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Author Topic: Auto-reload for Auto-shooters ?  (Read 9832 times)

Offline DanielOR

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Re: Auto-reload for Auto-shooters ?
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2008, 01:26:02 am »
just to play devil's advocate...setting to RF when empty is a player's fault, and is equivalent to a soldier sitting in an ambush with an unloaded gun.  the "oh, shit" situation is possible in real life, and should be in game too:
soldier with RF wins the reaction check against the alien.
when trying to fire, loaded_amo = 0
If enough TU left in RF, reload
another reaction check.  If alien wins, alien moves.  If soldier wins, alien stays put.
if enough TU left after reload, fire.

the bad guy *may* have another chance to either move or shoot while soldier is reloading.  in that case soldier's death or a missed opportunity is attributed to player oversight, I would say.

DoctorJ, your proposal that soldier would reload first at beginning of a round would be covering the player's mistake with an intelligent algorithm for a solfier.  At that point, may as well tell the soldier "hold position" and they would sit, RF the sh*t out of the area and reload as neeede - until out of ammo, dead, or order is canceled.  This is now a slightly more sophisticated program.  Not a bad idea, just a step away, I think, from the level of contrl the game implies right now.

It may very well be fun to have "move using cover" command (if cover is available) and a "suppress area" command, etc.  In fact, some neat improvements for alien AI can come of this.

Offline Doctor J

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Re: Auto-reload for Auto-shooters ?
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2008, 02:55:40 am »
just to play devil's advocate...setting to RF when empty is a player's fault, and is equivalent to a soldier sitting in an ambush with an unloaded gun.

I can't speak for the OP, of course, but in my style of play that never happens.  I typically set RF mode for each soldier during turn 1, and only change it for special circumstances.  Nonetheless, some players might miss out on the red weapon icon, maybe even colorblind players.

DanielOR, we've agreed in the past, but it appears that you seem to be in favor of micromanagement here.  If you really wanted realistic "oh, shit" situations, why not just remove the portion of the HUD that displays how much ammo is in the weapon?  It's not realistic for a soldier to know exactly how many rounds they have left...

Offline DanielOR

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Re: Auto-reload for Auto-shooters ?
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2008, 06:24:55 pm »

Guilty as charged, I indeed do not so much mind the micromanagement - as long as the squad is small.  I suppose I don't have a hugely strong opinion.  Removing ammo counters would be rather rough - especially with multiple soldiers.

While I don't know of any weapons (yet) that give you a digital readout of the number of rounds remaining, it is probably not a far-fetched idea.

The point about color blindness is a very valid one.  A lot of males do have a tendenecy towards red-green color blindness.