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Author Topic: News Story - UFOs in real life  (Read 36240 times)

Roy Dest

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2008, 10:10:29 am »
At the risk of being thought a "Kook", or stupid...I'll relate a personal story of mine for anyone interested to ponder over.
All right, so I'll share my story as well.
I was about 6 at the time, it was about 14 years ago. We had a family reunion on our garden, with a campfire, and it went to a late night. The night was clear, full of stars, no moon, weather was warm, really a nice time. We kids were running around, having fun, playing with burning wooden sticks, and so on. Then I went behind a tall hedge surrounding our garden, and I looked at the sky on southwest.
There was, in great height, about a kilometer, a few kilometers away, a strange, probably large bunch of bright orange lights, like many balls joined together, and one of them was shining green. This green color by time disappeared in orange lights. I watched it with my younger brother for quite long, several minutes at least, and eventually I went away to tell parents about it, who were still at a fire. If I remember, my mother went behind a hedge fence to have a look, but I'm not sure if she already saw anything.

As for a nature of extraterrestrials, I'm completely sure they exists. My father knows personally a man, who decoded the famous WOW signal. He did it in completely logical way, combining an approach of mathemathics, geometry, and graphics. His amazing discovery was, of course, fiercely rejected, ridiculed and ignored by all authorities, academics and scientists he ever managed to contact.
Somehow, no-one among the authorities wants to have anything in common with extraterrestrials. Not seriously.

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2008, 06:29:37 pm »
Could you please elaborate on the 'WOW Signal'?

Offline DanielOR

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2008, 09:51:46 pm »

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2008, 05:11:05 pm »
The wow signal is a transmission received int he 70s that lasted for about 20 to 30 seconds i believe the wiki link they provided will do..

reread was incorrect :-p but hey here is something interesting

He later recanted his skepticism somewhat after further research scientifically relegated an Earth-bound signal to be astronomically unlikely, due to the requirements of a space-borne reflector being bound to certain unrealistic requirements to sufficiently explain the nature of the signal. Also, the 1420 MHz signal is problematic in itself in that it is "protected spectrum" or bandwidth in which terrestrial transmitters are forbidden to transmit.[7][8] In his most recent writings, Ehman resists "drawing vast conclusions from half-vast data."
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 05:12:41 pm by Darkpriest667 »

Offline Falion

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2008, 06:41:56 pm »
The signal actually lasted for 72's right there in the Wiki.


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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2008, 11:45:20 pm »
There is to much data gathered in the last 80 years (since avanced flight) that can't be discarded. Also, there are alot of UFO accounts from the 17-18th century, very well described.

However, the scientific community doesn't want to deal with this issue, mostly because they don't want to make fools of themselves. I say they are ignorant, like those scientists that said that if a train travels faster than 30km/h or something like that, the passengers will suffocate and die. Today scientists claim that because we don't understand how FTL travel is possible, and because our level of physics doesn't allow it, extraterestrials can't be even near our Solar System.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2008, 12:24:07 am »
You're confusing belief in urban legends (there's heaps of people believing in the fan death one) with the scientific method, which is to doubt everything until there is conclusive evidence. The former is foolish, the latter is sensible. And by that token, I refuse to believe in alien UFOs until one lands on my lawn and its crew tells me to take them to my leader. Besides, the idea of aliens not publicly making contact in order to remain covert, only to zoom around in their ships that are apparently being seen on hundreds of occasions makes me wonder how intelligent they really are.

Offline TrashMan

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2008, 12:25:02 am »
I saw UFO's...trice. Really weird stuff.
They were flying at speeds and patterns that no man-made object could possibly follow.
Like a really crazy drunken fly that occasionaly stops or changes direction instantly. I'd like to see anyone explain that with some swamp gas.

