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Author Topic: 2D Art  (Read 49247 times)

Offline Voller

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« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2007, 05:38:40 pm »
good stuff! :D

Offline Mattn

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« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2007, 09:01:37 am »


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2D Art
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2007, 06:32:11 pm »
Quote from: "Mattn"
i suppose you've seen these images:

Umm... I've seen that picture in-game after a failed mission. Is there anything particular about this pic that I should've noticed?

BTW Mattn. I sent you a link to the finished Taman autopsy pic (minor changes, looks basically the same) + a link to the sourcefile.

Offline Mattn

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« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2007, 07:30:40 pm »
Quote from: "Blywulf"
Quote from: "Mattn"
i suppose you've seen these images:

Umm... I've seen that picture in-game after a failed mission. Is there anything particular about this pic that I should've noticed?

BTW Mattn. I sent you a link to the finished Taman autopsy pic (minor changes, looks basically the same) + a link to the sourcefile.

just for reference for the ortnok painting...

btw. it would be cool if you could create the images in the same dimensions - otherwise they will be scaled in our ufopedia and the ratio doesn't fit (e.g. in case of taman_autopsy)


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2D Art
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2007, 08:01:14 pm »
Does that mean that the pic will be deformed (streched) once it's integrated into the UFOpaedia?
I planned to use the same background for the other autopsy pics. Since it defines the overall size of the image they could also end up being deformed. Mattn - I'd like you to supply me with data regarding the dimensions of pictures in the UFOpeadia (I checked the Wiki and found some images attached to UFOpaedia entries but I'm not sure if they're of the same size as those in the game).

Offline Zenerka

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« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2007, 08:09:33 pm »
If we use picture with the same x and y dimensions, the effect is
very nice, while it is not really nice if we take pictures with different dimensions as-is.
And the problem is that we really need to use one dimension definition for every picture in UFOpedia (currently it is 240x240 which is pretty nice).

Offline Mattn

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« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2007, 08:27:07 pm »
"the same background" -- yes please.

as zenerka said - the best would be an image with the same x and y dimensions. i'm sorry that this info came so late - but we have used models until now - your images are the first real nice images in the ufopedia... sorry


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2D Art
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2007, 09:19:42 pm »
Oh, so it's basically squares only (seems like they fit best), no rectangles allowed... well it does make things kind of difficult. You dont plan to change the general layout of the UFOpaedia window any time soon do you? :D

Offline Zenerka

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« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2007, 09:25:30 pm »
All menu nodes are staticaly placed at fixed positions in given menu. If we would like to have rectangles instead of squares as a picture - that is doable of course, but we would have to rearrange all menus and all nodes positions in these menus == a lot of work. But yes, technicaly it can be done.

But even after that still one problem left: all pictures for UFOpedia needs to have the same size (so all squares or all rectangles with the same amount of x/y dimensions).

That is why I personaly think that all pictures as squares is the best option (but I am only a coder and cannot even argue about artwork).

PS Your pictures looks awesome in game - thanks for your contributions!


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« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2007, 09:39:56 pm »
Well, I'm not going to force you to change the code in order to showcase some drawings. Although, even the old UFOpaedia in the original X-Com offered a lot more space for artwork:

Sectoid UFOpaedia entry

I understand that the images should have the same dimensions. I just thought that it's no problem at all to somehow scale them down to proper size in order to place them in the UFOpaedia. There were no alarming signals coming from the dev team after my initial artwork submissions. The fact that those images had (almost) the same lenght of all edges was a pure coincidence.

Offline Voller

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« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2007, 10:12:16 pm »
@Zenerka: can't you just centre any narrower images horizontally, rather than stretching them? So if it has a width of 150, it gets a transparent border of 45 on each side?


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« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2007, 10:34:36 pm »
@ Voller: It still wouldnt solve the issue as all the narrow images would become so small that they'd look like thumbnails.

Offline Winter

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« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2007, 10:47:29 pm »
Quote from: "Blywulf"
@ Voller: It still wouldnt solve the issue as all the narrow images would become so small that they'd look like thumbnails.

Clearly the only option is to restructure the UFOpaedia to make more room for art as well as text.

Also, Zenerka, why are the research result images being displayed in the research screen before they are researched? That's not the idea . . .


Offline Voller

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« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2007, 11:38:40 pm »
Quote from: "Blywulf"
@ Voller: It still wouldnt solve the issue as all the narrow images would become so small that they'd look like thumbnails.

Not necessarily. If you consider the not really nice one,  for example: why would you need a square version of it? Aliens (same as humans) tend to be long and slender, rather than squarish, so any square version would not add any extra detail or information. The height of the alien stays exactly the same.
The same is true for weapons, which should possibly be centred on the vertical. Or even grenades, centred vertically and horizontally.

I'm not saying that extra detail isn't good. I'm saying that, if there is no square version of a picture (for whatever reason), there is no need to scrap or redo it.


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« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2007, 08:07:10 am »
Quote from: "Winter"
Clearly the only option is to restructure the UFOpaedia to make more room for art as well as text.

If it happens then maybe it would be a good opportunity to introduce some alternative designs. Not just for the paedia but for all the other menus and windows as well (I do understand that only the UFOpaedia's layout would change, the rest would have to stay docked as it is at the moment).

@ Voller: I know what you mean but I still would consider those scaled down images a bit too small. If I had known right from the start that their size would be so small I'd have called for more artwork space before I the images were done. :)