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Author Topic: UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra  (Read 8797 times)


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:54:54 am »

Grotesque and nightmarish. It resembles a bloated, bulbous sack of pulsating flesh, with masses of long, thick, flailing tentacles protruding from it. The tentacles are clearly powerful, muscular, and are riddled with multitudes of thorny growths, ultimately terminating in a large hooked blade. These are extremely sharp, and taper to an ultra fine end. Vaguely eyelike objects seem to adorn the central mass of the creature. Its colouration is that of necrotic skin.


The Hydra is extremely swift and its many tentacles propel it at incredible speeds, rendering it easily capable of outrunning even the fastest soldier. It is also able to harness their vast muscular prowess to leap great distances, both vertical (allowing it to potentially infect even the flight capable) and horizontal. Finally, the sharp bladed ends of its tentacles enable it to grip and climb virtually any surface effortlessly, permitting it to move on walls and ceilings.

When engaging PHALANX troops and civilians, this alien resorts to its many bladed appendages. Because the blades are monomolecular, and applied with great strength, they are capable of penetrating even the heaviest powered armour. This creature does not aim to kill its target through lacerations and trauma however, despite its obvious ability to do so. Instead, it injects a penetrated target with a potent retroviral pathogen.

The injected virus immediately attacks the brain of the subject, corrupting and subverting countless cells in an exponentially accelerating cycle. This has the sum effect of reducing the intelligence and disposition of the victim to that of a predatory beast within seconds. In the meanwhile, the remainder of his body is metabolized and hijacked by the pathogen, rapidly transmuting the innards into Hydra lifeforms, while causing it to secrete and produce more of the viral agent. After the developing Hydras inside have gestated sufficiently, they will violently emerge from their host in search of new hosts.

The appearance of a victim is about as pleasant as the symptoms; as the skeletal structure is metabolized, its form often becomes misshapen, lopsided and/or hunchbacked, while the skin secretes large amounts of green/black viral agent as it is broken down, giving it a disturbingly necrotic appearance. Large bulges and growths may be observed; these are new Hydras coiled within their host, waiting to fatally burst forth from its unwilling progenitor as they develop. Occasionally, the bladed tentacles of fledging Hydras may penetrate what skin and sinew remains. The ultimate result is a truly horrific fusion of alien and man.

The living wombs Hydra victims are subsequently transformed into are instinctually compelled by the subversion and transmutation of their brain matter to find and infect new human hosts. While their bodies largely deteorate as a consequence of the Hydra's parasitic consumption, the strength of these "zombies" is increased to almost superhuman levels. This is due to the biochemical impact of the pathogen on the muscles of the host; it acts as a sort of fast acting, ultrapowerful anabolic steroid, rapidly executing signifigant mutations in the tissue. The virus is typically spread from these vectors via contact or injury, often from a bite.
The deteoration of brain matter however has made the victims slow and clumsy, so while physically powerful, they are relatively easy to outrun. When slain, depending on how long it has been permitted to gestate spawn, several Hydras are likely to evacuate the destroyed host, and seek new ones.

Upon destruction, Zombies and Hydras alike will birth a miasma of airborne pathogen due to their rupturing. While it remains viable and dangerous for only a short period of time (lasts a couple of turns before dissipating), any human who steps through it without an atmospherically sealed body suit is likely to become infected.  

Because they have no vitals or organs, the effectiveness of armor piercing and laser weaponry is considerably reduced. Further, their flexible, yielding bodies are capable of weathering concussive shocks very well. However, they cannot tolerate extreme temperatures. Plasma and incendiary weaponry can easily destroy them.

Finally Hydras feature incredible metamobilisms that permit them to regenerate damage and injury extremely quickly.


Hydras are in actuality engineered macroviruses, bioweapons and warfare of the worst kind. They are organisms that have been specifically engineered, tailored and designed to hunt, hijack and metabolize human tissue. As such, their pathogen has absolutely no effect on the aliens. The virus is also sufficiently variable to prevent the development or effectiveness of any sort of vaccine. They have managed to develop such a creature through their extensive analysis and examination of human tissue and anatomy. The knowledge they have derived from this research, combined with their advanced understanding of biochemistry, has permitted them to author these self-perpetuating horrors.


