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Author Topic: Pilots?  (Read 13831 times)

Offline Doctor J

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Re: Pilots?
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2008, 06:15:59 am »
I've found it somewhat possible to manoeuvre the crafts manually by sending them aside from the track of an incoming enemy missile. They(enemy missiles) do home in on your interceptor but sometimes you can actually avoid them. It has happened to me a couple of times. I'm not sure but I have a vague memory of the guidance of the hostile missile actually stop when the UFO is shot down...

On reflection, i think we may be barking up the wrong tree.  On the geoscape we see missiles leaving the UFO and heading towards our interceptors.  However, i think the missile image is being used because we don't have an image for the particle beam, which is the weapon actually being carried on the UFO.  Being a beam, i don't see how it can be guided.  In fact, i've only seen them follow a straight line path.


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Re: Pilots?
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2008, 08:52:45 pm »
I would want to be able to name my drop ships too, as i hate accidentally sending our the one with wounded because i clicked the wrong one.

Captain Bipto

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Re: Pilots?
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2008, 02:06:04 am »
Wow. I ditch the stiletto asap and buy me some Saracens.. I gear them up with ecm/targeters and two missile racks.  I prefer sicking at least two saracens on ANY ufo I see.  Their range is awesome too, as long as you have good radar coverage they are nice for long range hits. In one of my earlier games I kept a stiletto for short range attack but mostly to defend the base.