just finished the rather addictive human campaign as far as it would let me go and I've racked up a few bugs...
In the map with the rather large alien spaceship, where the mission is to "stop the aliens from spreading their virus!" all the ramps in the game (not stairs) have a bug where when you get to the top of the ramp, before getting onto the 2nd level, the soldier becomes stuck and unable to advance, no move square is valid, but is otherwise okay.
production sometimes shows up (null) and will not accept more than one production, and throws an error (too many aircraft, production paused.
story events are way off, getting virus notification weeks after the first virus spread info, the timing of information in general is spotty.
troops move through walls to bisect corners, (even though the move would have been valid, and takes up the same amount of points, its annoying to suddenlty be behind your target, then between a wall and your target.
Suggestions:Civillians should run away from the aliens and hide or try to.
Mines, shootable from a distance, can be set off by explosions or stepping on them.
Ballistic shields, usable only with one-handed weaponry (upgradable after alien materials/alien armor)
Different types of gun ammunition, hollow point, fmj...e.t.c.
plasma rockets.
larger dropships, (probably not possible, but it think i saw some random maps, unless they were two different ones)
smaller dropships, (sometimes you don't need 8 )
A tabular system, where all base functions can be accessed without changing what was on the page, for example:
You can switch between the equip aircraft screen and the buy aircraft parts screen by a context-sensitive row of tabs at the top (constant switching between that horribly placed lower right button is a pain on the wrists). Same goes for the equip troops screen, which would have a series of related tabs, like buy equipment, hire employees, assign troops...assign heavy equipment...
Equipment presets, when you assign a team to an aircraft and go to the equipment screen, you should be able to load up a preset at a mouse click, through a dropdown menu, or make a new one and save/rename existing presets...some conventions:
If equipment isn't avaliable to completely equip the soldier BUT its buyable AND theres enough funds, it will be yellow. When you click, it will ask to buy X item(s) for X credits? Yes will buy that item and equip, no, will leave without that specific piece(s) of gear.
If its not avaliable BUT its NOT buyable but able to be produced, it will be blue, and when production is complete it will auto-equip the soldier with said gear (in the mean time he/she will be without that gear).
If its neither avaliable, nor buyable, nor producable, the preset will load up as best it can, show a warning (Warning, the following was not avaliable for purchase or production, please re-equip).
Whole crews can be preset, to speed the deployment even further, medium assault, heavy weapons, sniper and cover, fast tactical, defense, fast assault, alien weaponry only, heavy armor...
besides everything, the tabular system, or a better method of base management is probaly the most cumbersome, the interface is great artwise, but its just not easy to micromanage more than one base without getting tedious (didnt stop me from playing). Especially the building/equipping of aircraft or more than one dropship. a preset system, or buying aircraft pre-assembled, as well as "barebones") would be a big time saver. Of course, the option to do every little thing by mouse click would be still there, as well as compltely customizing every preset to suit whatever playstyle. (would help people more interested in alien-killing than base management. The way it is, it only takes away from the game, and gives very little, well..considering you dont get bases stormed or bombed yet, but I wouldn't like to have to spend an hour fixing and equipping four stilettos in four different bases.
other less, carefully thought out suggestions...Dog fights, air combat (blank sky with ground texture, the z-level changer just moves the cursor up or down the height, (would give players with more skill at tactics a benefit of being able to not lose 1 aircraft and 1 soldier every time a harvester shows up). Also, would allow soldiers to be able to gain pilot skills (handling making a plane faster, turn quicker (costing more tu's for a sharp turn {and aircraft damage, the g-stress, e.t.c} a full 20 tu's to change direction. Probably alot easier than I make it seem, but basically miniatured aircraft models, with a huge map balanced by the lack of models and textures minus the clouds, floor and aircraft.
small, tactical missions requiring short-range craft with crew, like a dragon or stingray interceptor with an extra seat, these could be fielded for simple rescue infiltration, sabotage or investigation missions.
mission types, actual defense of an installation, where the installation is a radar dish, convoy truck with precious materials/recovered tech/ship.
Alien type: Stealth, cloaking alien that is invisible without IR goggles or IR implants (maybe), fast, carries light weapons, but virtually no armor. major balance I imagine its visible during the day, so waiting for certain missions to be lit up by the sun would help, but one could also utilize flashlights(UV) to light up the alien an arc infront of a player, or maybe headlamps (another form of headgear). Or perhaps flashlights on the weapons themselves, perhaps only with standard arms. When the alien shoots, his cloaking turns off and he has to use the ability again to become cloaked, the alien may de-cloak at any time or not choose to use the skill, (if its day). It can be flash-bang vulnerable disrupting the sensitive photo-sensors, taking it out of cloak, as well as limiting TU's next turn (or stunning). armed with a pair or single plasma pistol, a light rifle, or a kerrblade. ooo scary