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Author Topic: SPANISH TRANSLATION  (Read 35880 times)

Offline Kaz

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« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2009, 01:54:28 am »

Thanks, Kaz! I'm glad to be part of this team.
I've not Translated a lot, but I I will put more dedication into it.
Please check out a minor translation I did. I do have some minor doubts:
- Is there any agreement on the message headers? (FROM / TO / SUBJECT)
- I noticed that some translations do not translate the Rank of the officers.
- Any agreement on Equipment / Vehicles / Items translation.

Here is a little (Unfinished) translation I worked on today. I welcome any suggestion or correction. After all, this is team work. ;-)

Let's go through all your points:

1. I'm not really aware of prior discussions on the subject of headers. During my last big round of translations, I standardized lots of headers, which you can find on the buildings pages. You can compare the By: line in the en texts with the Por: lines in es texts for reference. If you have comments on those I would appreciate it you brought up for discussion, since I did not receive any feedback on those.

2. If ranks are not translated, that is an oversight that should be corrected. Check the ones already translated so we maintain consistency.

3. Pretty much everything is open for discussion, but I would try and keep the pages marked [done] as reference for further work. I did some work on UGV (VTNT in es) translations, which would also benefit from review and feedback, but I have not put much work in Research and Equipment yet. If you go there, be sure to check that the es pages are separate from es_ES so we don't step on each other's toes.

4. Regarding the specific translation you are doing (Armadura de Nanocompuesto Reforzada), bear in mind that the original text is not yet ready (marked [open] in so any translation done at this point could be a waste of time. There are a lot of entries in need of translation under the Equipment section which are marked [done] in the english originals.

Also, when translating the pages, keep the main text clear of comments, since that will be imported into the .po file by an automated process. Any comments, discussions, etc. should be placed in the Talk page or here in the forum.


Offline Kaz

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« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2009, 03:33:11 am »
Hey xracer! I finished going over your changes. Quite a lot of them, by the way. Following are my observations, which include the msgid so as to be able to easily find the appropriate entries.

