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Author Topic: HUDs  (Read 2945 times)

Offline parjlarsson

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« on: May 08, 2011, 01:41:44 am »
The original is a bit clunky imo, but is also good in that it shows at a glance what's equipped in each hand. Also very good and smooth for going through each soldier quickly and efficiently on the first round to set/check their react fire settings.
Major drawback is that each soldier's health isn't immediately obvious, or who's left to move.

Shows most promise, but every time I try it in 2.4 dev it seems to enable some sort of whacky cursor tooltip that is enabled in the geoscape too. Can't seem to make it go away. Looks most modern.

What I'm using currently. Great for telling what you have left to move in any given round. I could do without seeing a full-figure thing of what each guy is doing in a window, but that's just me. Too-small fire button (that badly needs a keybind, I'm sure you know - I'm not at the point yet where I'm comfortable changing keybinds inside a data file). Trouble switching between what's in each hand. I'd rather have what's in each hand immediately obvious and not have to click to see or switch (takes two clicks to get other-hand weapon usually). To go through each soldier's react fire setting you have to press Esc to get out of the fire menu instead of just right-clicking as with the Original HUD. Bit of a pain but doable.

EDIT: On second thought, quickly and obviously being able to see if your selected soldier is standing or crouching is awesome, but the animation is jerky when firing Machine Guns in react fire on slow camera settings - and bugged when you select a new soldier that's already crouched and you un-crouch him. The animation then does a delayed air squat, which is a great fitness exercise, but I digress...

Wow. Amazing that someone's trying to port this to a phone. Hat's off to you if you make it work.

It seems you can only switch HUD when in the Geoscape. Had to restart the game after the Custom HUD messed up the geoscape tooltips.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 06:47:54 pm by parjlarsson »

Offline Kildor

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Re: HUDs
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 04:54:48 am »
Custom HUD is early WiP, so it enable debug information output. If you need, you can switch it off by writing «debug_menu 0» in game console.
Phone is a HUD for android port of UFO:AI, it is work-in-progress too.

Offline Kildor

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Re: HUDs
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 05:51:14 am »
Sorry, I was wrong, the correct command is "debug_ui 0;"

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: HUDs
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 06:45:00 pm »
Thanks, I'll check it out again!

Thinking a bit more about it, this is what I want out of a UI:

Selected soldier:

Left and right hand gear.
Standing or crouching - the Alternative HUD has a great way of doing this, but it's kinda funny how it animates into it each new soldier you select. Plus the other animation is jerky as all hell in some react fire settings (Machine Guns, slow camera settings).
TUs, health, morale. (I've never seen morale have an effect on gameplay though.)
Full name and rank.
Easily selectable mode of firing and mode of react fire. NOT hidden behind a click-to-see menu.
Easily selectable (same as above) react fire - yes/no setting. I don't need a "fire only once in react fire" mode.
Number of aliens this specific soldier can see, and a button or key to cycle through them (currently my favourite "T" key).
Ammo left.
Goggles use button.

Always visible at a glance, no matter who or what you have selected:

TUs left to burn in a round, and health of each individual person.
Headshot portraits of all the guys in the squad - simple, easy way to see who's who and wearing what armour.
How many aliens visible overall.
Vertical level.
End of round button. Usually you'd press a key, or ...accidentally press a key that's too close to your camera control keys. But some people are one-handed or eat sandwiches.