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Author Topic: New autobattle  (Read 26064 times)

Offline H-Hour

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Re: New autobattle
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2012, 08:07:13 pm »
in an attempt to cover all earth quite early i observed that in that early stage the number of ufos rose with the number of bases. while i had 1 ufo per 3 days earlier, later on i had 2-3 daily

The number of UFOs has not changed. It's just that you are detecting more of them because you have wider radar coverage.

Offline RealSpirit

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Re: New autobattle
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2012, 11:29:59 pm »
You're wrong. The number of missions spawned doesn't depend on number of bases you've built. It must have been a coincidence.
well, might be

Wrong: If auto-fight is available, player would know "ah... it has nothing new, interesting stuff for me", and will suggest using autofight. We don't want it.
I dont know who you address with "we", but i wrote down MY opinion to it, as far as i have read the thread, i'm not the only one there. nevermind.

Again, no. The fact the same maps repeat too much is only that we don't have enough of them. You can find instructions on wiki about map making!
i dont think that you'd want like 50 different fighter crash maps, thats about the number i at least played them without autobattle in one run. even if you'd have 10 of them I would like to use autocombat on some. you could handle it with "less fights", but would feel wrong somehow too. about the map making: 15-10 years ago i would have offered some help on coding, i've never been a designer. today other - smaller - "people" eat my time.

In my opinion, - and this will be the last time I write it down -, autofight should only depend on the soldiers/aliens incorporated in the fight and their equipment and some luck, yes. This includes the soldier's stats which improves by doing missions.
i have read your opinion before, so no need to write it down again. yet i think it should have another bases, as described above. i no more and no less wrote exactly that down.

by the way: about that point it felt like you took those things personal. wasn't meant alike. As far as I understood it it is a suggestions thread, and while that's the case I was free enough to tell what I think would be nice. Having seen lots of strategy games, usually winning them by analyzing opponent's strategies in several test runs, I think that I have some feeling to it.

I also know that i'm not THE guy to tell you something, only giving suggestions and "external" feedback :P

in that way:
have a nice day

btw: sorry for my English: non-native

Offline geisthund

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Re: New autobattle
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2012, 06:02:34 pm »
Realspirit - don't be discouraged from giving feedback because of the terseness of their replies.

They're kinda grouchy but they're good chaps and they do take what we write into consideration. :D