-Between their innate monomolecular blades and unmatched strength, Hydras are capable of penetrating any armour type.

-Humans injured by a Hydra or Zombie immediately become Zombies.

-Zombies count as members of the alien team.

-A new Hydra is created within a Zombie every couple of turns. When 2 Hydras are created, the Zombie is split open and destroyed by its progeny.

-If a Zombie is killed before it "gives birth" it will spawn as many Hydras as have been created within it. These Hydras may be partially damaged.

-Zombies and Hydras that are slain (including when a Zombie "gives birth") will emit a miasma of airborne pathogen. Humans entering this viral cloud that lack airtight protection will become Zombies. As an aside, you might consider implimenting a "viral/pathogen grenade" which has a similar effect as an exclusive alien weapon, with hand and launcher discharged variants.


-Extremely fast, capable of movement along walls and ceilings, capable of leaping long distances vertical and horizontal.

-Self-replicating; one Hydra can easily become many in the presence of civilians.

-Resistant to concussive, armor piercing and laser damages.

-Discharges viral miasma on death.

-Regenerates health with each turn.


-Possesses only a melee attack. Has no ranged weaponry.

-Weak to flame and plasma based weapons.

 Questions? Comments? A worthy successor to the Chryssalid?


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 05:43:55 pm »
Worthy... yes... but dear gods I don't want to find one of these things during a terror mission.  The old version was only half as mean and those were nasty enough.

You used to be able to knock out your own guys when they got zombied if I remember right (it's been a while), and while perhaps at first this wouldn't be available, I'd like to be able to save my team members eventually with a couple of well placed gas grenades and a good medical team.


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 07:14:05 pm »
Some kind of antidote would be a good research thread...


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 09:18:21 pm »
You used to be able to knock out your own guys when they got zombied if I remember right (it's been a while), and while perhaps at first this wouldn't be available, I'd like to be able to save my team members eventually with a couple of well placed gas grenades and a good medical team

Some kind of antidote would be a good research thread...

I definitely agree with an antidote to the pathogen being availible as a research topic, *especially* if the aliens employ it in projectile delivery systems, such as grenades and missiles. It could be administered via medikit once it has been successfully researched.

In X-Com,  Zombies actually had complete immunity to stun weapons. It was the only alien lifeform that couldn't be captured. You're probably thinking about mind control.

As for curing the afflicted teammate, you'd have to do so pretty quickly (within a turn or two), before permanent damage was done by the pathogen converting the victim's innards into more Hydras. That said, it would take a hell of an opposing retrovirus to somehow undo the brain damage (maybe Nanobots could deal with that better though). Perhaps the brain might simply be affected by a psychoactive biotoxin instead of cellular conversion.  This would make recovery to combat readiness more plausible.


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2007, 10:09:08 pm »
I would imagine the soldier, even if an antidote was administered quickly enough, would be unconscious for the rest of the round and possibly in hospital for a good couple of weeks.


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 11:39:58 pm »
Brief thought on this.  The idea of 'cellular biological mutation' is all good, but that doesn't change the alliance and thinking of a person.  Even if you just trigger the entire rage center, the person would just go berserk, with a major chance of it going psychopathic on the hydra that just infected it, and then going straight for the first thing it saw, which would probably be another alien, a moving car, or a drainpipe that they didn't like the color of...

... and far to fast of a conversion for an 'injection' when you consider you're talking less time then it takes to change a clip in a weapon.

HOWEVER... a more likely scenario might be something like the following:

There ARE neurotoxins that can paralyze the body nearly immediately.  A quick fading one of these giving time for an injection to get up to the brainstem might be effective.  So, a non air-tight armor, on injection, would automatically lose all the TU's the next round to imitate this effect.

Now, instead of a biological conversion, which either turns the human into a roaming destroyer of anything moving (and non), or a vegetable, let's take a quick look into how to control a human so they are weapons against humanity.  Such as nanobots that can receive psionic commands from the Tamans (kill the Tamans, get your guy back).  Even nastier thought is until you research how to remove the nanobots any mission you use that character on with Tamans in it in the future... he's controlled again.

