta of compilation? :)