  • It seems to me you have been editing the .po file with a plain text editor. I would suggest using poedit.
  • msgid "Little bungalo in forest": Never translate msgid entries. These are used internally in the code and .ufo files to reference the translated msgstr entries. If you change the msgid things will break.
  • UFO Landed: OVNI Aterrizado.
  • #: ../base/maps/laboratory.ump:43 ../base/ufos/basemanagement.ufo:334: Don't mess with comment style things. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they are references to where the msgid are used.
  • Military convoy: Should we use caravana or convoy? Both are correct in spanish. Anyone with military experience can shed light?
  • Transport: Transportador o transporte?
  • Village recreational: de recreo or recreacional
  • Firebird D, Herakles D: I think the D is for Dropship...
  • Herakles-class Heavy Lifter: Nave de carga pesada o Carguero pesado?
  • Stiletto-class Interceptor: Interceptor? Caza?
  • Stiletto I, Saracen I: I think the I is for Interceptor...
  • Saracen-class Interceptor: Interceptor? Caza?
  • Repeat above commentsfor Dragon, Starchaser and Stingray.
  • Fighter U, Harvester U, Corrupter U, Supply U, Bomber U, Carrier U: The U is for UFO; should be changed to O for OVNI.
  • UFO - Harvester: Segador, cosechador or recolector?
  • UFO - Supply Ship: OVNI - Nave de suministro
  • UFO - Carrier: Portador, porta-naves or porta-ovnis (pensando en porta-aviones)
  • DF-Tank: Tanque de FD (DF stands for Deuterium Fluoride which has been translated as Fluoruro de Deuterio).
  • SHIVA 20mm API Rounds: API stands for Armor Piercing Incendiary. Other AP ammo types have been translated as Perforadora de Blindaje. PBI? IPB?
  • SHIVA 20mm HEI Rounds: HEI stands for High-Explosive Incendiary. I suggest using Explosivo Detonante Incendiario (EDI).
  • Sparrowhawk AA Missile Rack: Lanzador de Misiles AA Sparrowhawk.
  • Sparrowhawk Missile: Misil Sparrowhawk.
  • Particle Beam Weapon: Arma de Rayo de Particulas
  • Targeting Computer: Computador de Objetivos
  • Fuel Pod: Tanque de Combustible (beware of capitalization; this affects other entries as well).
  • Polymer Aircraft Armour: Blindaje de Polímero para Aeronaves.
  • Alien Astrogation: Astronavegación Alienígena.
  • AA51 Cicada SAM: MTA AA51 Cicada. SAM (Surface to Air Missile) debiera quedar como MTA (Misil Tierra-Aire).
  • stun_electro: Electro-Aturdidor
  • stun_gas: Gas Aturdidor
  • Nanocomposite Armour: Nano-compuesto or Nanocompuesto?
  • Power Armour: Armadura Electrica, Mecánica, Servoasistida?
  • Alien Body Armour: Armadura Alienígena
  • Medium Alien Armour: Armadura Alienígena Semireforzada
  • Missile Battery: Batería de Misiles
  • Antimatter Storage: Almacén de antimateria. And delete the old text.
  • Laser Battery: Batería Laser (I don't find this building in the wiki).
  • veryhard_campaign_txt, hard_campaign_txt, etc.: This texts come in from the wiki. Do not edit directly in the .po file. Check
  • Recovery Report -- %s: Reporte de Recuperación -- %s
  • Production Finished -- %s: Producción finalizada -- %s (Dejar construcción para instalaciones y producción para artículos fabricados)
  • Monthly Report -- %s y otros: No eliminar los %s y similares. Estos son reemplazados al generar cada instancia del mensaje por términos específicos, tales como nombres de bases, fechas, etc.
  • Equipment Order Received -- %s: Orden de Equipo Recibida -- %s
  • Lost Radar Tracking -- %s: Rastreo de Radar Perdido -- %s
  • New Radar Contact -- %s: Nuevo Contacto de Radar -- %s
  • English: Inglés
  • German: Alemán
  • Czech:  Checo
  • Hungarian: Húngaro
  • Portuguese: Portugués
  • Thai: Tailandés
  • Japanese: Japonés
  • Bulgarian: Búlgaro
  • No language: Sin lenguaje? Sin idioma?
  • Rifleman: Fusilero
  • Rfn: Fsl
  • LCpl: Cbo2 (which would make Lance Corporal be translated as Cabo Segundo)
  • Sgt: Sgto
  • Warrant Officer: Suboficial
  • WO: SubO
  • Senior Warrant Officer: Suboficial Mayor
  • SWO: SoM (somebody with actual military experience in a spanish speaking military organization could help more with these terms)
  • The Commonwealth of Oceania: La Comunidad de Oceanía
  • Alien Artifacts: Artefactos Alienígenas
  • Electromagnetic Rifle Magazine: Cargador del rifle Electromagnético
  • Previous category: Categoría anterior
  • Next category: Categoría siguiente
  • Add selected item: Agregar artículo seleccionado
  • Enemies Killed: Enemigos Eliminados
  • Kill this alien: Matar este alienígena
  • Add: Agregar
  • Remove: Quitar? Eliminar?

Map descriptions are generally good, but need some spelling check for accents, etc. Note that when some issue repeats itself over many entries, I have in some cases listed many, but others are not.

Despite the number of comments I send, I think you've done a terrific job. I would suggest that at this point your changes (minus the msgid changes) be submitted for inclusion in the repository. We can tackle these comments and observations here in the forum and send further updates to the .po afterwards.


