If you want to start out with more cash, you can easily un-zip the PK3 file after installing (its basically a .ZIP file with a different file extension) and alter the .ufo files inside with Wordpad, where you'll find plain English parameters that can be modified to tweak or alter the game - re-compiling the source code isn't necessary to do this, so no development or extra tools would need to be installed.
As an alternative, the console can be pulled up in-game and the debug "cheat codes" can be used, I think the cash one is "debug_fullcredits" although I believe the cheat codes are disabled for stable releases.
Hi Destructavator,
Thanks for the info! I am sure it will be useful as i am usually not using dev Rxxxx version. Usually in stable release mode.... well, until i am simply too impatient. lol.
Will look into that.

Thanks for the feedback, we can always use more testers.
U r always welcomed!

I am always beta testers for a nos of games. lol. I love and am honored to be part of such an awefully nice and committed developers!
And yes Destructavator, did i mentioned that i simply LOVEEEEEEEE the new music! Esp the startup music, and a nos of the in-scenarios one!
Hi Odie,
I thought I should mention that Destructavator provides these builds for us Windows users out of the goodness of his heart.
Yupz, i realised Kenner.

And its awesome he does it for time-hungry testers like me. Compiling DOES take ENORmous amt of time, even with me computer - done it twice and gave up! lol. Mom simply complained too much abt me 'idling' my com.....
so it probably is best to report bugs in the bug tracker or the bug forum.
Yupz. Done that partially during my lil time of lunch yest. Got more pics, think will upload there today.....
I have seen #1 (but only once), I'm not sure what you mean for #2, but maybe you should report it to the developers, #3 may be tied to pathfinding bugs which are still being worked on, and #5 is intended behavior. #7 is intended behavior as well
*yada yada yada*
Will discuss dat in the main bug posts.

but it makes no sense to me that the option is there. Why would you ever sacrifice time and cash to build your first base, when you can have your base pre-populated with buildings. Personally, I think the option to build from scratch should just be removed from the game. From a storyline perspective, it makes sense to have at least one functioning base at the start of the game.
Well, i can give u an insight into my views on this.

I am a micro-manager..... well, at least i love 4x space strategic, Romance of the 3 kingdoms (played all 12 series), and the such type of games. I looooooove micro-management -> Where u get ABSOLUTE control over everything..... well.... OCD? Lol.
Anyway, the practical part is this: We are assigned the role of Supreme Commander of Phalanx. We are given the option to setup a base ANYWHERE in the world. Why cant we get to choose what facilities we have? Thats 1.
Next, the original preload DOES NOT come with the ALMIGHTY hospital! OMG. How can that be, when the pedia mentioned that w/o one, the PHALANX's members are at mercy of sub-class hospital. Anyway, in actual military sense (i served in my country's full time for 2.5 years and is still going back yearly for reservist's training), there is always a medical centre, medical hospital, even mobile hospitals. Yupz. So, it makes sense that the hospital is inside.
Next, according to military sense, u will never want your vulnerable hanger n labs right beside the easily accessed gate rite? Its usually inside, way inside..... the auto startup sometimes do not do that properly, and u have vulnerable objectives beside the lift.....
Also, i prefer having the idea of labs beside UFO hangers, workshops beside or close to storage, and missile silos beside command centre..... and well, the very fragile and ALL IMPORTANT powerplant way inside the core of the command base.
Making sense now? lol.

Hope this goes down history. Will make this post somewhere in the suggestion thread when i have time.
For now, its juz for u Kenner! Cheerios!