I didn't see anything that looked like a catch-all thread, so I just figured I'd start this one.
Unequipped Soldiers: I hated this about the original XCOM games. We need a prompt before we send soldiers out into the field unequipped. It's easy to forget, sometimes, and there should be a script that checks for assigned soldiers who don't have weapons. A request for confirmation before sending a soldier out unarmed would make a lot of sense.
Bad Hospital Management: I shouldn't have to tell those lazy medics to get off their butts and start healing my critically wounded soldiers. What do they think that guy with the plasma burns is doing laying in that hospital bed anyway? Why is there even a 'heal' button at all? What ELSE would I want the medics to do with a wounded soldier laying in bed? Maybe if you're going to force us to click the heal button, you should give us a 'reject coverage' button and a 'notify next of kin' button

I kid, I kid.
UFO Dogfights: These should be a little more interesting than 'A UFO is shooting at your interceptor." You know that. I hope you're working on it.
Otherwise, thank you so much for all your hard work. It's a beautiful game, and very, very much appreciated.