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Author Topic: Updates on Me  (Read 12715 times)


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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2009, 04:04:28 am »
That's a relief to hear. I hope you are ok Odie; it's been a while.


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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2009, 05:34:03 pm »
To calm you, I don't think Singapore has much to fear from those. It's shielded from the ocean by Indonesia, and Borneo on the other side.... to an extent that you hardly get any waves on the coast.

I am finally back but not for long!
Just stormed down to my ISP main office today.....
My connection supposed to be a reasonable 4Mbps down 2Mbps upload speed.

Been giving me 1000000001 dc issues with pathetic speeds of < 1Mbps (as low as some <500kbps down, not to mention up of pathetically 30+kbps)!........

Dc is like nobody's business.....
Last 2 months are hell connection for me.... and they say they cant do anithing for the nx 6 months.
I got a free month waiver off my ~39 SGD (Singapore dollars) / month subscription, plus for nx 6 months, asked to monitor with 10 SGD off for nx 6 months....

Tested the device there, its not device, but area's fault.... nothing racist, but i thnk too mani indians here! Drives me crazy by the sheer nos of connections in this area............crap.

Came back, and its back to poof lousy connection! Grrrrrr.....
I can hardly download a 100MB file (tried d/l a RPG Maker 2k game) which took me 1 whole wk before a stable connection allows me to download!

Upload was a pain in the arse! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

Looks like i need to get this going before i can even get a proper upload..... Grrrr!

Okie, my rants....

Maybe i do a bit of change from now.....
I will try to see if i can setup my this lappy to do the compilations.... sitll not much luck as something seemed missing...... Maybe becos i was running it from my external harddisk which is not on my primary partition thingy..... plus my mom pushing me to get a job, do this, do tat, do more this(s) that(s).....

Haha. Just to let u all know tat i am very much still with this project! :D
My heart always for this proj!

Okie, better post this b4 my dc occurs again! Popping in every now and then i can ok?! :D

Thanks Destructavator on getting the uploads again! :D

Oh yar, Vio and Ildamos,
I am ok. I get tremors here alright. Whole island was shaking.... -.-"
Cables have been disrupted for a while, but its back quite quickly......though.
No waves on coast, but tremors yes...... haha.
But yes, Destructavator is rite, we are quite shielded by the Penisular of Msia and Indonesia's archaepalago. :D


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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2010, 11:52:51 am »
Heh! Yay!

Just to keep those who missed me a lot or a lil or nothing at all....

I am technically still alive, but internet's been a lil cranky wrt stability.....
I have sure been missing out alot of the project's development! Sigh.

Me currently trying to keep up with finding a job, and new appt as an officer within the St John Ambulance Brigade. Hehe. Priorities taken up alot of my gaming time. Hehe.

But anione wanna poke me and chat, feel free wif dropping me PMs. :D I can still check email..... relatively harmlessly.... I just need to get my ISP to work better stable connections! :D

Keep up the good work team! I have read alot of new improvements on the sites and codes! :D

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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2010, 01:43:24 pm »
hey Odie,

nice to hear about you again. Good luck!

Offline Destructavator

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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2010, 03:51:58 pm »
Yeah, glad to hear from you!

I also wish you good luck - Hang in there!


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Re: Updates on Me
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2010, 12:58:52 pm »
Hello Odie! Good to hear from you again! I hope you'll find the time to visit the forums more often now.  ;D Best wishes man!