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Author Topic: Soldier status under soldier number  (Read 3267 times)

Offline Timo

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Soldier status under soldier number
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:19:09 am »

This is my first post so I apologize if this has been already suggested.

I would like to add indicators under soldier numbers that show following:

Soldier is wounded (health bar like with the airplanes over the number?)
Soldier has moved  (turn number blue to green to yellow or something if moved based on how many moves left? Or do this for wounds and show movement with bar?)
Soldier sees alien (tiny dot under the number?)

Especially the last one would be helpful, it would streamline the gameplay quite a bit. Currently you need to roll the landscape every which way to figure out which of your soldiers actually see aliens indicated in the alien count. (maybe also stop soldier movement if known alien comes to sight like when you first spot one).

If the wound system at someday adds bleeding wounds so that soldier might die unless healed, status of the soldier would be very important and knowing this by single glance of the screen would speed up gameplay quite a bit.

Currently with eight soldiers you need to check every soldier in case you have forgotten to move one. It's actually quite hard to remember to move each one especially if there is some disturbance during gameplay (phone rings or something).

Offline Wh1sper

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Re: Soldier status under soldier number
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2012, 06:31:12 pm »
Soldier is wounded (health bar like with the airplanes over the number?)
Soldier has moved  (turn number blue to green to yellow or something if moved based on how many moves left? Or do this for wounds and show movement with bar?)
Soldier sees alien (tiny dot under the number?)

Especially the last one would be helpful, it would streamline the gameplay quite a bit. Currently you need to roll the landscape every which way to figure out which of your soldiers actually see aliens indicated in the alien count. (maybe also stop soldier movement if known alien comes to sight like when you first spot one).

If the wound system at someday adds bleeding wounds so that soldier might die unless healed, status of the soldier would be very important and knowing this by single glance of the screen would speed up gameplay quite a bit.
I second that!
The "I see Alien" Dots are very helpful in xcom-3 (Apocalypse)
The Blood drop if Soldier is still bleeding would be very helpful in 2.5, I guess

Offline Mattn

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Re: Soldier status under soldier number
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2012, 10:30:11 pm »
please open a feature request on our tracker about it. i like the and might be able to look into this in the next fe days.

Offline Timo

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Re: Soldier status under soldier number
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2012, 10:06:04 am »
please open a feature request on our tracker about it. i like the and might be able to look into this in the next fe days.

Done under category "User interface". ID: 3553030

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Soldier status under soldier number
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2012, 03:18:28 pm »
In the mean time you might want to check the alternative and/or minimal HUDs, you don't have "I see aliens" or wounds indicators but at least you can see the HP and TU bars of each soldier under their portrait.