This would most likely be a different creature all together from the listing above though.

Coming back to the Hydra... I'd almost think an infection wouldn't 'zombie' the user... but most likely paralyze him to prevent a suicide attempt.  The idea of turning the  human into an egg would still be viable, but it wouldn't be a conversion of the human in the meanwhile, merely a paralyzation during the gestation.

With the rest of the game being 'hard sci-fi', other then the psionics and FTL, I could see these two types of methods being more believable.

... not to mention less overkill.

Baron Crass

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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2007, 11:40:28 pm »
I really like the idea of a more 'melee' style alien breed like the Chryssalid (as opposed the the Reaper...did anyone EVER have one of those stupid things do ANYTHING damaging to a member of their team?). Chryssalids were absolutely brutal...a couple of those on a Terramission with time to 'work' could create a veritable army of spawn. I ended up just chucking HE Demo packs in every building on the map I saw one of those things OR one of the resulting zombies, run around in.

I like the basic idea of this Hydra creature, but worry that it's a little TOO potent.


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2007, 11:56:58 pm »
Brief thought on this. The idea of 'cellular biological mutation' is all good, but that doesn't change the alliance and thinking of a person. Even if you just trigger the entire rage center, the person would just go berserk, with a major chance of it going psychopathic on the hydra that just infected it, and then going straight for the first thing it saw, which would probably be another alien, a moving car, or a drainpipe that they didn't like the color of...

My thinking is that these mutations have the effect of essentially instilling the same biologically programmed urge the Hydras have to attack and infect other humans.

Coming back to the Hydra... I'd almost think an infection wouldn't 'zombie' the user... but most likely paralyze him to prevent a suicide attempt. The idea of turning the human into an egg would still be viable, but it wouldn't be a conversion of the human in the meanwhile, merely a paralyzation during the gestation.

With the rest of the game being 'hard sci-fi', other then the psionics and FTL, I could see these two types of methods being more believable.

... not to mention less overkill.

The idea is to replicate the horror and psychological effect of the Chryssalid, and perhaps surpass it. Because this is the object, zombification is necessary (paralyzation isn't nearly as intimidating).

That said, it is certainly possible for a properly designed pathogen to have this sort of effect in its totality (I will admit however that it would be incredibly complex, but that may be said of most alien tech). The speed at which it occurs is by and large the least plausible aspect, but an obvious necessity for the creature to be effective.

I really like the idea of a more 'melee' style alien breed like the Chryssalid (as opposed the the Reaper...did anyone EVER have one of those stupid things do ANYTHING damaging to a member of their team?). Chryssalids were absolutely brutal...a couple of those on a Terramission with time to 'work' could create a veritable army of spawn. I ended up just chucking HE Demo packs in every building on the map I saw one of those things OR one of the resulting zombies, run around in

Haha, yeah, I developed a great deal of paranoia myself with respect to the Chryssalids prior to the creation of flying armour. On max difficulty they can literally clear half the map or more. Reaction fire was mandatory.

As for the Reapers, they were a running joke more or less. Often they'd get stuck as a consequence of their size, while my troops effortlessly blasted away at them in complete safety. Large creature + poor AI + melee attack and mediocre TUs = easy kill.

I like the basic idea of this Hydra creature, but worry that it's a little TOO potent.

Reaction fire with plasma weapons and incendiary munitions should prove very effective as a countermeasure against this creature, as they are vulnerable to the intense heat these weapons produce. This creature obviously wouldn't be encountered until early-late game at the earliest, likely allowing you to research at least plasma pistols.


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 12:09:06 am »
How about a brain-slug a-la Futurama?


Ok so if you want believable...

The Hydra pierces the skin with surgical precision.  Rather than dealing vast amounts of damage, its tentacles work quickly and accurately to insert an array of small but powerful electromagnetic transmitters directly into the major pathways of the central nervous system.  These transmitters seem to directly bypass the soldier's brain...  Sir...  This type of attack is utterly disturbing...  These transmitters give the aliens the capability to take full control over our soldiers by supressing signals from the soldiers brain, and substituting signals recieved from a nearby transmitter.  