Offline Nightknight

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« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2009, 06:30:36 am »
Kaz, thanks for the response. I will keep your advices present. Will also take a look at the headers and make emphasis on the "Equipamento" section.
I would like to make some comments on your last post, It would be good to set some terms to maintain the consistence of our translations, would also help future translators to have an access to the "agreed" terms.
# Military convoy: Should we use caravana or convoy? Both are correct in spanish. Anyone with military experience can shed light? - I think "Convoy Militar" is mostly used (Here in South America - Venezuela) They are both valid, but by taking a look at the press (Newspapers) I've noticed they favor the use of "Convoy Militar"
# Transport: Transportador o transporte? - I would go with "Transporte", since "Transportador" could refer to the person doing the transportation and lead to confusions.  [Note: points "Transporte" as a noun and "Transportador" as an adjective.
# Village recreational: de recreo or recreacional -  The word "Casa de Recreo" is valid, we could maybe use that for "Villa de Recreo" as well. The thing is that "Casa" refers to a single thing, a house, while Village refers to a group of things, group of houses or facilities. Villa Recreacional, maybe?
# Firebird D, Herakles D: I think the D is for Dropship... - That's correct.
# Herakles-class Heavy Lifter: Nave de carga pesada o Carguero pesado? - What about "Transporte Pesado" or "Cargador Pesado"
# Stiletto-class Interceptor: Interceptor? Caza? - I think the common use is "Avion Caza" - "Avion Caza-Bombardero". "Interceptor" is not a word I've seen used to describe a plane. (Well, not here in Venezuela, it could be used in other places) Could also use "Avion de Combate"
# Stiletto I, Saracen I: I think the I is for Interceptor...
# Saracen-class Interceptor: Interceptor? Caza?
# Repeat above commentsfor Dragon, Starchaser and Stingray.
# Fighter U, Harvester U, Corrupter U, Supply U, Bomber U, Carrier U: The U is for UFO; should be changed to O for OVNI.
# UFO - Harvester: Segador, cosechador or recolector? - I think the correct word could be "Recolector".  Since the ship is intended to abduct humans. Cosechador and Segador do not make full sense.
# UFO - Supply Ship: OVNI - Nave de suministro - I agree on this one.
# UFO - Carrier: Portador, porta-naves or porta-ovnis (pensando en porta-aviones) - Maybe OVNI - Transportador / Transporte? (Would need to check the utility of the ship for the aliens)
# DF-Tank: Tanque de FD (DF stands for Deuterium Fluoride which has been translated as Fluoruro de Deuterio). Agree on this.
# SHIVA 20mm API Rounds: API stands for Armor Piercing Incendiary. Other AP ammo types have been translated as Perforadora de Blindaje. PBI? IPB? I remember the Spanish Version of XCOM-Terror From the Deep used "PB". I think I'll "Wine" it up and check out.

# SHIVA 20mm HEI Rounds: HEI stands for High-Explosive Incendiary. I suggest using Explosivo Detonante Incendiario (EDI).
# Sparrowhawk AA Missile Rack: Lanzador de Misiles AA Sparrowhawk. - What about "Lanzamisiles" or "Lanzacohetes" (Both recognized by the RAE)
# Sparrowhawk Missile: Misil Sparrowhawk.
# Particle Beam Weapon: Arma de Rayo de Particulas
# Targeting Computer: Computador de Objetivos
# Fuel Pod: Tanque de Combustible (beware of capitalization; this affects other entries as well).
# Polymer Aircraft Armour: Blindaje de Polímero para Aeronaves.
# Alien Astrogation: Astronavegación Alienígena. - Are we going be using "Alienigena" or "Extraterrestre" for the translations?
# AA51 Cicada SAM: MTA AA51 Cicada. SAM (Surface to Air Missile) debiera quedar como MTA (Misil Tierra-Aire).
# stun_electro: Electro-Aturdidor
# stun_gas: Gas Aturdidor
# Nanocomposite Armour: Nano-compuesto or Nanocompuesto? - I vote for "Nanocompuesto"
# Power Armour: Armadura Electrica, Mecánica, Servoasistida?
# Alien Body Armour: Armadura Alienígena
# Medium Alien Armour: Armadura Alienígena Semireforzada
# Missile Battery: Batería de Misiles
# Antimatter Storage: Almacén de antimateria. And delete the old text.
# Laser Battery: Batería Laser (I don't find this building in the wiki).
# veryhard_campaign_txt, hard_campaign_txt, etc.: This texts come in from the wiki. Do not edit directly in the .po file. Check
# Recovery Report -- %s: Reporte de Recuperación -- %s
# Production Finished -- %s: Producción finalizada -- %s (Dejar construcción para instalaciones y producción para artículos fabricados)
# Monthly Report -- %s y otros: No eliminar los %s y similares. Estos son reemplazados al generar cada instancia del mensaje por términos específicos, tales como nombres de bases, fechas, etc.
# Equipment Order Received -- %s: Orden de Equipo Recibida -- %s
# Lost Radar Tracking -- %s: Rastreo de Radar Perdido -- %s
# New Radar Contact -- %s: Nuevo Contacto de Radar -- %s
# English: Inglés
# German: Alemán
# Czech:  Checo
# Hungarian: Húngaro
# Portuguese: Portugués
# Thai: Tailandés
# Japanese: Japonés
# Bulgarian: Búlgaro
# No language: Sin lenguaje? Sin idioma?
# Rifleman: Fusilero
# Rfn: Fsl
# LCpl: Cbo2 (which would make Lance Corporal be translated as Cabo Segundo)
# Sgt: Sgto
# Warrant Officer: Suboficial
# WO: SubO
# Senior Warrant Officer: Suboficial Mayor
# SWO: SoM (somebody with actual military experience in a spanish speaking military organization could help more with these terms)
# The Commonwealth of Oceania: La Comunidad de Oceanía
# Alien Artifacts: Artefactos Alienígenas
# Electromagnetic Rifle Magazine: Cargador del rifle Electromagnético
# Previous category: Categoría anterior
# Next category: Categoría siguiente
# Add selected item: Agregar artículo seleccionado
# Enemies Killed: Enemigos Eliminados
# Kill this alien: Matar este alienígena
# Add: Agregar
# Remove: Quitar? Eliminar? - Destruir?

