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Author Topic: Intro movie for the campaign  (Read 6868 times)


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Intro movie for the campaign
« on: September 02, 2009, 03:03:17 am »
Probably one of the most memorable moment of my gaming experience typically is the intro movie and/or the ending. A lame ending or intro is the worst thing game developers can do to the people buying their product...

Have a look at those three videos... If you played those games you do not ever forget those intros... For instance hell march was epic... None of these intros are all that great actually. The first two has terrible sound quality. And animations are overly pixelated. But hey it was the DOS era... We couldn't ask for more! As for Red Alert intro... That actually a low quality video and then was the use of in game music plus various in game cut scenes... But regardless of all their flaws intro videos like these just give half the awesomeness to the games they introduce...

As for UFO:AI there is no intro movie for the campaign at the moment... I cannot express how much of a flaw that is...

Now I know that making such movies isn't easy at all... I do not expect to see one tomorrow either. But like the game's music perhaps this can be developed in a similar manner. But first we need to establish what we want to have in the movie...

Offline Kildor

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2009, 03:27:41 am »
Nickname, you are really not understand OSS model. Don`t troll on forum, just make something, like intro move, patch with bugfixes and so on. Do you really think that others are really idiots and don`t think (or want) intro movie?


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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 03:49:33 am »
Nickname, you are really not understand OSS model. Don`t troll on forum, just make something, like intro move, patch with bugfixes and so on. Do you really think that others are really idiots and don`t think (or want) intro movie?

Nice to see someone outright hostile... I was amazed how civil this forum was... I certainly am not the one trolling.

Sure I can spend days and nights making a movie only for it to get rejected because no one decided to discuss first...

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 03:57:43 am »
really no one?
Have you tried to open «Artwork» subforum, and look to the list of pinned messages? I even help you, the topic called «Intro movie», with discussion, and even some movie draft.

Try to use search here, as you search on the youtube. This is simular operation here.


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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2009, 05:37:15 am »
really no one?
Have you tried to open «Artwork» subforum, and look to the list of pinned messages? I even help you, the topic called «Intro movie», with discussion, and even some movie draft.

Try to use search here, as you search on the youtube. This is simular operation here.

Imagine saying all that without the attitude and hostility... Just imagine.

Offline gerald

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2009, 12:31:16 pm »
Probably one of the most memorable moment of my gaming experience typically is the intro movie and/or the ending. A lame ending or intro is the worst thing game developers can do to the people buying their product...

Have a look at those three videos... If you played those games you do not ever forget those intros... For instance hell march was epic... None of these intros are all that great actually. The first two has terrible sound quality. And animations are overly pixelated. But hey it was the DOS era... We couldn't ask for more! As for Red Alert intro... That actually a low quality video and then was the use of in game music plus various in game cut scenes... But regardless of all their flaws intro videos like these just give half the awesomeness to the games they introduce...

As for UFO:AI there is no intro movie for the campaign at the moment... I cannot express how much of a flaw that is...

Now I know that making such movies isn't easy at all... I do not expect to see one tomorrow either. But like the game's music perhaps this can be developed in a similar manner. But first we need to establish what we want to have in the movie...
then maybe make that awesome intro and send it to devs they would be gratefull im sure

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2009, 12:35:51 pm »
then maybe make that awesome intro and send it to devs they would be gratefull im sure

no hostility just from what i and proly no only i find in ur post is u no finding in that game nufin what suit you and trying change it to old x com.
i also loved old x com but i,m glad so i found sumfin similiar,and i,m glad so that guys are working on that,but i no try forcefully stretch my ideas all about if devs say so it proly will no suit game or no in that moment.

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 01:58:50 pm »
Nice to see someone outright hostile... I was amazed how civil this forum was... I certainly am not the one trolling.

Sure I can spend days and nights making a movie only for it to get rejected because no one decided to discuss first...

I disagree.  I wouldn't call that hostile - Kildor didn't attack you personally by calling you yourself any names, "idiot" or otherwise, if you look at how his post is worded.  Not only that, but he has a point - We already have more than one discussion thread, lengthy ones, covering this topic that are not hard to find in the "Artwork" section.  It would be far better for you to read those topic threads and contribute to those.

Yes, I got your note - you clicked on the "report post to moderator" for Kildor's post and your note came up in my inbox.  As I said I don't agree with you, White Cat, and in fact I have to agree with Kildor's point on this matter, and I don't blame Kildor for being irritated.

I can understand the fact that you're new here, but it would really help if you did search the forum and the wiki for topics that are on your mind before starting these threads.  It isn't hard to find in searches information on how to report bugs, how to generate and recover log files, what information is needed for reporting issues, what features are missing and are already planned for implementation (such as an intro video), and a lot of answers to questions that have already been asked a long time ago.

Please take the time to do the proper research and get familiar with the game's development plans and existing discussions, for future reference.

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 01:52:05 pm »
Imagine saying all that without the attitude and hostility... Just imagine.

Now come on man. You completely swarmed the community with new ideas and criticism,
ideas like underwater bases/combat and so on, an intro, then refer multiple times to
UFO-XCOM and act surprised if people get snippish?

You need to learn one thing first before blaming a "hostile community" when you are
new to it - PATIENCE.

The second problem is - who would make a movie? Rejection can still be because of
quality for example, but you like tried to push 100 ideas at the same time. This is
just detrimental to development. We can all have millions of ideas, but at the end of the
day what matters is what will be realized in form of code data 3d models etc.., and not
the ideas.

Offline O01eg

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Re: Intro movie for the campaign
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2009, 03:08:30 am »

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