Hi everybody. I'm a new player, using a Mac, and an early stable version (2.2 I think?) I am having a very difficult time figuring this game out.
First, do IR goggles do anything? I have them equipped in the head slot, and there is a button I can press to "use" them, but nothing seems to happen, especially on night maps.
Second, are my soldiers really so unaware that if I have them crouched, have multiple reactive fire allocated, and they are not looking PRECISELY at an alien walking towards them, they will simply sit there and get mowed down?
Third, do most people really play with a squad of 8 soldiers at once? Or do some of you prefer smaller squads (say 4 at once?)
It's frustrating having my CQC person kneeling inside a doorway (again with multiple shot reaction fire selected) and an alien strolls through the doorway, walks in front of her face, and slices her open without so much as a peep from her shotgun. She's facing the doorway, I just don't understand how the RF mechanic works.
Thanks very much!