Wow, I didn't expect my personal unexplained account, to have so much feedback and speculation. From one who needs no convincing, that there are more things in this universe than we can even fathom or explain...
I seriously doubt, our world leaders are aliens or are being controlled by any such...
That doesn't mean, that this small section of the galaxy, in an almost infinite amount of galaxies, in an immense universe is not, or has not in the past been observed or studied. In fact, I would state that for us not to be, would probably be far less likely. Most of us ( including myself ) just don't like the idea, that somewhere...some species may be further along in development than we are. Indeed, this is totally against many of the worlds major own we are supposedly "unique and singular" from that perspective.
If you look at this strictly from that standpoint...if and its an extremely HUGE "if", the world leaders had any idea, any type of "off world life" was / is indeed true ( especially anything more advanced than ourselves). To let the public know such, would destroy and throw into chaos almost every world religious viewpoint...something that I would suspect they would be in great fear of letting happen.
I do think it arrogant indeed, for us as as a race of "thinking" beings, that a large majority of us, think that we are the "end all be all" of any sentient lifeforms. The universe is just to VAST to continue to actually believe such, as even if the universe was created indeed by a "God", if such a god is really waste it's time on just "us" is kind of inane, perhaps even ludicrous...but that's just an opinion of course.
The only thing that keeps visitation of us, as being even somewhat fanciful is that same "vastness" of space, that makes other life out there somewhere a distinct possibility. Of course, I seriously doubt we have discovered "all" of the laws of physics that this universe has for us to discover...perhaps some type of FTL travel does exist...we just don't know where, or how to find it yet. It wasn't all that long ago...we were still riding around on the grand scheme of things...who knows what we'll discover 200-300 years down the road...provided we are all still here