I assume that when the area is clean, the first thing soldiers would do is tend to companions wounds... but your observation is useful: at mission end, all untended wounds levels should automatically decrease of one.
Wait, I think I misunderstood your basic idea. when you said "an untreated wound means loosing HP every turn", you didn't meant that you needed to heal every level of wound, but that you just need to heal at least one level of wound, right ?
If yes, then forget what I said about soldiers dying while returning to base

the method you mentioned would create almost immortal soldiers, in theory... something like hit and heal loop.. Personally I don't like it...[/li][/list]
No because medikit HP are limited: you can't healed more HP that this limited value (some balancing may be needed to know how many maximum HP can be healed). Furthermore, the more you heal a soldier, the less UTs he has, so an healed soldier is not as usefull as an healthy one.
If you find that medikits are still too powerful this way, just change my previous post with: 'real' HP + 2 * medikit 'HP' can't be greater than max HP
at last: the one you proposedit is just an alternative to the method I mentioned, What is the added value? (Consider that in wound system I thought there is no need to aim a body part, it is random selection)
Yes, this is just an alternative method, where the only significant modification is the removal of body part.
Except for body part removal, there is not really any added value in my proposition compared to yours. This is an alternative method, where what I called medikit 'HP' is similar to what you called wound levels (depending of how you want to implement wound levels: is there a maximum wound level (if you exceed this number, soldier die) ? Do you increase 1 level per wound whatever the number of HP you lost ? Or does the wound level increase by number of HP you lost ?). I have no problem with your "wound level" method rather than my "medikit HP".
Concerning body part, I think that added value of what I proposed is simplicity

. There's a balancing to choose between simplicity and realism. IMHO, the reality level of your system is either too high or too low. Let me explain:
If a soldier is shot through a window, he may be wounded to legs with the implementation you described. This is not realistic, because the wounded body part would be randomly chosen. So well, we could say that your proposal is not realistic enough, and that we need to implement non-random wounded body part (depending on the position of attacking alien and soldier, weapon used, ...). And then, we'd probably need to implement aiming body part, because I can already hear people on forum saying "Hey, what is the use of having body part if you can't aim them... please implement this".

(well, to be honest, most of the people will probably ask for being able to aim alien body parts... but not for alien being able to aim their soldier's body parts, so this is not really a problem for medikits

IMHO, either we choose simplicity and random body part localization is not needed, either we choose realism, and then we would need to implement a full body part localization code (without randomness).
My personal taste here is simplicity. So I'd rather be for a general wound level (only one per soldier), rather than one per body part.
Having said that, I'm not the one who is going to implement this

I'm just giving my opinion here, if you prefer a in-between solution like the one you proposed, that's OK for me. Implementing one wound level per body part will ask you probably more time than only one general wound level (for implementing body part, showing player what body parts are injured on a given soldier, implementing different effect of wound given the localization, maybe changing armour code so that protection on body part may differ ?, ...). Maybe a good solution is starting with general wound level, and see afterwards if using 1 wound level per body part is needed ?