Development > Mapping

a lot of updated maps are in svn now

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as mentioned in the wiki at

there are a lot of updated maps in svn now. if you find the time, please compile them (see wiki article for compiling maps) and report feedback.

there are also some fixed models in svn now. but if you find more models without textures or maps with lila squares around, please tell me


Hi !

I just managed to compile all the new sources, but I still don't get how to compile maps with ufo2map.exe... If I could compile the maps, I could give you a little feedback.

Malick, number 1 dumbass  8)

there is an article in the wiki:

still problems?

Hehe, yeah, I still have problems...

I copied the base\maps directory under ufo2map\maps. The command line I enter under WinXP is:

--- Quote ---ufo2map maps\*
--- End quote ---

which returns an error:
--- Code: ---Entering (...)\maps\villagen.ump
ParseEntity: { not found
GetLastError() = 0

--- End code ---

Or is it something different ? According to the wiki, I should enter

--- Quote ---ufo2map maps\mapfile*
--- End quote ---

which means that I have to do that for each file ? (if "mapfile" stands for a map file real name)

I'm looking for a way to compile all the maps.


install perl and use the (also mentioned in the wiki)


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