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Author Topic: On game saving  (Read 3082 times)

Offline TrashMan

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On game saving
« on: June 02, 2008, 04:03:32 pm »
Right now, there is no game saving allowed during combat...It fosters the "save game, take shot. If you hit save, if not reload...repeat ad nauseum" behaviour...and I confess that on a few occasions I have fallen victim to such behaviour myself.

that's a rather cheap tactic that allows for a PERFECT playtrough and I agree it should be left out...but IMHO, going into the other extreme might not be the best idea either.

Having to replay the whole battle time and time again, simply because you start in the open and the aliens keep getting lucky shot on your main man (avatar..yes, I always play with a elite team, where losses are generally not tolerated, and several cannon fodder teams that are free to get shot)

Generally, it's a bad idea to force a player into a specific style of why not meet in the middle?

Saving at the beginning of a turn, and only there.
That saves one the trouble of having to replay the same mission dozens of times, yet at the same time makes perfect playtrought impossible, since your whole turn, followed by a enemy turn have to pass between each possible save. A single turn can last quite a while and has many a variables included, so playing trough it perfectly is statisticly impossible.


Offline BTAxis

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Re: On game saving
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 04:24:18 pm »
My thoughts are that we've had this discussion before and a new thread for it is pointless.
