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Author Topic: Research Priorities  (Read 22938 times)

Captain Bipto

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2008, 06:24:27 pm »
I go for Lasers then DF cartridges (so I can build and buy DF ammo while researching the laser weapons) Laser Rifles, Heavy Lasers, and then Alien Armor to Nanocomposite Armor.  I am falling out of love with the Bolter but I usually either research that or Laser Pistols (for my medics).  From there my research gets pretty random because frankly the alien weapons are a joke (though the Plasma grenades for the nade launcher is a cool idea).

Offline Doctor J

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2008, 08:57:52 am »
After the development of Laser Rifles and Bolters I usually do not need the grenade launcher or other weapons like that.

You'll like 2.3 - reaction fire has been eliminated from all explosive weapons [all GL rounds but flechette].  In my mind, if the devs dislike exploding weapons so much they could just remove them [and the High Explosives skill].  It would be quicker than to let all Explosives skilled troops be sitting ducks.

Captain Bipto

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2008, 11:41:12 am »
You'll like 2.3 - reaction fire has been eliminated from all explosive weapons [all GL rounds but flechette].  In my mind, if the devs dislike exploding weapons so much they could just remove them [and the High Explosives skill].  It would be quicker than to let all Explosives skilled troops be sitting ducks.

That sucks.  I have killed a good number with nade reaction fire... :'(

I love this weapon, prolly the most flexible one in the game and I use it every mission.  I'd love to see an alien derived (or just advanced) GL that had a longer range too.

Offline Nevasith

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2008, 11:15:11 am »
I love grenade launchers! I tend to give one to my squads even in the advanced game. GL have specific trajectory of attacking which allows to blast aliens from the rooftops, or higher floors that would otherwise require me to send in some men and go up the stairs.
Grenade launcher should have gas grenades, but I'm against any longer range GL- they would be definitely overpowered,
The newest version has a reaction fire for GL- or i had a bug. Anyway I've killed more than one greenskin with a reaction GL- mostly on the crashed harvester mission.


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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 05:55:32 pm »
I personally won't miss the grenade reaction fire- I find that having my soldier fire a grenade at an alien that stepped out from a doorway right in front of him is a very bad idea. I use my grenadier, when I have one, as a vanguard/scout type unit.
Personally, I research Lasers and then armor... I won't bother with researching armor anymore since it's useless (who knew?)
Stun rods are ok, but I usually ditch them in favor of Monomolecular blades and gas grenades once I have them.
A close-combat specialist with a laser pistol in one hand and a knife or stun rod in the other is actually pretty powerful and accurate at most ranges, so I focus on my close-combat stuff. I don't like to research the plasma pistol, though, due to it's puny range.
Basically, the research pattern I'll use in the future will be Lasers and then the non-lethal/alien study branch, followed by particle weapons, and then kerrblades/monomoleculars.

Offline Falion

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2008, 06:03:12 pm »
Personally, I research Lasers and then armor... I won't bother with researching armor anymore since it's useless (who knew?)

The current armors in the game are useless? Just where did you read this info?  I mean if that is true...then what is the point?

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2008, 06:12:12 pm »
They aren't useless.

Offline Falion

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2008, 10:27:07 pm »
Thanks BT , for the clarification and clearing of that up... I couldn't believe that they were useless as was stated.


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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2008, 02:51:58 pm »
Quote from: Doctor J
You'll like 2.3 - reaction fire has been eliminated from all explosive weapons [all GL rounds but flechette].  In my mind, if the devs dislike exploding weapons so much they could just remove them [and the High Explosives skill].  It would be quicker than to let all Explosives skilled troops be sitting ducks.

That's pretty inane. Why rob players of options? Explosive reaction fire isn't particularily overpowered.

Quote from: TheFatSandRat
I personally won't miss the grenade reaction fire- I find that having my soldier fire a grenade at an alien that stepped out from a doorway right in front of him is a very bad idea.

This is precisely why you need to be careful about enabling it. Grenade reaction fire is perfectly fine when used intelligently. The only thing I'd change about explosive reaction fire is enabling control over the minimum range to a target required for it to trigger. Honestly though, if an enemy is close enough for your soldier to self-destruct in his own splash damage, chances are you were going to get flashbanged (multiplayer) and/or plasma bladed anyways.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 02:56:05 pm by Surrealistik »

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2008, 03:43:44 pm »
I agree with Doctor again...

taking out the grenade reaction fire is a bad idea... if you cant use it wisely your men deserve to die

Offline Nevasith

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2008, 03:07:39 pm »
who came to such a stupid idea of disabling RF for explosives?
The one who did this is just stupid, and i can say it in his face, or write it with my own blood on a beef hide.
It has no logical reason, and i hope it will be possible to bring back the RF by tuning the game files.
If someone has complexes that others know how to use RF with grenades and he/she cant than i suggest playing solitare- not to complex one. Its up to you- if you dont like RF dont use it! Instead of disabling that for others.

Offline blondandy

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2008, 09:40:10 am »
edit your

C:\Program Files\UFOAI-2.2.1\base\0ufos.pk3\ufos\weapons.ufo

change reaction to true in the firedefs.

also, please contain your misplaced vitriol. a lot of folk have worked hard to bring this out for free.

do penance by contributing a map (or something)

Offline Nevasith

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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2008, 11:03:50 am »
I staded in other posts, that the game is really good and its impresive that it has been done by ordinary people, not some rich corporation.
But i also said, that the idea of blocking this is stupid and i keep this opinion- you can sit with any weapon and just wait until someone shows up-even a rocket louncher
BTW, im on linux and my folder is /home/user/ufoai/base. I already did some tweaking with armor. (a little boost for combat armor, but since the encumbrance is not yet implemented its useless)
The one must know their limitations. Im no mapper/programmer but if you need someone to write descriptions or other text for campaign just PM me


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Re: Research Priorities
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2008, 03:25:59 am »
I start always with coilgun. It is more accurate and damages better than sniper rifle, and mostly kills enemy at first.

My second priority is the new ships.

Plasma & laser weapons are not needed for me, because sniper rifle and machine gun does better. Researching the ufo threat can the last priority.