Offline Kaz

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« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2009, 07:35:14 am »
Hey! More comments below in red.


I would like to make some comments on your last post, It would be good to set some terms to maintain the consistence of our translations, would also help future translators to have an access to the "agreed" terms. I agree with you that maintaining consistency should be a priority while translating. So far I've been doing it manually, checking multiple pages at the same time. I intend to create a wiki page where we can document the agreed "standards". Once that is done, I will post the link.

  • Military convoy: Should we use caravana or convoy? Both are correct in spanish. Anyone with military experience can shed light? - I think "Convoy Militar" is mostly used (Here in South America - Venezuela) They are both valid, but by taking a look at the press (Newspapers) I've noticed they favor the use of "Convoy Militar" It also seems to me that "Convoy Militar" is more common in this context. Btw, I'm from Chile.
  • Transport: Transportador o transporte? - I would go with "Transporte", since "Transportador" could refer to the person doing the transportation and lead to confusions.  [Note: points "Transporte" as a noun and "Transportador" as an adjective. Agreed
  • Herakles-class Heavy Lifter: Nave de carga pesada o Carguero pesado? - What about "Transporte Pesado" or "Cargador Pesado" Perhaps "Carguero pesado"?
  • Stiletto-class Interceptor: Interceptor? Caza? - I think the common use is "Avion Caza" - "Avion Caza-Bombardero". "Interceptor" is not a word I've seen used to describe a plane. (Well, not here in Venezuela, it could be used in other places) Could also use "Avion de Combate" But check
  • UFO - Carrier: Portador, porta-naves or porta-ovnis (pensando en porta-aviones) - Maybe OVNI - Transportador / Transporte? (Would need to check the utility of the ship for the aliens) It's role is closer to an aircraft carrier than an equipment transport
  • SHIVA 20mm API Rounds: API stands for Armor Piercing Incendiary. Other AP ammo types have been translated as Perforadora de Blindaje. PBI? IPB? I remember the Spanish Version of XCOM-Terror From the Deep used "PB". I think I'll "Wine" it up and check out. Better "dosbox" it...  :P
  • Sparrowhawk AA Missile Rack: Lanzador de Misiles AA Sparrowhawk. - What about "Lanzamisiles" or "Lanzacohetes" (Both recognized by the RAE) Thanks! I knew my brain was starting to melt on this one.
  • Alien Astrogation: Astronavegación Alienígena. - Are we going be using "Alienigena" or "Extraterrestre" for the translations? Both. In the original you find both "alien" and "extraterrestrial". Despite the consistency comments above, if the original is using synonyms, the translation should do so too (IMHO).
  • Remove: Quitar? Eliminar? - Destruir? The context for this entry is to remove from a list, so "Destruir" does noe make sense

Offline Nightknight

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« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2009, 04:10:37 pm »

Thanks again, Kaz.
The sound of the Wiki sounds good. All of us (Spanish translators) could lend a hand on it.
The "Carguero Pesado" sounds good. I've not checked the function of the "Herakles" Ship (Nice name, IMO) But, don't you think that maybe the word "Carguero" makes it look like it's intended to move materials and supplies from one point to the other instead of moving personal? I checked the X-COM TFTD Ufopedia and it uses "Transporte Pesado" (Runs on Wine, but tends to hang. Using the "Windows" (UFO2GOLD) version of it,  Wine handles it okay-ish.
Did check the Wiki Page. Amazing thing I did not know. So in the end "Interceptor" is a Specie of the "Caza" Genus. This would make it more exact. I agree on it.
The "UFO Carrier" Reminds me of Starcraft's Carrier (Darn you, Protoss!). Seems like a tricky translation. Maybe the folks at Blizzard translated the unit? I'll give it a check. Maybe we could get a little away of the "Literal" translation.
About the "Remove" I'm sorry, I didn't know it was intended to be used to remove an item from a list. In that case "Eliminar" seems like a good choice.

