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Author Topic: Some questions and feature proposal  (Read 3317 times)


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Some questions and feature proposal
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:57:33 am »
Hello guys.

I have some questions.
v2.2.1 Standard difficulty.

1. Is that a bug when all my aircraft equipped with particle beam weapons refuse to even start from base? It seems that ships are waiting for some ammo. There is no PW ammo in Research and Production sections.
2. After one terror mission completed, black screen appeared with some code in green color and "Press any key to continue" in grey/white color. Is this the end of the game? (I have nothing to research, 11 live aliens, 8 bases with tough aircraft, particle weapons and nanocomposite armours, stingray and dragon interceptors and gas grenades..)
3. Some issues which I've met on my way:
- soldier losses all his TU
- hand particle weapon reloads automatically on base - ammo cannot be produced or bought
- after game load the position of firebird is wrong

Feature proposal:
4. When gas grenade is researched - smth like gas mask should be available for production. Scientists while researching alien gas grenades were using these gas masks. Imho that's not correct when my soldier's stunned with grenade with gas for aliens.

Super game. Za4ёt :)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 12:07:35 pm by 4wanderer4 »

Offline shevegen

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Re: Some questions and feature proposal
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 04:49:46 pm »
I guess if the devs get a picture for those masks they might be likely to implement it.
At least to me this sounds very trivial to add

Offline Duke

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Re: Some questions and feature proposal
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2008, 01:36:19 am »
@1. Confirmed. PBW are not fully supported in 2.2.1
@2. Never played that far, but from other posts here I guess: YES, that's probably the end of the game atm
@3. "soldier losses all his TU" I never experienced that. Does that happen randomly or in certain situations ?


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Re: Some questions and feature proposal
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2008, 11:38:31 am »
Answering your questions I can say that I couldn't find exact steps to reproduce this defect. But I can describe the situation in which there is a great chance to get this bug. Hope it'd be helpful.

Round started. You reserve TU for multiple shots at once. You continue you turn by moving somewhere and spot an alien. There are no TU to shoot. You have to deactivate TU reserve. After click on "Reserve TU" button - TU reservation deactivated but TU is not restored. Soldier starts praying :)

It seems that guys with heavy weapons suffer from this defect most of all.

Offline Duke

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Re: Some questions and feature proposal
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2008, 10:42:27 pm »
I never experienced the situation you described, but I can offer a similar one:
Set soldier's reaction fire to multiple. In alien round he fires several shots. Your round starts. Soldier's TU are zero. To move him, you disable reaction fire and expect that he now has those say 18 TU back that are needed for reaction fire. But he only has some 4 or 6. This one is reproducable, and it is 2.2.1 intended behaviour: RF can 'borrow' TUs from the next turn.

Anyway, I read that TU mgmt will change/has changed in 2.3. There are some articles in the wiki and the forums somewhere...