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Author Topic: Interceptor & Dropship Rendevous Missions  (Read 1896 times)


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Interceptor & Dropship Rendevous Missions
« on: April 26, 2009, 06:28:22 am »

I apologise for starting this topic without the entire story, but I will try to explain;

In one of the UFO games you defended a city. To counter a Mission you'd deploy several vehicles that would rendevous at the event. Each vehicle would have its compliment of soldiers aboard. They would roll out of your base, all meet up at the event and then, you could do the mission.

The main reason I suggest this is that you could have a compliment of 4x  1-man interceptors arrive at a 'UFO crash site' and be able to use all four of the troops.
Or you could have a 2-man interceptor with your two 'elite' troops arive and help out a dropship of 'newbs'.