Offline xracer

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« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2009, 11:52:43 am »
Hey guys, sorry i have not been on lately but my father-in-law just passed away and it has been complicated. Currently i have very little time to reply to the comments made. I will try to read everything carefully over the weekend.

In any case I will surely like a come "communal" approach to the translation it will make things easier for everyone, and the wiki well done will be perfect.

Take care,


Offline Kaz

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« Reply #36 on: August 21, 2009, 02:16:48 am »
Hey Xracer,
My condolences to you and your family. Take the time you need with your family. We all understand that comes first.

Offline Nightknight

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« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2009, 08:41:36 pm »

I would also like to extend my condolences, Xracer. We hope you're okay.

On a side note, I've made some translations today. I've been innactive for some days. :-) Here is the report.

Equipamento: Cartucho C90
   -Changed item definition from "Tubo" to "Cartucho"
   -Changed "Clasificación Nivel. (...)" to "Clasificado Nivel (...)"
   -Changed "(...) Navarre, I+D: División (...)" to ""(...) Navarre, I&D: División (...)" [We could need an agreement on this]
   -Shows some differences with the "Lanzallamas CRC-FL" entry on the following Paragraph:
"El Compuesto 90 es un nuevo combustible para lanzallamas que, cuando se inyecta en el aire, crea una reaccion termobárica lenta -- una ignición de la mezcla gas-aire en vez de una explosión -- que carbonizar tejido vivo en segundos. El C90 inflige graves daños en objetivos orgánicos; el calor que genera supera los 1700 ºC, suficiente para derretir titanio. Por otra parte, debido a su naturaleza gaseosa no se deja residuos ni combustible en el objetivo o en su entorno, además de que el calor se dispersa mucho más rápidamente. Esto lo hace mucho más seguro para uso urbano que sus alternativas basadas en napalm."

Equipamento: Granada Cegadora.
   -Changed item definition from "Aturdidora" to "Cegadora": Reason: Aturdidora seems more related to  "Stunning". In combat this grenade does not "Stun" (Incapacitates for capture) the Alien, rather "Blinds" him. [It would be good to come to an agreement on the name of this item]
   -Need help / suggestions / correction with the following sentence:
"Es un arma indispensable en cualquier terreno que cuente con largas cantidades de obstáculos." The world "Obstaculos" was used to translate the word "Cover" as in "Take cover", "Move to cover". We could really use the use of someone with knowledge and experience on military terms.

Final note: I'll check later, there might be some orthographic errors.
I appreciate any kind of suggestion or correction.

Thanks Team (es)!

Offline Nightknight

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« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2009, 11:16:14 pm »
NOTE: Message has been modified by me.


Time for another report.

Equipamento / Equipamiento / Equipo: Granada de Fragmentación (O Fragmentaria)

Question: "Granada de Fragmentación" or "Granada Fragmentaria"? Seems like both are correct / valid.
*For the Translation I used "Fragmentaria"

What do you think about the following Translation?

"The alien attack on Mumbai made our situation painfully clear. Their technology is far more advanced than ours. The complete inability of Commonwealth troops to make a dent in the Mumbai offensive revealed critical weaknesses in current military training and equipment. They lost three battalions just bringing the aliens to a standstill without inflicting significant casualties. PHALANX has to overcome these odds, and to do that we need the very best human technology has to offer.

The Excalibur Program was created to find the most effective weapons on Earth by reviewing their manufacturing standards, durability, operational record, and their combat performance in the situations where we've managed to bring the aliens to battle."
"El ataque extraterrestre a Mumbai dejo nuestra situación dolorosamente clara. Su tecnología es mucho mas avanzada a la nuestra. La completa incompetencia de las tropas del Commonwealth de hacer mella en la ofensiva de Mumbai reveló criticas debilidades en nuestro equipamento y entrenamiento militar. Se perdieron tres batallones solo para detener a las fuerzas extraterrestres sin causarles bajas significativas. PHALANX debe superar estos obstáculos y para ello necesitamos lo mejor que la tecnología humana puede ofrecer.

