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Author Topic: A goodbye note, a token offered in respect.  (Read 6850 times)

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A goodbye note, a token offered in respect.
« on: October 08, 2017, 05:32:46 pm »
One needs wings to take to the skies.

One needs to channel a Letharg to push a bull; One needs courage, bravery, determination, and confidence to cleave.
One needs other virtues as well, but as to what those may be I'm not going to tell you - at least not here.

One needs to chill if they have a lack of tolerance for my sucky poetry.

One cannot recover what one never had to begin with.

Now, to cut the ****, I'm going to talk straight (as if I ever did otherwise):  I'm not going to be here much longer, and those that know my face might not see it much longer, as I'm moving on from playing video games, a well as programming video games with regards to coding, etc., and I'm moving forward to undertake some serious work on issues that will make changes far beyond the potential influence a video game would make on society.  Granted, I have more than one role, more than one job as such, although I have to focus on a few select roles that are the most important and leave the rest to others.  The concept that a single individual can only do so much within the scope of a human lifetime is relevant.  Others would see that change is coming yet of a spiritual nature not typical of most is also relevant.

Don't look for me here, not after the time this is written, but look for a better future, one where there is a better future for most, in particular for those who may come along to survive in a better world as one may see it.  I would advise not to look down a rabbit hole, but to look for those who fly the skies like the eagle, have predatory instincts and other traits like that of a tiger, puma, or other great feline, grow to one day have a mighty yet modest spirit like that of a dragon, have a magical and spiritual nature not found in most others, have a responsibilty to life, culture, and virtue of many worlds, many lands, and many beings including those not found on this planet, and this galaxy in the long term.

Look for beings that bring about and enforce a new way of life, new lands to live in, new relationships in the long run among the galaxies.  Look for new ways to live free of harsh attitudes, runaway bureaucracy, sicknesses, laziness, inefficiency, cruelties and unfair punishments, injustice, ruin and derelict, false empty promises offered by cruel gods, godesses, and the fates that pretend to offer.

Look for life with deep respect to culture, spirit, honesty, trust, art and music, nature, and respect for life and the lands and air and waters about oneself.

Look for this to be enforced, as all things do have a price, and one cannot expect such things to come via instant gratification, and there is no solution in living in a pretend world of such.

This shall be enforced in the form of justice, as criminals are evil as as a matter of common sense and are not tolerated.  Keep in mind that good and evil are not black and white, much as these other concepts I have mentioned and talk about in this text.

Look for those that enforce this justice, as well as these other roles, and more which might or might not come with time.  Understand that this justice is relevant to removing deception and lies - especially of extreme nature, which is itself certainly evil any way one slices it.

Look for those who slay and remove such evil, meaning those who create and back such madness and craziness, sickened by their own influence that they perpetuate.  Those who push such insanity are themselves criminals, and are even more evil for offering a so-called cure for the Lifemare they create.

These beings who offer and bring about such justice are not human, and although some would call them "space aliens" perhaps, they are spiritual beings of a special nature.  They also have emotions and something of a playful nature as well when they are not working hard within their roles.  Their roles differ, as they are not clones.  Their personalities are dynamic, and they can be creative, insightful, and wise in different ways.  They are magical in nature, a key and vital part of their spirit which is inseparable.

These beings have respect for honor in their own right, and are not to be feared or misunderstood as enemies as long as they are not provoked or mistreated.

They can also both teach and learn, and have much to offer, although they are not doctors or nannies.
They all have potential to be a warrior in their own way, although what titles others have for them will vary, as well as what they call themselves.

Look for their wings, their feathers, their personalities, their magics, their spirit, dynamic in nature, and especially their courage and altruism.  They are best known by face to conversation, not by gossip.

Scorchcrafter is not dead, and although much was not uploaded, it will be passed along and still available in one form or another.  It will not disappear, or what inspired it.  This is not what will be a severe issue, in the face of maturity and non-involvement in petty childish arguments, as solving problems are more important than blame.

I do not expect to paint any more guitars any time soon, and as such I would not expect anyone to look for the workshop that offered such in the town of North Olmsted, Ohio.

Artworks are sacred, precious, worthy of respect, and are worth fighting for, so that they survive.

Farewell, I offer.