I am playing on a Windows 2000 machine 1.7Ghz, 256Mb ram. Card is Geoforce2. I am playing rc5, on very easy. I am an experienced xcom 1&2 player, and I want to see everything.
I have played 22 singleplayer missions bug free, and am tootling along seeing and researching lots of stuff. Nice work!
I have a pattern of saving after each mission, and using the naming convention bx, where x is the sequential number of the mission. So when I finished mission 22 I saved, and the game crashed and left a dialouge box "SZ_GetSpace: overflow without alloverflow set".
I have this error box saved as a jpg. This error is persistant, and happens each time I play the mission and then save. It also occurs when I save straight after loading.
When I loaded back to b14, that loaded fine.
I hope this information is of value. I am looking through the forums, and looking for ways to help
I really hope this project goes all the way, I love the game and like how everything looks so far