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Author Topic: My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...  (Read 2816 times)


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My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...
« on: June 04, 2009, 03:28:34 pm »
Hi there guys.
I hope i won't take to much of you time, so here goes...

I'm the kind of player why bought the first, second and third X-COM, so i obsvioully love the work done on this game.
I recently found a X-COM PACK for Windows XP right next to this site. And i became stun with UFO-Alien Invasion.

However, there some sad problems that i think i should leave in this topic:
- I can't read the reports and the researches because only a ".txt" line happears, as if the game couldn't read that document, and therefore neither can i.
- In the beguinning of the game, there are some "phares" that i also cannot read, but they happear on screen as a "command line" that the game does not activate.
- Yesterday something else happened... a scene should have happened right after i finished a mission. The sound track changed, but nothing happer.
- When i try to intercept UFOs some times i click on one plane, and ANOTHER ONE is sent.
- I can't order to REFUEL planes whenever i want.
- When i want to produce something, the line of objects i can produce is not in line with the column of the quantities.
- Got some problems transfering men, from one base to another. Got 36scientists on one base, i ordered 6of them to go to another base, but they continue there... and on the transfer scene it states thereĀ“s 30.
This happened 3game-months ago.

I came to a point in which i have no more researchs, 8bases and nothing much to do and over 3.000.000 to spend.
I guess i'll have to try a harder difficulty.
It seems there's no vehicules for us to use in game... or is it because i tried the easiest of difficulties?

Will be reading from you guys. :)

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Re: My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 03:39:29 pm »
Hi, welcome to the forum,

First, which version of the game are you playing and where did you download it from?


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Re: My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 07:48:19 pm »
My version is the 2.2.1, and i found the game on the UFO-IA site.
Oh, by the way i use the 1280x800pixels of resolution, if that matters. :)


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Re: My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 06:45:45 am »

There are alot of changes since 2.2.1 and its already at 2.3-development phase (heavily developing).

U might want to download one and see if some of those have changed..... (as i know they do.....)

Pertaining to refuel, u can only refuel at your own base.... dun think of this as refuel in the air method pls..... not in plans (yet).... and i doubt we want to implement that.....

On the scientist transfer method, 2.2.1 i rmbr having some issues which were resolved already in the current development. (Then again, download 2.3-dev and have a look).

On alignments and alot other stuff, they are already not the same in the current version..... so download download ok?? Then again, expect more bugs.... as major issues remain unresolved, but to get a glimpse....yar, download 2.3-dev. :D


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Re: My First TOPIC, some ERRORS and some IDEAS...
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2009, 02:09:52 pm »
I love the game, so i guess i won't download the developed one and look for more bugs on this one.

Another thing i've notice is the Portuguese translation, that was the problem that made me unable to see result of autopsys and researchs.
Solved now that i changed it to English again...

One more problem is the size of the name of the bases... Not good idea to exagerate.
Example - EuroAtlanticMediterranea,
and such, look like not good names for bases, cause i can't select those bases in interceptor mode. I have to click in the space between BASE1 and BASE2, in order to be able to select the 2nd base.