El Programa Excalibur fue creado para encontrar las armas mas efectivas en la tierra a travez de la revisión de sus parámetros de manufactura, durabilidad, operatividad y su rendimiento en combate en las situaciones donde se ha logrado enfrentar a los extraterrestres en batalla."

--- Alternative Translation

Quoted from ""
"El ataque alienígena a Mumbai hizo nuestra situación dolorosamente clara. Su tecnología es mucho más avanzada que la nuestra. La completa falta de avance de las tropas de los Estados Libres Asociados en la ofensiva de Mumbai reveló debilidades críticas en el equipamiento y entrenamiento militar actual. Se perdieron tres batallones en el campo de tiro sin infligir bajas significativas en el enemigo. PHALANX debe superar estos problemas, y para ello necesitamos la mejor tecnología que la humanidad pueda proporcionar.

El Programa Excalibur fue creado para encontrar las armas mas efectivas de la Tierra revisando sus procedimientos de desarrollo, durabilidad, registro operacional y eficacia de combate en aquellas situaciones en las que hemos conseguido presentar batalla a los alienígenas."

Thought: I think the complex part of achieving an agreement is the fact that the Castillan (Or Spanish, however you want to call it) is an extremely rich languague and there are 1000 ways to translate a single sentence.

We need an agreement on those 2 paragraphs since they are headers to several entries. (As always, any observation, suggestion, correction is welcome)

   -Made the modifications mentioned on the previous post: (Clasificado / I&D )

[ADDED on Mod]

Equipamento / Equipamiento / Equipo: Granada de Incendiaria.

   -Check previous modifications.


The following couple of sentences / paragraphs have been hard for me to translate, any of you has an idea of a proper translation for this? (Present on "Frag Grenade" and "Inc. Grenade" entries.
- Original text in english:
The grenade's delayed fuse is ignited by first pulling the pin and then releasing the handle, usually released as the grenade is thrown. It will detonate after a period of several seconds.

- Translated text in spanish:
El temporizador es activado al halar de la anilla y liberar el mango, el cual usualmente es liberado cuando la granada está siendo lanzada. Esta detonará tras unos cuantos segundos.

Please do check the entries I've translated. I do appreciate any help / suggestion / correction. :-)

« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 12:14:28 am by Nightknight »

Offline Nightknight

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« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2009, 04:41:32 am »

Another Report! :-)

Equipo / Equipamento /Equipamiento: Lanzagranadas

-The ussual changes: Classification / I&D.
-Translated the Grenade launcher ammo as "25mm TAI" (Termobárica de Alto Impulso) from 25mm HIT (High Impulse Thermobaric) Suggestions accepted.
-This probed to be a hard translation. Please do check it an point any errors. Feel free to modify ANY of my submissions for improvements. If you do, please comment your modifications.

Offline wumpus

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« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2009, 04:05:56 pm »
Where is the last updated translation of the game? i Have the 2.2 version in mac. there are a translation of the wiki-alien invasion? thnx
Donde esta la ultima actualizacion para descargar la traducción del juego? tengo la version 2.2 del mac. Hay traducción del wiki-alien invasion? alguien tendria un tutorial en español amplio? gracias

Offline Matachusets2

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« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2010, 09:54:16 pm »
Hello! I wanted to ask a question:
Why every time that I update the file ufoai-es_ES.po, they change my name as last translator and put Kildor like is the last translator? ???
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 10:02:07 pm by Matachusets2 »

Offline geever

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« Reply #42 on: June 05, 2010, 11:24:57 pm »
Hello! I wanted to ask a question:
Why every time that I update the file ufoai-es_ES.po, they change my name as last translator and put Kildor like is the last translator? ???

Last translator is the last translator. Or more precisely the last person modified the file.

No, it's not changed when applied to trunk. But if somebody have to fix bugs in the translation (missing/extra %i, %s, \n markers) the poedit will change it. Also on updating all po files with new/modified strings in game it's possible that change (not sure about this one, done by scripts).


Offline Matachusets2

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« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2010, 12:15:30 am »
Ok, I undestood, so every thing of translation I upload is checked by other person before upload it to SVN server, rigth?

Offline Kildor

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« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2010, 11:16:30 am »
I verify po files. Only correctness of format, since I don`t know spanish. But I also fixed headers of almost each po files, and sometimes I synchronize that files with sources and wiki.

I`m sorry if this annoys you.