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Author Topic: Recommendations for a Linux VPS  (Read 5873 times)

Offline simulatoralive

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Recommendations for a Linux VPS
« on: April 19, 2008, 10:00:05 pm »

I've been looking at various options for a Linux-based virtual private server, but I'm having trouble deciding what I want, mostly since I'm having trouble getting google to find them for me.

Besides that, looking at their websites doesn't tell me how reliable they are (businesses usually exaggerate this and/or are very misleading). For that, I need people who use the service(s) to tell about the good and the bad.

I figure a handful of you might have some experience.

So far, I've been looking at Redwood Virtual ( and Linode ( Both seem very nice, but the Redwood Virtual folks did not respond to my E-Mail asking questions, so I'm wary of using their service.

Ideally, I want something for about $10-$15 a month, with at least 100 gigabytes of bandwidth a month. Processor time and hard drive space are not all that important, but 5 gigs would be nice (I can live with 2 if needs be).

All I'm going to be running at first are a web server with static content (dynamic later on) and a Mumble ( server so my friends and I can voice chat while playing games. Neither should require much horsepower.

Thank you.

Offline BAM

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Re: Recommendations for a Linux VPS
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2008, 05:43:50 pm »
Why not by an old computer for $50 or less, buy a new disk and  install Linux on it? That way it could always be up and you have full control over it. If this is possible, I recommend SuSE Linux. If there is no specific SuSE package for a program, use a Fedora RPM, as they usually work just as well.

Offline simulatoralive

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Re: Recommendations for a Linux VPS
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2008, 03:25:56 pm »
Bandwidth.  Eventually, I'm going to turn this into a business.  Also, I don't want a big chunk of my bandwidth at home being constantly used by my friends chatting.  Depending on settings and how many people are chatting, Mumble can be very heavy weight in this respect.

I also want a VPS so I can get used to using them.  I will need to use them quite a bit should my business take off.