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Author Topic: CURRENT STORYLINE -- SPOILERS!  (Read 83392 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2008, 03:39:52 pm »
That is a completely plausible explanation of the story, swanwarrior, but it does leave the majority of the playerbase expecting a full-on attack, and getting a few UFOs with 3-4 aliens in them. Sure, keeping the player on his toes is a good idea, but the enjoyment factor is reduced if the storyteller and the player have a hugely differing mental picture of what is going on.

I personally like the Mumbai scenario, just not as the beginning of the game. My 2p,



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« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2008, 07:39:31 pm »
Yeah, what a looser the XVI is.  In a million years it only:
Also, to be a bit fussy, it is not very compatible with the laws of natural selection that an organism maintained its genome identical for over a million years, and/or find a way to infect so many host and always have the same genome in all of them.
Natural selection is not a rule that depends on the anatomy or the phisiology of an organism, but is a general rule, as Newtons' ones.

If I understood well, XVI is something between a virus and a worm. It has to expand to as many organisms as possible. This means that it needs to have a genome able to adapt quickly to different situations and hosts. The more variable is XVI genome, the better is and the faster it is able to infect other specimen.This implies that two different XVI infected, would likely have two XVI infection units with different genome. If there are billions of infected hosts, it is very difficult for the original XVI to don't have rivals.

So a possible approach in defeating XVI could be to bombard as many aliens as possible with radiations. Or as an alternative, retro-engineer one of them or ideate a virus. This will eventually create more mutants of them, which XVI will have to fight.

Please forgive me.. I've gone science fiction mode :)

Offline eleazar

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« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2008, 08:52:05 pm »
...If I understood well, XVI is something between a virus and a worm. It has to expand to as many organisms as possible. This means that it needs to have a genome able to adapt quickly to different situations and hosts. The more variable is XVI genome, the better is and the faster it is able to infect other specimen.This implies that two different XVI infected, would likely have two XVI infection units with different genome. If there are billions of infected hosts, it is very difficult for the original XVI to don't have rivals.

You don't understand.  It doesn't much matter how varied the XVI genome is.  It's specifically stated that genetic tinkering is (at least sometimes) required to allow it to flourish in a new host species.  But the XVI entity is a being united not by a similar genetic code, but by a shared consciousness.  As long as the individual XVI organisms:
1) have the genetics for the ability to psionically communicate, and
2) are close enough to communicate

... the XVI will remain a single consciousness, and spawn no rival entities.

P.S.  It's irrelevant to the point, but "natural selection" i.e. "survival of the fittest" is not a law, on par with Newton's description of motion.  You can't define "fittest" in any testable, concrete way... at best you have a tautology: "the fittest" = "those who survive long enough to reproduce the most" ...  therefore we just have a single, self-evident statement-- not something testable or falsifiable.

Offline shevegen

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« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2008, 02:16:54 pm »
'You can't define "fittest" in any testable, concrete way... at best you have a tautology: "the fittest" = "those who survive long enough to reproduce the most" ...  therefore we just have a single, self-evident statement-- not something testable or falsifiable.'

No. Fittest means how many (viable) offspring one individual will create, so it is a quantifiable trait. I do not understand where you get this equation from.

The equation is:
-> The more viable offspring = the fitter one is.

Not vice versa. It is a simple manner of counting, nothing more.

As long as no offspring were created, the fitness will be 0. (The offspring need to be viable, because otherwise they could not reproduce and thus could not on their own create offspring, so one needs to look if they can create offspring too. It would mean the end of a given species if their fitness would become 0. When the dinosaur became extinct, for whatever reasons that happened, their fitness became 0 as well. It is that simple, but it is also a concept which does not EXPLAIN a whole lot).

If a guinea pig has 0 offspring, the fitness is 0 too, and thus it is "not fit". But you would need to analyze why it is not fit. For example, a guinea pig in a cage normally has a real fitness of 0, because it will probably not be allowed to mate. Or take poisoning in the food chain as an example, i.e. biomagnification
of DDT  in indian vultures's eating sheep,  or estrogen hormone levels in ponds affecting frogs or humans.

The term fitness applies to reproduction.

However, with that beind said, the term
"natural selection"
is even more problematic than fitness, because natural selection is just a lazy word for describing MANY different things altogether. I dont like this term. There is nothing "natural" about it, it just happens because of many DIFFERENT reasons.
And "Selection" is also not really important, because as long as either some offspring survive and reproduce, or there are other mates in your population, it hardly matters.

As a concept, "natural selection" does not explain a lot.  Only "intelligent design" or "life-arrived-from-outside-planet-earth" are more annoying. Both explain 0. They just state something which you can never verify. (Although I believe at some later point we can proof how "life" emerged. My theory is that the molecular machinery came into existance in the deep sea with Ribosomes that folded inside of liposomes using some cationic metal factors ... maybe sulphuryl-bonds. Chemistry will be able to answer that more accurately, after all life is nothing than a few genes and enzymes in a compound called a cell capable of setting together ATP and nucleotides)

What would be a LOT better as a concept would be co-evolution. This way you could exactly describe why certain birds have such a beak, and certain others a different beak.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 02:22:14 pm by shevegen »

Panthera Leo

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« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2008, 09:27:33 pm »
Rather then drag the issue out into a "He said", "She said" I'll just rip the beating heart out of that issue and serve it on a silver platter to you:

If we evolved, then we are our own master, "Eat drink, and be marry for tomorrow we die."

