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Author Topic: Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]  (Read 3893 times)


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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« on: January 05, 2007, 03:58:52 am »
Hello.. I am not sure what im doing wrong but I just compiled RC6 trunk from svn and all went fine, when i try and load the game tho i get this :

Code: [Select]

Could not get symbol 'glDeleteShadersARB'
...GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
...max texture size:
......detected 4096
......but using 2048 as requested
...SDL_ttf version 2.0.8 - we need at least 2.0.7
...SDL_ttf inited
CDAudio_Init: No CD in drive.
CDAudio_Init: CD contains no audio tracks.
CD Audio Initialized.
Error: Hunk_End:  Could not remap virtual block (5)

If I edit the config file and disable audio cd, I get this instead :

Code: [Select]

Could not get symbol 'glDeleteShadersARB'
...GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
...max texture size:
......detected 4096
......but using 2048 as requested
...SDL_ttf version 2.0.8 - we need at least 2.0.7
...SDL_ttf inited
Error: Hunk_End:  Could not remap virtual block (2)

I am not sure whats wrong or if its just me missing something.. Any help ??


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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 08:15:51 pm »
After downgrading my alsa ( it wont compile well with alsa support unless i downgrade ) and after playing with settings, i got to this :

Code: [Select]

...using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_EXT_fog_coord
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using GL_ARB_shading_language_100
Could not get symbol 'glDeleteShadersARB'
...GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
...max texture size:
......detected 4096
......but using 2048 as requested
...SDL_ttf version 2.0.8 - we need at least 2.0.7
...SDL_ttf inited
Error: Hunk_End:  Could not remap virtual block (2)

Any help ??

this is latest svn. i keep updating it hoping it will go away but its not and its not giving me much to work with here :(

Edit :

heres with developer +set developer 1 :
Code: [Select]

...SDL_ttf inited
FindFile: ./base/pics/wait.tga
FindFile: ./base/pics/wait.tga
FindFile: ./base/pics/ducked.tga
FindFile: ./base/pics/ducked.tga
FindFile: ./base/pics/cursor1.tga
FindFile: ./base/pics/cursor1.tga
Shader shutdown
Error: Hunk_End:  Could not remap virtual block (2)

Offline Mattn

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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2007, 06:18:27 pm »
what are your systems specs?


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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2007, 01:59:23 am »
AMD XP64 4800X2, 2GIG RAM, 2xNvidia7600GT, Gentoo Linux 64 bit...

anything else ??


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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2007, 04:23:37 pm »

Ok, I have tried to edit makefile and change shaders=0 and it compiles and dies when i launch ufo with the same error except the shader shutdown part.. also tried editing other things, changing settings.. nothing is working...

Other people running gentoo linux got it running so there must be something im missing here or an incompatible version of something.. The only thing i can think off is alsa-lib, i have 1.0.13, ufoai doesnt compile with 1.0.14 . my kernelversion is 2.6.15... im running a 64 bit distro.. X is multihead without xinerama.. ( I have tried with xinerama, and with 1 display.. nothing works )

I have SUCESSFULLY compiled 2.0-rc6 release 4746  and it LAUNCHES FINE.
its just the latest SVN that wont launch, I have tried going back in releases but it gets corrupt somewhere on the way and have to redownload and compile everything.. I gave up after doing that a few times.

After disableing shader in makefile and disableing sound, all i get is .......... before i get the hunk_end. I already use +set developer 1.. Is there anyway I can get more information on why its crashing ? something to work with ? I have recompiled mesa, nvidia drivers, alsa, sdl, anything I can find related then recompiled ufoai and still the same error...


Offline Mattn

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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2007, 04:41:44 pm »
could you try to delete your .ufoai directory in your home dir?

and then please start ufo with +set snd_init 0 +set vid_fullscreen 0


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Can't launch game svn trunk [SOLVED WITH FIX THIS IS A BUG]
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2007, 03:44:19 am »
I tried that and I get the same error except the screen draws a window for a millisecond before it disappears and gives the error.


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« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2007, 03:25:55 am »

I had to edit /src/ports/linux/q_shlinux.c   and add #define _GNU_SOURCE