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Author Topic: New map candidate available for testing  (Read 6583 times)

Offline XaverXN

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New map candidate available for testing
« on: May 08, 2007, 09:08:49 pm »
Hey guys,

my new (and also first serious) UFO:AI map is nearing completion. It now needs testing, especially multiplayer, singleplayer and looking for errors. It would help me a lot if some of you took a look at it.

Errors, suggestions, critizism, praise ;-) : Any feedback is appreciated!


1) Copy to base/maps dir
2) Copy
into your base/maps/interior dir. Also, if you don't have the latest svn you need to copy
into base/maps/textures and the respective relative dir.

3) Singleplayer: Load into UFO: start new game (or load old one), bring up console (^) and type 'map apartments01d' or 'devmap apartments01d' if you want to walk through for yourself.
Multiplayer: Click Multiplayer, then start server.

Interested mappers could have a look at
Please remember, this is beta, a few errors are expected and a few things remain to be done.

Some screenshots:

The front

The easter egg ;-)

The interior

Thanks for testing!
Regards, Xaver


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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 01:05:24 am »
Nice. Here comes the meat:

1. I love the layout of the building. Will there be more substance to the other building or that solid block on the back?

2. The shed looks pretty easy to clear. Perhaps more clutter/cover for ET in there? I like the grenade friendly walls thought :)

3.  The stairs to the right of the Apotheke look a little wide, especially on the outside of the building. Love the multiple roof access though. Also, the other staircase ... Red carpet to the roof? I would expect a steep steel staircase behind a utility door.

4. What happens if you miss the turn at the top of the stairs on the right? Do you just get stuck back there? I can see aliens doing this, and that would be just too easy :)

5. The wall texture inside looks very uniform. Maybe something to break up that uniform texture. Perhaps paintings or wall mounted light fixtures.

6. I don't know how big a UGV is, but I suspect 4x4. Perhaps if the bollards at either end of the pass-through were closer together and only infantry could go through there it would be more interesting. No way to tell until we have UGVs though.

7. Maybe more retail space in the Apotheke and less behind-the-counter space would be good. Especially couples with more of those kiosks.

Now to play test it.

Offline XaverXN

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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 05:10:34 pm »
1. Thx... it's inspired by the house I live in ;-)
Thats something I would leave to the test players/community to decide. Do you think we need more room inside buildings -> should I carve out one or two more rooms there?

2. I dunno... its thought as a room for the big trash containers... I don't think there'll be highly strategic battles in there anyway.

3. Right, will do that... Red carpet? Must be texture error. These look red with black squares. The multiple roof access was of of my top-priority ideas too.
(BTW, for our non-german friends: An 'Apotheke' is a pharmacy)

4. Huh? Don't understand what you mean, sorry. Maybe you could do a screenshot (F12)

5. Yes, kinda.. still waiting for flash of wit there. Painings in a staircase? Maybe lamps, yes. Or a wallpaper?

6. Haven't thought of that, right... will double the bollards, might be strategically interesting.

7. Hm, sure possible... will wait for more opinions on this one...

Offline Mattn

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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 12:45:04 pm »
i fixed some clipping bugs in svn for this map - but you've added a lot of clipping brushes that are not aligned to 32x32x64 and thus might produce problems. see for a more detailed bugreport

Offline blondandy

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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 01:11:32 pm »
I have not tried playing this map yet. but,

I like the way the cars parked at the front are at an angle. Most of (?all) the current maps have everything arranged at 90 degrees, which makes them look unrealisitically neat.

I guess it is a lot harder to do buildings at odd angles to each other, but little touches like the angled cars help a lot.


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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 05:59:07 pm »
Quote from: "blondandy"
I have not tried playing this map yet. but,

I like the way the cars parked at the front are at an angle. Most of (?all) the current maps have everything arranged at 90 degrees, which makes them look unrealisitically neat.

I guess it is a lot harder to do buildings at odd angles to each other, but little touches like the angled cars help a lot.

It's not so much that it's difficult to do, as you just take the completed building and twist it, but that pathfinding doesn't work on anything but the grid.  It can crop up tons of little strategical problems.  IE: There's no way, really, if two windows are close together, to duck 'between' them.  It overcomplicates the map, and leads to bugs too.

Offline blondandy

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New map candidate available for testing
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 06:16:13 pm »
Ok, so the big buildings have to be aligned with the axes of the underlying map. I reckon that something (perhaps a small shed or bus shelter) that is not orthogonal will make it feel more organic and real. Just like a few trees and plants are needed to make an open area feel real.

One day, I plan to follow your excellent mapping article, put my time where my typing is, and make a map myself.

Trying to do some coding just now, though...