If the God, as in the God of the Bible, made us, then by being one of his creations, are accountable to him. (,And he's pissed! Better find some mercy! Romans 4:4-8, Acts 4:12,John 3:10-20)

However, if you're so sure of your case, go claim the $250,000 reward.

Offline Kildor

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« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2008, 05:09:21 am »

What`s f**ing sectarians in forum???

Panthera Leo

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« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2008, 06:08:59 am »
Made new thread to avoid going further off topic:    
Moved from Design: Antithetical Ideologies


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« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2008, 06:23:21 pm »
Holy Cow Getting deep here. The Story is secondary to game play. Honestly I just glanced at story to begin with. X-Com was allways a shocker of mass destruction in the begining just like The Terminator or the T.V. miniseries in the 80's called The Day After. I think the storyline is fine.

Offline TrashMan

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« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2008, 12:58:08 pm »
Just my 2c.... I honestly can't say I like the story.  A inteligent virus with psychic abilities and a hive mind that harvested a whole galaxy????? ::)

Offline TrashMan

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« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2008, 07:21:35 pm »
So...just wondering what's the status with the it still exactly like this? any changes planned? Any changes possible?

Offline ghosta

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« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2008, 08:28:37 pm »
TrashMan I guess there will only be changes until someone appears with a better story. And of course there are changes possible, but someone has to do all the work related to it. (e.g. UFOPedia entries)

The only problem I got with that story is: How can some few earthlings be able to defeat a 1mio year old race traveling through time and space assimilating everything standing in its way?

My proposal: No happy end! Find the overmind kill it and realize that you have to destroy every single infected. Nice little story in the end, maybe a video and then... The main fleet arriving at earth to eradicate the last few bits of what remains of our beautiful earth. Masses of bombers/fighters and motherships appearing on geoscape attacking and nuking every city/Phalanx-base and terrorizing the remaining erathlings. Then after a while: Phalanx drowning in the blood of its own soldiers. The earth... lost. Or something similiar to that. :)

Offline TrashMan

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« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2008, 09:40:58 pm »
To clarify my thoughts on this matter.

I've seen far too many books/games/movies that started brilliant, but the very end turned out simply awful, thus ruining almost the whole thing for me.

If anyone played UFO: Aftershock he should know what I mean. Absolutely TERRIBLE story.

I don't want that happening with UFO: AI. I don't people playing it and then ending dissapointed at the end of the game.

Now, most games of this type follow a certain script:
- aliens get progressively stronger
- there are multiple types of aliens
- they are mindwashed servants of something bigger/badder
- aliens usually have some psychic powers

Obviously, any story has to somehow explain why the aliens starts with small, lower-tech attacks.

In UFO: AI the real enemy is a sentient telepathic super-virus that conquered whole GALAXIES (oh, brother!) and now sets his sights on Earth.

How about a plot twist within a plot twist?

You find the virus, but it turns out the virus isn't controling everyone and is not really sentient. It makes the hosts brain ultra-sensitive to psychic manipulation.. a very specific type of psychic manipulation.  It turns out some aliens race created it as a weapon and it's till controlling everyone who is infected.

Why does that race attack earth? You cna invent a dozenb reasons, but it's been quite some time since I've seen the good old "they want to conquer us".
It doesn't have to be the whole race...jsut a faction, a military splinter group. Or rebels. that might explain smaller numbers and the reliance on a virus to conquer.

Offline gugand

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« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2008, 11:54:56 am »
Hi to all.
I'm a new fan of your project. If you don't understand something what i say it's cause my bad english  ;D

I read the main plot is not complete or can be changed and i like suggest something.
Someone ask why the aliens attack with poor technology at start of game, why they attack the earth and why they don't make a massive attack.
I have an idea:
This virus-mind is searching on the earth some people of an alien race who escape from its control. The ranaways can have or know something important. The first massive alien attack was an attempt to destroy the(or some) ranaways found in Mumbai. After the attack the hive-mind send some reconnaissance missions to be sure there's no more ranaways and to plane an attack to the earth. The thing that ranaways have or know is very dangerous to the hive-mind (for example something like a method to eliminate the virus and free the mind of the host) so the hive-mind don't organize an other massive attack since it's not sure there aren't no risks.
The ranaways can be hide to humans and their presence is revelead after a mission where the phalanx soldiers found the corpses of some aliens not affected by the hive-mind-virus. One or more missions needed in order to find the ranaways who can help with new alien soldier, scientists and techicians.
Do you like it?
Do you understand my english?  :-\

« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 12:31:11 pm by gugand »

Offline BAM

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« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2008, 01:12:03 pm »
I like the timeline Winter posted at the beginning of this thread best. I played through the campaign before reading the spoiler, and it was very suspensful and interesting.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 01:15:57 pm by BAM »

Offline Sarin

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« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2008, 05:06:26 pm »
I have entirely new storyline in mind :) mostly because this one has some logical gaps :) For example, when XVI mind realizes that Earth can be a threat to itself, why doesn't it just blow Earth to pieces (or just its inhabitants) and go to another galaxy? And, just for the record, why do aliens always have hive mind? It's kinda stereotypical copying of UFO:EU.