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What melee weapons do your soldiers carry?

33 (66%)
Combat Knife
3 (6%)
2 (4%)
Monomolecular Knife
3 (6%)
Plasma Blade
9 (18%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: Blades  (Read 32715 times)

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Blades
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2008, 07:21:03 pm »
I don't understand all this hate against melee weapons. Plasma blades at the very least are extremely useful given that they are instant death on all difficulty settings.

 I believe the old adage is "Don't bring a knife to a gun-fight" ;)

The plasma blade is a pretty special case, being more like a shaped charge explosive than a melee weapon...


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Re: Blades
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2008, 07:37:57 pm »
While the plasma blade is a single use implement, it definitely qualifies as melee weapon. In any case, it is extremely deadly and effective, being amongst the best weapons for close range combat (it can also be thrown).

Now, criticisms against the other melee weapons are a little more founded. The Kerrblade while lethal (though typically not instantly so) is huge, while the knife and monomolecular blade are both somewhat TU inefficient given their effective range (or lackthereof). That said, despite their obvious shortcomings, the melee weapons do their job as back-ups very well.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 07:42:48 pm by Surrealistik »

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Blades
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2008, 09:24:30 pm »
Perhaps moreso when/if weight considerations prevent the carrying of a pistol.

But if I'm going to give my grenade-launcher trooper a backup weapon, right now its going to be some form of pistol rather than a knife...


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Re: Blades
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2008, 10:09:40 pm »
Melee impliments are obviously meant to be tertiary rather than secondary weapons (with the possible exception of plasma blades).


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Re: Blades
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2008, 05:01:03 am »
I agree that having a knife is a good idea, but honestly, I think melee combat against stronger aliens is a last-resort situation. It's cool, yes, and possibly necessary too, yes, but definitely not a primary or secondary modus operandi. Anyway, a burst from a submachine gun at point-blank range still works better than a knife slash. Disappointing, maybe, but true in the game and I'm sure in real life.

Offline shevegen

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Re: Blades
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2008, 04:53:16 am »
Disappointing, maybe, but true in the game and I'm sure in real life.

The game does not simulate real life. Just look at the various complaints about grenade launcher threads.

Anyway, however to come "closer" to real life, a knife might be a great choice for "sneak & kill" assassins.

They could actually be trained in knife heavily, or even use stealth modes... but then again maybe this is
not the typical way for the phalanx to fight (the sneaky way)


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Re: Blades
« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2008, 07:21:24 am »
I think you've been influenced too much by media. The assassination of JFK was by the use of an accurate rifle, poisons are used to be placed into meals for thousands of years and traps(for eg. IEDs/bear traps) are often set to kill the said person. Assassins have always been "single-use" as they always hit their targets at the weakest, despite personal safety. Since ancient times, assassins have attacked their targets in public, not always successful, but they almost never gotten away.

Besides, if u look at Shevaars, they've got no eyes and ears but "The Shevaar see in infrared. This will make it difficult to hide from them or approach them undetected." I'd assume other aliens will also behave differently to we humans, and approaching undetected to melee range is extremely hard as it is. The modern day assassins are snipers, that hide from a location and take out their targets at 2000m and leave undetected. Thats why its important to have 1 shot 1 kill, the 2nd shot will be their undoing.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 07:23:38 am by fuuuu »


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Re: Blades
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2008, 05:24:38 pm »
I would think that the Combat Knife would have more application for defense against melee combat than offense.  Ideally, in a situation of a soldier with a knife attempting a melee strike against another soldier with a knife, there would be a chance of missing, and a chance for reduced damage against the knife wielder.  Of course, the Kerrblade thoroughly trumps the Combat Knife, and so miss/reduce chance would be almost zero, but once the Monomolecular Knife becomes available, the playing field evens a bit.  Now, in the case of a block or damage reduction, there could be a chance that the defending blade is destroyed by the blow it is protecting against.  There may also be some lesser consideration for this with soldier weapons; lighter weapons have a higher chance of reducing/blocking, but heavier weapons are more likely to absorb the entire hit and less likely to be destroyed.  A Kerrblade in both hands, mind you, may make the soldier almost unattckable in melee, but that does mean sacrificing any ranged potential.


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Re: Blades
« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2008, 07:55:17 pm »
Yes, I think that assassinations are accomplished more often with silenced weapons and poison than by managing to sneak up behind well-trained enemies and kill them with knives. It does happen, but it's no way to fight off an invasion by a superior foe with superior weapons and technology. I for one wouldn't have even a single agent wholly devoted to knife-fighting. Yes, I would like to have agents throw a knife or two and have that work, but for a modern special-ops, it just can't be a priority.

Now, if someone can successfully develop a ninja-based tactical method and use it successfully, I'd LOVE to see it - that would be great. As long as it's not too cartoonish. I know I'd be tempted to have assassins if there were a reason to silently assassinate any enemies.


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Re: Blades
« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2008, 01:06:04 am »
Now, if someone can successfully develop a ninja-based tactical method and use it successfully, I'd LOVE to see it - that would be great. As long as it's not too cartoonish. I know I'd be tempted to have assassins if there were a reason to silently assassinate any enemies.

I've done it. It's called spamming flashbangs then butt-raping the aliens with everything from combat knives to plasma blades. Once smoke grenades work, the tactic will be even more viable. Of course, there's no meaningful reason to do this instead of spamming rockets, laser and coilguns from beyond the effective range of the alien weapons short of creating additional challenge.


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Re: Blades
« Reply #55 on: October 15, 2008, 07:10:40 am »
I've done it. It's called spamming flashbangs then butt-raping the aliens with everything from combat knives to plasma blades. Once smoke grenades work, the tactic will be even more viable. Of course, there's no meaningful reason to do this instead of spamming rockets, laser and coilguns from beyond the effective range of the alien weapons short of creating additional challenge.

Perhaps "butt-raping" is not the ... best term to use in a forum. I'd be satisfied to slash their carotids quietly or incise their windpipe if it would help. I'll try that technique, though, Surrealistik.