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Author Topic: How do you protect the Firebird?  (Read 27684 times)


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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2008, 07:17:33 am »
Yes, this is a problem, especially in the early game. Once you have excellent radar coverage and advanced fighters, you can see who's out there and escort the Firebird.

Before that, I will try to run my dropship through radar-covered zones, and when UFOs appear, I try to have the dropship get off the UFO's axis of approach. As the game progresses, I'll happily sacrifice interceptors to try to distract or even kill UFOs that could, if left alone, intercept the dropship. I do arm the dropship with long-range Sparrowhawk missiles, but it's still in no position to take on a UFO.

You can use faster interceptor to escort by sending them to positions just in front of the dropship, and sending them further forward as required, and as range permits. Vector in other interceptors from other bases as needed, and modify the dropship's path to stay near bases as required. It's a lot of work, but perfectly a sensible feature and worth the effort.

That's what I do.

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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2008, 01:33:48 pm »
Missile base defense suckorz.

The SAM site fires slow as hell (like getting ONE missile out during the whole combat... 2 if I'm lucky)
I even made a base with 5 SAM sites and get this - it didn't fire at all.

Offline Chriswriter90

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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2008, 08:14:44 pm »
I even made a base with 5 SAM sites and get this - it didn't fire at all.
Assuming that you are talking about the base defence, not the 2.3 SAM sites:
You have to buy Missile Launchers and equip them to the SAM Site.
Sometimes you have to build more missiles for them at your Workshops.

Other than that, they work just fine on the lower difficulty levels.


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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2009, 03:03:02 pm »
ok still a no go.... i loose my firebird 7 out 10 times i launch it.... i think its a little unbalanced...

Yes, it's horrible.  I really hope it's more balanced in 2.3.

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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2009, 03:51:23 pm »
I know from playing the game that launching multiple aircraft is possible, but they have to be selected one at at time and they don't stay together - what would be nice is if they could be grouped to fly together in formation or something, not only for escorting a dropship, but also for sending several interceptors after a UFO at the same time so they stay together and don't break up if they have different top speeds.

Perhaps the aircraft deployment window could be re-coded so that the player could select multiple aircraft at once then click a "done" or "deploy" button, and then the aircraft would stay together and only move as fast as the slowest one....  I know that would take time to implement, but I think it would be worth it in my opinion.

Offline Lew Yard

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Re: How do you protect the Firebird?
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2009, 12:35:49 am »
Multiple bases for more aircraft coverage will help later on, of course.  (And a second team of troops suitably placed so that your avg/max to-mission distance will be shorter).  In 2.2.1, very early on... perhaps the lesson is that you may have to delay or take a slower, wider route and let some or all civilians die rather than risk losing a dropship, your team, *and* the civilians.

As somebody who hasn't been following the game until fairly recently, I idly wonder whether or not ground transportation would fit in certain cases.  Even if a dropship is stealthy in terms of radar/heat signature and noise (and if it is, it's going to scream *military* once in visual range unless civvies have become FAR more paranoid, or if technology advances to the point where stealth is non-obvious), doing an airborne assault directly on target against unknown quantities of enemies (which might have figured out that Earth uses military aircraft, and which might leave a couple of soldiers on 'air guard' duty) and where the opposition might have decisive air superiority seems chancy.  It might be more reasonable to use the drop ship to reach a location somewhere nearby, and then take something like a truck convoy -- better yet if the trucks were supplied with hardware from a local base, given that trucks might be able to bring more equipment (or, say, limited medical facility) and should be less obvious targets unless civvie traffic is extremely sparse (e.g. far from urban areas). 

Course, unless it was massively abstracted out and maybe even then, it'd be a lot of work to design and code (I presume).  So the above is largely idle speculation.