The most disturbing part of all this is - the soldiers brain is still active during this experience.  Your soldiers are fully aware of what is happening around them, even as their own body is used as a weapon against their friends, or as a human sheild.  There are battlefield reports that the soldiers who have been captured by the Hydra's attack are screaming for help as they run towards their own men, guns blazing.  

We know of no way to counter this attack, other than perhaps to stun the affected soldier and get them to hospital as quickly as possible, so the implants may be removed.

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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2007, 02:15:59 am »
Hmm, I like you're idea alex, but it's more like standard mind control, not at all like a chryssalid.

I guess Winter will find himself to be in a bit of a pickle here: chryssalids + realism = difficult to explain ;)

Personally I think you should be a bit more lenient this one time, and create a worthy successor for the chryssalids, even if you can't explain it 100%

I suggest the following stages:

1. melee attack by hydra, soldier gets infected
2. Soldier can still be controlled, but is infected with a parasite or some other nasty thing growing in him. Can be stunned and treated in hospital.
3. Soldier loses consciesness. Cannot be rescued anymore.
4. Soldier gets up again, but is some zombie type creature (slow, but strong melee attack)
5. If shot, cracks open and another hydra comes out
6. Hydra maybe needs another round or two to gain its full strength.

At stage 3, your soldier already counts as enemy, so has to be neutralised like all the other aliens if you want to win the mission.

If this is too easy, cut out stages 2 and 6 (and maybe 3) ;)

Offline Psawhn

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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 06:19:36 am »
Quote from: "Baron Crass"
(as opposed the the Reaper...did anyone EVER have one of those stupid things do ANYTHING damaging to a member of their team?).

I did. Spawned right underneath my Skyranger, and I had at least 2 more within striking distance of the ramp, and 3 or 4 floaters around there, too.
I managed to stick a stun rod into that reaper (which didn't do anything) but it still munched up one or two of my guys.

Moral of the story: If the LZ is too hot, take off and find a better spot. (Ie: reload. ;) )

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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 06:58:39 pm »

Chryssalids were the coolest things in UFO :) I really hope somebody will implement a similar alien (preferably also zombies :) ).


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2007, 01:32:40 pm »
I suggest the following stages:

1. melee attack by hydra, soldier gets infected
2. Soldier can still be controlled, but is infected with a parasite or some other nasty thing growing in him. Can be stunned and treated in hospital.
3. Soldier loses consciesness. Cannot be rescued anymore.
4. Soldier gets up again, but is some zombie type creature (slow, but strong melee attack)
5. If shot, cracks open and another hydra comes out
6. Hydra maybe needs another round or two to gain its full strength.

With the exception of #2 I like this a lot. The reason why stage 2 is not viable is because it makes administrating a cure to the infected soldier too easy, or allows the player to kamikazi him before zombification. After becoming infected, the victim should be immediately rendered unconscious (due to a fast acting neurotoxin). Each subsequent round, the victim loses a great deal of health. When the victim's health is reduced to 0 or less in this way, he rises and permanently becomes a Zombie. The Hydra then gestates within the Zombie for a few rounds. Each round it gestates it gains health. When its health reaches 100%, it tears its host apart, and seeks more humans to infect. Should a Zombie be killed prior to giving birth, the Hydra will leave with whatever health it managed to accumulate until then (and perhaps it might take some damage from whatever destroyed the Zombie).

I think this is an excellent revision because:

A: It makes the timeframe over which the mutations and gestation occurs much more plausible.

B: It adds further suspense and apprehension to the game. You don't know, for example, whether that civilian corpse lying about is truly dead or about to be zombified.

Imagine entering a seemingly empty house, with nothing but bodies inside; only to be surrounded by Zombies on the next turn, as they rise and shamble back to life...


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2007, 02:17:29 pm »
why not then include a more alien like system?

with infection resulting in strong alien attacking base from inside?


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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2007, 09:18:06 pm »
The Hydra growing inside the infected victim does emerge violently once it reaches maturity.