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Author Topic: Problem with the texts...  (Read 4757 times)

Offline juuran

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Problem with the texts...
« on: September 30, 2008, 08:54:57 pm »
I´ve been playing this game for a week or so pretty enthusiastic and all the texts and everything has worked just fine. Except for now.
After a mission there was a text that read <TODO: seq_xvi_sentence1> and the same with sentence2. What was that supposed to read, and
how do I get it working? I guess I could´ve found the answer on some of the earlier posts, but I´m pretty much a noob when it comes to the
technical side (and lazy when it comes to finding things).

I love the game though, in some things it´s even better than the original UFO! Well, surely in many things. But I do kind of miss the funding screen and the statistics. But those´re just details. The Storyline and Ufopedia are very well written!

Offline azureraptor

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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 05:35:04 am »
I think those <TODO:*> notations are just areas where the devs need to flesh out storyline, descriptive or other text.  I got that recently myself.  Heck, maybe there's even supposed to be a cutscene there.  (j/k)   ;)

As far as the funding screen, it's there!  At least in my version...  I'm playing 2.2.1, is that what you've downloaded?  If so, go to the Geoscape, and down in the lower left, hover over one of the tabs (I think it's the leftmost) - one of them will be a graph/chart-looking thing.  Click that, and you have your funding screen.  Click on any of the individual political bloc names in the lower-right-ish, and you will be taken to a funding line chart as well.

Offline juuran

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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 08:17:54 pm »
Yeah, I thought of that myself.. I hope that´s the case! The only thing that UFO lacked was an ongoing storyline (if you don´t count the ufopedia/research texts).

And about the funding screen, I actually had noticed it but forgot about it right after that. :D

Offline azureraptor

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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2008, 03:28:44 pm »
When you say "the only thing that UFO lacked was an ongoing storyline", do you mean the original X-COM/UFO, or this project (UFO:AI)?  There kinda/sorta is an ongoing storyline, or at least background - true, it's in the ufopedia, but if you go to the very top section (am in combat right now, can't remember what it's called, "background" or something similar), it does fairly well describe their "future history", from the present 'till the game's "present day"...afaic, anyways.

Offline juuran

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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2008, 04:42:35 pm »
Oh yeah, should´ve been more specific. I meant the original XCOM/UFO game. I´m actually very happy with this game´s story, the game gives you a feeling that what you do actually matters. The immersion is there. (Can you say that? Well, maybe you get my point.)


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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 03:34:08 pm »
I've had the exact same issue as juuran here, with <TODO: seq_xvi_sentence1> and <TODO: seq_xvi_sentence2>. I realise this game is still in active development, and gaps like this are to be expected, but could someone give us a clue as to what there sentences would have referred to? I want to know if it's something to react to or just storyline fluff (which has been exceedingly well written so far!).


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Re: Problem with the texts...
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2008, 03:57:25 am »
i think its todo with the XVI infection (read more in ufoepedia) I think when i asked about it in #ufo:ai somebody told me that the 1st is the start of the infection and the 2nd is the end