I got back home a week earlier so I had some time to spend working on a pic of the Alien Breathing Apparatus. I hope I placed all of its key elements properly (a sphere on each side of the brainstem and a pipe stuck in the trachea)

. The pic still requires some work. Obviously, the apparatus itself needs some colors.
Alien Breathing Apparatus Not sure if you like the fact that I decided to include an enlarged view of the apparatus. Once I was done drawing the alien's silhouette I noticed that it has to be quite large in order to make the viewer aware of what he actually sees (alien's neck and parts of its internal respiratory system). With a large part of the pic taken by the silhouette the apparatus itself looked rather small. That's why I decided to 'zoom in' on it.
On a side note - I've drawn an entire silhouette of a Taman (Tamans are those skinny blue guys, right?

), just in case there's a need for some more drawings of alien internal organs.
Taman Comments and crits welcome.