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Author Topic: New UFO-AIer: Some ideas, suggestions and reports  (Read 2819 times)


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New UFO-AIer: Some ideas, suggestions and reports
« on: December 31, 2006, 12:04:13 pm »
I am a first time UFO: AIer but a veteran of the UFO-series (Old and new).

First i have to say: I am impressed! Some really nice details are made with a great love and effort! A lot is working as it should.
But i noticed some stuff, i want to post here.

Sorry for my bad english sometimes... German is my language... :)

  • The Flack-Cannon doesnt show as gfx in the equipment of the ships
  • In tactical-part: If you have a shoot-mode selected, a press on ESC should abort this selected shoot. (instead of having to click on the icon again...)
  • Equip soldiers: Doubleclick on an item should equip/unequip rather than having to drag the stuff around.

(Was named before i think)
  • Equip soldiers: The abilities and infor about the item should be visible both at the same time... There is place enough... and you often use both information especially if you dont know how which ammo-click looks like...
  • Destructive / partially destructive parts of landscape: Heck i have a Rocketlauncher with high explosives and i am unable to tear down a picket fence? Sesh...

(Was named before i think)
  • Please give us a warning before we press "exit" and end the campaign. Something like "Warning! Aborting the campaign will result in a loss of all unsaved progress."
  • Dont autosell after scavenging. It is simply not logical... If you fought and died for it, you sell it extremely cheap and dont keep one piece? C'mon... Keep the stuff. Or at least offer a popup to ask: "Will you auto-sell your scavenged stuff from this mission?"
  • Give the soldiers the ability to TURN only... Maybe with a keypress the soldier doesnt move but only turns? Cost: 1 TU

It is really difficult if you bet on the autofire-feature and you have to align them properly with moving at least one step...
  • I dont know... Maybe it is just me... But arent the directions of the rotation of the view in tactical mode inverse?
  • The keyboard-setting of Windows gets ignored. My german Keyboard gives a "Z" instead of a "Y".
  • The hiring-part is not even close to finished i think... Or why does scientist and workers have weapon-skills? I think it makes more sense if we handle those non-soldiers like a buyable ressource. Nameless and without detailed abilities.
  • Hiring: The cost is unknown and nowhere shown...
  • The geographical location of the alliances is not shown. What are the revolutionary countries? Russia and around?

Maybe a click on landmass (if not clicking a base) will display the responsable alliance in the message-window?
  • Do the alliances pay? If so: how much and where is this shown?
  • if you have a dropship on its way to a mission: Save. Load. The ship is returning to its base. But it was on its way to a mission at the moment we saved...
Whew... Those are the sightings of a short test-play.
I am really impressed about the work you have done so far!
Dont get me wrong... I dont want to nag around about features still in development and stuff i want another way than you.
Those are my ideas and my opinions. I hope they give you some ideas.
I have no idea of coding, but if i can translate some english to german i am pleased to do so.

I already checked the translation-thread, but i dont get the idea how to get the original files for translation...
Well... Looks like i need to dig more... ;)

Again: Outstanding work so far! :thumbright:

Edit: I just translated
Advanced Laser Technology
Advanced Plasma Control
Tachyon Control
Nano Technology
to german in the Wiki.

The Dude

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New UFO-AIer: Some ideas, suggestions and reports
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2006, 02:51:20 pm »
You can turn your soldiers by clicking the middle mouse button or with [Ctrl].
The alliances do pay and it is shown only at the end of month in the news log. It would be nice if there would pop up an infopage with all this and the difference to last month.
I didn't encounter your dropship problem with RC6 (at least I can't remember).


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New UFO-AIer: Some ideas, suggestions and reports
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2006, 02:59:21 pm »
Quote from: "The Dude"
I didn't encounter your dropship problem with RC6 (at least I can't remember).
Hm... I reinstalled it again and it seems to not act like this anymore...
Maybe it was only this one time...

Edit @ 01.01.2007:
  • I think it is not already coded, but the UFO's disappear as soon as my interceptors reach them...
Is it OK to post here some grafical ideas about how menus can look alike in my mind? (Especially the equip menu)

Offline Zenerka

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Re: New UFO-AIer: Some ideas, suggestions and reports
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2007, 10:52:24 pm »
Quote from: "Orngrimm"

  • Dont autosell after scavenging. It is simply not logical... If you fought and died for it, you sell it extremely cheap and dont keep one piece? C'mon... Keep the stuff. Or at least offer a popup to ask: "Will you auto-sell your scavenged stuff from this mission?"

The autosell become an option since revision 6545 in current trunk, and for sure will go into upcoming release.
Basicaly collected stuff is not going to be sold unless you research it. After this the newly researched stuff got autosell enabled again as long as it is produceable. In any moment one can go to buy/sell menu to change autosell status for particular item type.