Offline DanielOR

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2008, 12:51:37 am »
Well, we clearly cannot dispute someone's experience - the trouble is that experience itself is not objective.  Human organs are just not very precise measuring sintruments, to say nothing of the mind that, effectively, filters the data.  You saw what you saw - that's a fact.  Now, what to call it - I would be rather conservative in that.

Just one example.  NOT RELEVANT TO ANYONE'S EXPERIENCE.  An F18 can do a "180" turn in the space of 400 feet - it just corners that tight.  I may be off by 100 feet or so, but this is a fact, open source, and seen at airshows.  All laws of physics fuly observed.  While performing a maneuver, the wings are vertical, left one points straight down, right one points straight up - that is what I saw.  And, as you can imagine, it took no time at all.  Oh, and the whole thing was done at about 40 feet above ground.  Flew in, turn on it's side, wipped around, was gone.  Got a quick view of the underbelly and bleeding ears.

So, imagine me observing same from a few miles away, at night, the forward lights turned on on the fighter (no clue if it actually has any).  What would I see: a lit object moving left to right and a split second later moving right to left, the way it came.  From a few miles away in the dark I would not be able to tell that the object is now 400 feet further away from me.  It would look to me like a violation of conservation of momentum - like it stopped and just flew back.  yea, there is a small issue of a deafening roar of the engines as it did it.  No idea how far I'd have to be not to notice it.  Just a thought...

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2008, 01:59:24 am »
I'm into airplanes, military tech and science..

Believe me, this "thing" didn't move not even close like that.
It's acceleration and de-aceleration was chaging rapidly and it reached extreemes. Coming to a full stop in a milisecond after crossing half the horizon in 2 seconds. Then curving around at a more normal speed, like someone drawing with a pen on the sky - back and forth, in intricate patterns. Then stopping and making sharp, instant turns (90
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 02:02:14 am by TrashMan »

Offline DanielOR

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2008, 05:39:44 pm »
Like I said - I keep an open mind that there is plenty out there we (as a species) do not understand. 

As someone with scientific training, I am with BTAxis - until they land and ask to see my dealer leader, I will look for a simpler explanation.  Okkam's Razor - look for the simplest answer.  Off the top of my head, I'll much more easily believe that our gov. is testing an unmanned craft with weird flight angles.  But honestly - what can one say?  You tell us you know your aircraft and it did not move like one. 

Either your eyes deceived you somehow or, indeed, it was not (human) aircraft at all.

Offline TrashMan

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2008, 08:52:34 pm »
Half of my post got eaten..let me finish it hten:

(90 degree turns or even sharper), then zigg-zagged across the sky, then changed it's flight pattern in  curvy one, like someone drawing on the sky with a giant pen. Then it stopped, pulsed a few times and zipped over them mountain.

The sky was clear, I was a with a dozen friends and we all saw it.

EDIT: Damn degree symbol
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 09:33:23 pm by TrashMan »

Offline BTAxis

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2008, 09:07:05 pm »
The post-eating forum strikes again. Remember to watch those special characters.

Offline DanielOR

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2008, 10:40:37 pm »

This is the realm of philosophy of reasoning and many a thesis was written on this - I do not intend to offer one here.   ;D  The validity of your experience was never a question.  That there are multiple observers and the fact that you are an expert in aviation does add objectivity.  All but rules out a halucination  :o, that sort of thing.  Just kidding! ;D :)

The trouble is that the human eye is not a good observation tool.  Mainly, on the account of being attached to the brain which is subjective by it's very nature.  What can be said with certainty, is that you all saw something and saw it move.  Size, shape, speed, distance too - forget about planet of origin - all can only approximated by eye which is fooled easily enough. 

I guess I do not doubt that you saw something remarkable, it is just I doubt that it was piloted by little green men.  I would bet on something Earth-created and, ultimately, explainable. 

Offline TrashMan

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Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2008, 11:25:02 pm »
Like I said - I have no idea what it was.

But I doubt very much is was anything built by humans.
If it is some natural phenomena, it must be a REALLY, REALLY weird one... can the universe get drunk?